
As a Mangaka at TYPE-MOON!

I originally thought this was a world like any ordinary urban novel... Drawing manga and traveling is quite enjoyable. But could you please tell me what's the deal with this magus named Emiya Kiritsugu who suddenly appeared in my face? Who changed the setting? And it seems that now I can enter the world of the manga I created and get a reward?

XElenea · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
310 Chs

[239] Plan Unveiled

Nile River —

At this point, it was already a considerable distance from several people!

The Dead Apostle caught one person after another from nearby, tied them up, and threw them onto the banks of the Nile River —

The number kept increasing.

Meanwhile, in the center of the river, Gilles de Rais was muttering, summoning that monstrous sea demons—

"Come out, come out..." Colin Kidd looked into the distance, summoning with a laugh.

In "Fate/Zero," that sea demons only ate one person, and its body significantly enlarged, with numerous additional eyes, becoming even more grotesque.

So, what if it devoured over a thousand people?

How much larger would it become?

How much more powerful?

Would it just turn the city named "Kairo" behind it into ruins?

Unknown, but it was something to look forward to.


DIO closed the book and looked through the gaps in the curtains, watching the fading light outside, saying, "After all, the Holy Church and the Mage's Association have joined forces... So, whoever we face next is already clear; it's definitely me, DIO. In that case, there's no reason to sit back. Let's take action and attract their attention! Just summoning the sea demon in front of us is not enough; it's too weak! This time, we need to summon something stronger, something even more terrifying..."

Anyway, no matter how strong the summoned creature was, it didn't matter.

Even if it summoned a monster capable of killing Gilgamesh and Ozymandias, it didn't matter.


By tomorrow, this world would be in his hands. No matter what kind of monster it was, it was just a pet!

DIO was confident in this.


"This feeling..."

After finishing breakfast and returning to continue drawing manga, Kazuya saw through the gap in the curtain a gradually dimming light and felt an unusual aura emanating from the distance.

Magical energy was gathering, and the air was distorting into a strange form.

At the same time, the things that gradually dissipated around were like a dissipating bounded field.

The bounded field was probably used to hide the aura and suppress magical fluctuations.

Now, these things had disappeared, not because they were destroyed by a powerful attack or found and destroyed by the nodes. It could easily be seen that the person who set up the boundary had lifted it!

What does this mean?

In the eyes of the person who set up the bounded field: the bounded field was no longer needed.

What does removing the bounded field mean?

It's simple: they want to attract curious people and then devour them!

In the shadow nearby, a blood-red light slowly appeared, and Alucard walked out wearing a blood-red coat. "Did you feel it, my master?"

"Yeah, I see it." Kazuya nodded. "It seems that tonight will be another sleepless night. Do you have any idea what they're up to?"

"This is simple." Alucard extended her hand and flipped it. "Didn't that Kirei Kotomine say it this morning? They will temporarily join forces with the Mage's Association... to eliminate all their enemies except us."

"In other words... they noticed it, the other side... so they abandoned this Caster, let him delay the time, and planned something themselves." Kazuya looked at the increasingly rich aura in the distance and could see Servants rushing over there.

"What should we do?" Alucard's tone was, as always, filled with a smile.

"Just go and take a look. No need to intervene." Kazuya picked up all his weapon and put on his coat.

"Oh? Are you going too?"

"Yeah, that's right... this time, I want to go too. It's better to see that monster with my own eyes... that kind of monster... the Mage's Association and the Holy Church will definitely take action."

In any case, no matter how they acted behind the scenes in the Mage's Association and the Holy Church, on the surface, they represented one side of the world order. It was impossible for them to sit back and watch such a monster destroy such a big city.

Moreover, it wouldn't be easy to explain to the people of the world at that time.

How to explain it?

A meteor fell and wiped out Kairo?

...For a while, Kazuya could only think of such an explanation. After all, they couldn't say that someone threw a nuclear bomb at Kairo or leaked nuclear radiation. Who knew if Kairo had nuclear facilities? Anyway, they didn't know...

Wearing his own hat, covering his face slightly... since Kirei Kotomine had already discovered him, he didn't expect to hide well. Anyway, there were some things that had to be done formally. As long as there was a form, he could step down a step for others, and at a critical moment, he could play a role.

"Alright, it's not too far from here. Let's go over."

"YES, my master —"


Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh —

Arrows flew from a distance and pinned two dead apostles to the ground —

However, the arrows aimed at Caster in the lake were all blocked by numerous small sea demons. Using the bodies of the sea demons to deflect the arrows, they slightly deviated and brushed past Caster's body.

"It seems they've arrived. Guests." Caster protruded a large fish-like eyeball and smiled. "Well, I've already finished here!"

A sea demon reached out and entwined around him. "Please enjoy it, everyone! Enjoy it to the fullest! This death and decadence carnival hosted by the untalented!"

"Everyone gather around, and enjoy it thoroughly — This will be dedicated to Lord DIO's unique death carnival —!!"

Boom —

In an instant, a huge sea demon rose from the Nile River.

Covering the vast surface of the river!

"He just said DIO? Who is that?" Arash, connected with his own Master, asked in confusion.

"DIO? Could it be..."

"DIO!" Just as she saw Dio being smashed to pieces by Jotaro, Martha looked out and watched the huge sea demon. "DIO? Isn't he a character from the anime? Has he been summoned too?"

Indeed, she could recognize the true name of that Servant as soon as she saw it. However... she didn't see it!

But... if it really is like this...

Great! She just finished watching JOJO and changed her view of herself! A woman's romance isn't just Ora Ora; it also needs someone Stand for her!


The next moment, Martha, ready to rush out, stopped and looked towards the sky. "Is this... a revelation?"


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