
As Long As We Both Shall Live

Terry now knows that his suspicions were correct, but he just couldn't tell anyone about it. Instead, he wants to assist Sky in hiding herself. After discovering that she, too, had an ability that was actually dangerous and could kill someone, Sky Harper got the feeling that something horrible was about to happen and wants to get rid all of her power. Although she had only lately discovered the range of magical skills she had learned, she was already aware that Terry has similar skills and came from a family of witches. They both are aware that they're in trouble.

brightsideoflife · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs



Someone shook him to shake him up for the third time, startling the heavy sleeper. Terry asked, still unsure of what had happened to his dream and what was going on in the world. When he turned to look, he noticed that everyone was preparing to leave the classroom and grabbing their belongings. In order to act cool once more, he straightened up. His eyes widened when he noticed who was standing in front of him as he turned to face the person.

"Get your things now, our teacher for contemporary arts is absent so we have to attend the next subject which is the entrepreneurship." Sky informed him and which he also assumed she's the one who woke him up.

Sky left and returned to her seat to gather her belongings, and Terry immediately thought, "Who the hell does this woman think she is?" He turned around once more and saw that his brother was not seated. He was ready to ask those students who were still present, "Where is Kai?" but it seemed that someone read his mind and responded before he could finish.

Sky responded, putting her bag on her back and remaining motionless, as if she were waiting for someone, "Your brother already went outside together with his partner for our project for this subject." We're about to be late for our next subject, are you still not going to get your things ready?

Terry responded angrily, "Then leave. Why are you waiting for me anyway?" Sky responded, equally annoyed, "You're my partner for this project; that's why I'm waiting for you. So please, could you." Just rolling his eyes and sighing, Terry started to get his bag and stand up. He walked off without even bothering to wait for Sky, asking, "What? Are you just going to stay there?". Sky added and left the room,"We don't even know each other and I really want to throw this guy in the roof."

When the teacher began delivering the directions for their project as the two students entered the room for their next class, Sky muttered a cursed word. Terry gives her the side-eye

 and returns his concentration to the teacher, who is now scolding one of their classmates

 for dozing off.

If you have any questions or problems,

 you may ask me or look things up on 

social media. You have one week to decide 

what market you guys are going to establish

 and sell them too. You may start now. The whole class start doing their job and as Sky was about to face Terry to talk about the project, to her surprise Terry stand up, ignored Sky and straightly went to his brother Kai.

""Scented candles are popular right now on our campus, and if we make one, I'm sure they'll like it.

"Hmm they're good but since you've mentioned that they're popular, wouldn't anyone here in our section would also think of that?"

"I...you have a point there, do you have any idea?"

"In fact yes."

"Great, what is it?"

"Bath bombs. But with a twist, those bath bombs are not used for baths, but for self defense. Once you throw it to someone, that person will be blown away because the ingredients for that bath bombs are all chemicals that can kill anyone. It just looks like a bath bombs to trick your enemy or whatever."


"Kai, why are you with that person?" Kai and his partner got distracted by Terry. Kai let out a soft laugh and said, "We got assigned together.", "Who the hell assigned you?" Terry asked. "All of us are assigned with partners. Our class president Myla was the one who did this partner thing. It's a shame we're not assigned together, but hey, you got lucky, your partner is top 1 in our class and she's really smart. Good luck there brother." Kai answered with a smile and gave him a fist to tell him good luck and start talking with his partner again that is now freaking out by his suggestion.

Sky was glaring at Terry as she appeared to be asking, "What the hell are you doing there?" as Terry turned to face her.Terry walked towards Sky while frowning. He replied plainly, "I don't want you to be my partner," and Sky grinned, "I don't want you either so don't be cocky here because we have no choice so be it.

After five seconds of tension-filled staring, Terry stands up and approaches their teacher to make a statement. Sky is still staring at Terry, but they are no longer staring at each other. Sky observed them from a distance, her expression filled with confusion, and saw the teacher glance at her, then back at Terry, before nodding. Sky was further perplexed as Terry, who had a smirk on his face, walked back to her and sat down on the seat that was meters away from her.

Sky became irrationally impatient and approached Terry, slapping him across the head. The entire class is watching their teacher as she yells, "Sky! Leave Terry alone! Go back to your seat and finish your project," and Terry is quietly smirking. Sky retorted, "But ma'am he's my partner."Terry said he's not comfortable with you because you keep looking at him and seducing him. He asked me if he can do this project alone because he was scared what you will do next." Everyone oohs and aahs at them and start ridiculing Sky, who had never humiliated like this in her entire life.

Sky was shocked and furious at what their teacher just said and what Terry did. She furiously looked at Terry, looked at her, and said something that made Sky even more mad. "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in you. Please leave me alone." After Terry said that, everyone in the room started shouting at her to get away from him and leave him alone. Sky was on the verge of crying because she was humiliated and embarrassed, and she would never forget it.

She lowered her head and returned to her seat, feeling her classmates' disgusted looks on her. Thank god the school bell rang, for Sky hurriedly gathered all of her belongings and slung her bag over her back. Before everybody else, she sprinted out of the room and immediately entered the women's restroom. She stood there sobbing as she locked the cubicle door. She felt insulted and upset by everyone. She will be mocked by everyone, which she despises.

While she's crying, she heard someone entered the bathroom and heard what they're talking about. It's about her.

"Damn, I never knew that Sky is that wild"

"I know right! What a whore"

"She likes new students, no wonder why she doesn't like our old classmates."

Everyone laughed.

"Dirty Sky."

"Looks like Sky finally find someone who's gonna make her feel the heaven"

"Ooh but Terry's kinda hot so I'm sure it's gonna be all worth it to Sky"

"Nasty Sky"

Sky was even more enraged when those girls left the restroom following their talk. Right now, she is really driven to murder Terry. She stood up, opened the restroom door, and left after becoming furious. Although Terry is a few meters away from her, she can still hear his voice even though she doesn't know where he is. She investigated the noise and was able to hear Terry's voice much more clearly. She is drawing near. She had to go for a while until she saw Terry and his brother using their phones in the field.

Sky walked towards them and hid somewhere she will not be caught by them. She stayed there while waiting for the right moment to get Terry out of there.

She heard Kai say, "I'm kinda hungry, I'm gonna go buy something in the cafeteria, do you want something?" and observed Terry simply shake his head in answer to his brother. Kai then left, leaving Terry all by himself. Sky now had her chance, so she started moving in his direction before stopping in front of him. When Terry opened his eye and looked up, he noticed Sky glaring angrily at him. When Terry asked, "What, are you here to say thank you for making us work individually," he smirked. He was stunned by what followed.

Sky grabbed him by his collar and pulled him up behind the tree. Terry looked at her with wide eyes. Nobody can do this to him. He's really heavy, and no one can carry him, so he was really surprised when Sky did that without difficulty. "You son of a bitch! You better tell everyone that everything you said to Mrs. Smith is all a lie!" Sky shouted at him, and at first Terry was silent, but then he smirked and said, "And if I don't, what will you do?"

"I'm gonna make your life here in this school a living hell. You don't want to mess with me Terrel. I fucking really swear you will regret everything if you don't tell everyone that it's all a lie." She threatened and Terry just wanted to laugh but he control it. "Alright, alright I will do it. But in one condition."

Sky got even more mad but didn't say anything.

"Tomorrow. You will be my cover."

Sky furiously questioned, still carrying the man, "The fuck you're saying!?" Terry explained, "My favorite rockstar is having a concert tomorrow and I'm planning to go there but we have classes sooo...I will ditch school. If the teachers ask where I am, you will be the one who think a reason for that. That's all and if you do it, everyone will forget what happened awhile ago." Sky questioned angrily, "You have your brother, why do you need me to do that for you?!" "Kai and you will protect me,"

Sky remarked, "You're going to get me in trouble for that information. What's so hard for you to tell everyone right now that what you said is a lie!? Terry questioned the woman in front of him, who was frowning at him, "It's not that easy lady, especially since everyone is now going home. Do you think they will care if I tell them now? So what do you say? Are you in or what?"
