
As Long As We Both Shall Live

Terry now knows that his suspicions were correct, but he just couldn't tell anyone about it. Instead, he wants to assist Sky in hiding herself. After discovering that she, too, had an ability that was actually dangerous and could kill someone, Sky Harper got the feeling that something horrible was about to happen and wants to get rid all of her power. Although she had only lately discovered the range of magical skills she had learned, she was already aware that Terry has similar skills and came from a family of witches. They both are aware that they're in trouble.

brightsideoflife · Urban
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8 Chs


Kai was shocked by his brother's behavior and said, "Here, it's all yours." Except when he doesn't enjoy the cuisine, Terry never shares or gives away his food. He asked, his mouth still full, "Why?" Terry responded, "The beef is so dry, and the mashed potatoes are not fully mashed," and Kai just agreed and accepted his brother's dish.

While Kai was eating, Terry was calmly sipping sprite until he noticed something odd. An abrupt voice came from the back of Terry's side, "That's so stupid! I, why would I need to find my papers if he's the one here who lost it!?" Another voice could be heard, so Terry turned to look behind him. As he turned to look at his back, the person who was behind him caught his eye and said, "You know Mr. Otan, so don't even ask why. Anyway, are you sure you're okay? you almost passed out a minute ago."

When Terry and the other person's eyes locked, it seemed as though time stopped and the world became quiet from his perspective. Long-lasting but unidentified feeling that he has been experiencing has grown stronger. He abruptly turned back and faced his brother after feeling his heart begin to palpate. Then, everything returned to normal, leaving Kai baffled. He asked, jokingly laughing a little, "What happened? You're so suspicious you know." When Terry's brother finished speaking, he remained mute as he tried to process what had just happened to him just moments earlier.

"Yo really, what happened?" Kai worriedly asked to his brother. "I'm fine. Keep eating that food" Terry replied and Kai just gave up and continue eating his food.


The students' advisor began speaking, "Students, the first exam of this semester is next week, and I hope you guys are now starting reviewing our lesson. I'm telling you guys, this exam is important in your curriculum so I hope you guys will take this seriously. Next school year you guys will be in college and your professor will not be like this to yo-" the knock on the door cut her off. "I'm sorry for the disruption Mrs. Elle, I'm just here to remind you about the transfer student from Sydney. They're here with me right now."

When Mrs. Elle responded, "Oh shoot, I forgot about that. Thank you Ms. Girlie, please let them in," two boys entered, and all the girls in the room immediately began gushing about how attractive they were. The teacher asked, "Please introduce yourself."

" I'm Nikolai, but you can call me Kai or Nik, but I preferred Kai, but it's up to you what name you prefer." After Kai finished his introduction, one student raised her hand, and Mrs. Elle called her. "Can I call you 'mine' instead?" Everyone in the classroom started screaming, and the girl who said that felt so proud of herself and smirked at Kai

"No, you can't. The word 'mine' is not included in the choices. Thanks for the suggestion, though; it's pretty useless and overused." The girl rolled her eyes, and Kai couldn't care less. "Everyone quiet!" After Mrs. Elle scolded them, everyone went silent again, and it was Terry's turn to introduce. "I'm Terrell, and my nickname is Terry, that's all." Everyone left confused after that short introduction; they expected more than that. "Uh, alright, you two can sit over there, next to Danielle's side and Sky's side. It's up to you where you two want to sit

Terry sat next to Danielle seat as the lesson restarted, and Kai sat close to Sky.Sky can feel someone looking at her while the class is still going on, but she doesn't mind at all because she was so determined to get good grades for this semester, especially she was the top student among all the applicants for Bright Hill Academy, the most prestigious and significant academy school in their town.



What's up to you Sky Harper you're suspicious to me. It feels like I already met you and you seemed like you're in a big trouble right now.

And what's up to me? I don't care about her, so what am I thinking about her?

When the school bell rang, Mrs. Elle finished her lesson, started repairing her belongings, and prepared to leave the room, those foolish thoughts vanished. I put my earbuds in and closed my eyes to distract myself from the loud noise that the entire class was making.

This room's fragrance, darkness, and plenty of exercise equipment can all cause my hormones to spike, giving me the want to display my powers. Why I'm here and what's going on are both mysteries to me. How the hell did I ever end up here in the first place when I have no idea where the exit is? The last time I could recall, I was in the classroom listening to some music and viola. I'm in an unknown location right now.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you mean? I'm doing nothing. Why? Is something triggering you off?"

"N-no...I need to go"

"Ooh I don't think you can go home like that"

"Argh! What's happening to me?! That darn smell get rid off it!"

"Why? Is it the smell so lovely? I love that smell so what's with you?"

"You piece of ugh...please...stop it"

"Stop what? Stop what huh? Gosh you're so easy. I thought it will took me so long to caught you off guard but I was wrong."

"W..what do you mean..."

"Tell me...what happened to the Vila poison?"


"Don't act foolish! You know what I'm talking about! I know you're the one who got Albus' blood! The most powerful witch of them all, all his powers are in that blood, which is why his family made a poison with his blood and kept it secret because if anyone found out about the poison, they would try to steal that and take advantage by ruling all of us people who have magic powers, and that poison is so  dangerous yet powerful!"

"I don't fucking know what you're trying to say but if what you're saying is true, why would you gonna take the Villa poison if you know that poison is dangerous!"

"Because I'm gonna use it to get revenge for my family!!! The Villa family took everything from us and make my family suffer that's why I decided to steal that poison and used it to make them suffer like how they made us suffer!"

"I don't have the Villa poison so please let me go!!"

"Of course you don't have it, IT'S INSIDE OF YOU!"

"You have no proof with that, LET ME GO PSYCHO!"

"Oh I don't need proof, I saw everything. Now, I just need to kill you so that I can have your blood"

"Wait what..."

"You heard me, now it's time for you to say goodbye"

I don't know what went into me after hearing that discussion, but I started running like I was in the sprinting championship. Then, I heard a loud cry and saw a man getting ready to use his magic to strike the person in front of him while grinning maliciously.


And after that, a heavy light striking went straight to my eyes