
Ascendance as an Angel

After tragically dying in an accident, Malek is reunited with his girlfriend in the afterlife, who reveals her origin as the daughter of the God who created their world. With her assistance, Malek is given a second chance as a Warrior Angel. Join Malek in his rise to become a Seraphim or maybe something even greater? ------------------------------------------------------ Discord Link: https://discord.gg/gTRyPpyyAT

J_D_Johnathan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Maybe a Second Chance does mean being Isekai'ed


As soon as I had accepted to being an angel to the voice that boomed in my head, I was enveloped in a bright light that stung like a bee at first. I couldn't feel any sort of sensation to touch before, but now I can feel the ground beneath my feet, so does that mean that now… 

I looked down with widened eyes to confirm my thoughts. 

My BANANA's BACK!!! Wait, Amira is…Shit?!

I quickly try to cover up my body, more specifically, the private part which is hanging like an elephant's trunk. Hearing a laugh coming from her, my cheeks heated up even more in embarrassment. 

Suddenly, a bright light shined on my skin and before I knew it, I was clad in an exclusively black set of clothes comprising of a shirt, balmacaan, gloves and dress boots. 

Do angels wear black? Don't they wear white? Maybe it is also different from what humans believe, Amira already dropped a bomb at me and I don't want another one so I will just stay quiet about this.

I held my right wrist. It seemed a bit wider than before, and now that look at Amira who returned to her previous form, she looked a bit shorter as well. So I got taller and a bit more muscular. 

Amira was now all of a sudden holding a mirror larger than her own body by her side with one arm, I was about to ask her where she got it from but stopped as I realized what had just transpired earlier.

Eh? Who is that?

In the mirror, there stood a handsome man more beautiful that most girls. His long silver hair reached up to the waist, and his dark clothing reminded me of the one I had on at the moment. He looked like a male version of Amira.

Wait… Is that me?

"Yeah, that's you"


"You're an angel now, of course you will look different than what you did before, even if you can change your appearance"

"Then where are my wings?"

Sure I looked a dazzling lady killer, but everybody knows that Angels without pure white feathery wings are incomplete right…right? 

"Angel's aren't just divine beings with wings you know"

I gave her a look saying "go on, tell me".

"Heaven, or as we call it the 'Stellar Zamek', is just the resident world of the holy beings"

Wait, so the actual hell is called the purgatory, Hell is not bad, and Heaven is where Angels live, so does that mean…

"Yes. In heaven, only Gods and 'Angels' live and operate. There are no humans, unless they are temporarily brought. Humans go through their trials here before passing on to the Hell, which you call the afterlife. Purgatory is where beings who are corrupted beyond redemption end up"

Okay what's nex…



A loud voice boomed all around me, and I held my head in pain. It felt like my entire body and mind was splitting apart. Even before I could let out a painful scream, my vision descended into darkness. 




I opened my eyes again, with my mind still dizzy. Finding myself on the ground, I hurriedly got up and scanned the area around.

I breathed a sigh of relief upon finding that I was still in the same place, except the sky no longer seemed starry but white like a glowing paper. Even when I looked at it, my eyes didn't burn.

It's one of the perks of being an angel, I guess? She did mention that Angels don't necessarily have wings. 

"I took you a while to wake up"

"EEEK!!!... Huh? Of all the places you could have sat, you chose to sit behind me?"

"You're really fun to tease"

"You can do that later, but tell me… what the hell just happened?"

Closing her eyes, she gave out a sigh. "That was my father, Zotius Nayame"

Her father? She is a goddess right, then that means…

"Yeah, he is one too"

"I figured"

"He is also the one who created this world?"


"Didn't you hear what I just said? I said he…"

"It was rhetorical"


"What happened to me anyway?"

"You couldn't handle his Aura and almost died. If I wasn't here your soul would have been completely destroyed as well. Though I guess it isn't your fault since you are too weak as of now"

"Ouch but okay"

I let the information sink in before asking the main question.

"Why was he here anyways?" 

"He was curious", she started, "Only Celestial gods like him can make angels out of nothing. And since I am not, I have to take in an existing soul and bask them with the Light from the 'Genesis Crystal' along with giving my blessing to make one. Not to mention, I have never created one before"

So… I'm a test subject?!

"Hahahaha. Of course not, why would I go through all this trouble just for a test subject"

… Somehow, I don't like the smile on her face.

"Just so you know, he was asking for you, but I just send away"

"Why would someone like him be asking for me?" 

"Don't you remember yesterday?"



"CALM DOWN", her shout brought me back to reality, though I was still sweating buckets, "He isn't going to do anything" 

How can you be so sure about that?

"Don't worry about that, just know he won't hurt you"

"Okay, so about the wings?"

"Oh, you will understand when you become an Angel"

"Eh? Am I not?"

She explained that all she did was make me a physical body capable of withstanding my soul after I became an Angel. 

The reason I needed this was supposedly because Angels are beings made of Holy Energy, so if the lower ranking ones want to interact with material worlds for prolonged periods, they needed a physical body since they don't have enough energy to materialize for an extended period of time.

"So what now?"

She held out her hand and a circular portal appeared, that seemed to lead to a big cyan…light? 

"Follow me"

And follow her I did. Passing through the portal, which felt like passing through a curtain of water, I arrived into a place Amira said was where the Angels are born.

Then, pointing to the large shining blue crystal which gleamed with blinding radiance while floating in the air, she spoke.

"Touch that"

Hah? That's like 10 meters off the ground?

"Just do it"

Deciding to trust her, I lowered my knees before jumping with all my might. 

Ow! I find myself stuck to the crystal like a wasp to a street light. Does my current body have that much strength?

"The gravity here is weak. I thought you would have figured that already"

I guess I shouldn't have ignored feeling lighter after coming here.


I look down to where the sound came from, only to find myself… I mean my body lying on the ground. I didn't have time to ponder as an agonizing pain made its way to my system again. This was nothing compared to what Amira's Father's Aura, so I managed to go through with it.

Suddenly, I felt the world going a bit slower than it was before. 

What's this?

Just as the thought passed, a piece of information popped up in my mind, telling me that my brain, if I even had one in this form, had become far quicker which made everything else seem slower. 

Oh I see… Wait, how do I know this?

Like before, another piece came to mind. I knew this since this was sort of an innate understanding that an Angel has, even if they are of the lowest rank like me.

My mind also became calmer than what it had been earlier as a human. I could feel he energy of the Crystal which reformed… no, reincarnated my soul into that made of holy energy was flowing through my soul.

All in all, I had finally become an angel, with my new name 'Alithius', one that served as Amira's first ever. 

I didn't feel the need to tell her about my name since she already seems to know. Well, I guess I should expect that from the goddess of knowledge.

"How do you feel?"

"I… don't know?"

Answering that, I quickly flew towards my body without any wings and possessed it. I may be an angel, but the lowest of the 5, a principality. I don't even have a halo, let alone wings, just a being of holy energy able to enter Heaven without assistance is my limit for now.

"What now?"

"Come with me"

I was taken from the chamber of the crystal, with Amira in lead, arriving at a place where I seemed to be standing on clouds that stretched out endlessly.

"I should just tell you right away"

I raised an eyebrow at her frustrated composure. 

"You are going to work under my father for a while"

Ha? Does she want me to die?

"Of course not. He will not harm you in any way"

"Then why?"

"He says he wants to 'test' you"

"Can't you refuse?"

"Why are you being so stubborn? Just get on with it already"


Knowing that I couldn't avoid the situation, I decided to accept my fate, even if it could be a cruel one.


With her single call, a blonde man, or rather an angel with 2 sets of wings on his back appeared right before her out of nowhere. He had 4 wings, meaning he was a "Cherub" the highest ranking angels just below the "Seraphim", who sported a total of 6.

Amira nodded at him, who then turned to me. I shuddered slightly at his huge figure who stood at 210 cm, taller than me by almost an entire foot.

He lifted his hand sideways as a portal similar to Amira's appeared, just beyond his fingers.

"Let us depart"

That's a bit too formal for me but okay. I gave him a nod and was about to follow him in but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.


I held the left of my heated cheeks, as I looked towards Amira with an embarrassed face.

"Don't keep me waiting too long, and I hope you like my gift later"

I somehow gave her a subconscious nod without even realizing at first before turning away and walking through the portal.

As the portal was closing behind, I turned my head. 

"I won't"

Now I found myself in a huge cave of sorts, it was dark, but I could still see with my enhanced senses.

I guess I was wrong. A second chance maybe does mean being Isekai'ed.

"What now?"

"I have fulfilled my task; I shall take my leave"

"Wait wait wait wait, what do you mean by that? Aren't you supposed to guide me here or something?"

He tilted his head, then responded in that cringe worthy tone of his.

"I was only tasked to bring you to this world"

Before I could retort, he was gone, leaving me here with NO IDEA WHAT TO DO.

Is Amira's father really trying to get rid of me?


A gust of air along with a low but powerful growl came from behind me. I jumped in surprise and found that I couldn't see what it was except 2 big glowing orbs of blue shade. 

As soon as I focused my senses, I went on full alarm and started running in the opposite direction. How could I not, there was a big ass dragon on my tail.


I glanced back, only to see the dragon following me, making the ground shake with each heavy step. If it weren't for the dragon being a bit too big for the cave, I would have been dead meat.

I kept running, and then found a ray of light coming from the end. The exit was caved in, being small enough to not allow the dragon through and thick enough to stop it maybe. I dashed faster than ever, reaching the exit faster than I imagined.

A loud boom sounded at my back. I turned around to see that the dragon was indeed stopped, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

I tried to look around again to examine my surroundings only to find 2 dragons a lot larger than the one earlier, looking at me with their menacing blue eyes.

"Whelp, I'm dead"