
As a Mangaka at TYPE-MOON!

I originally thought this was a world like any ordinary urban novel... Drawing manga and traveling is quite enjoyable. But could you please tell me what's the deal with this magus named Emiya Kiritsugu who suddenly appeared in my face? Who changed the setting? And it seems that now I can enter the world of the manga I created and get a reward?

XElenea · Anime & Comics
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310 Chs

[238] Third Night


Martha slowly opened her eyes, looking at the sunlight shining through the dusk and exhaling a sigh, "I'm alive~ After a good night's sleep, I feel so much better. My whole body feels relaxed."

The injuries from the battle with Alucard had completely healed.

Although Alucard's attacks were accompanied by curses, which generally couldn't be directly healed, the curses were not overly powerful, and they could be removed with a simple purification.

Afterwards, some healing would probably do her good.

She had used it before going to sleep, and when she woke up, she was completely healed!

She unwrapped all the bandages from her body.

Martha, who had been wrapped up like a mummy, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Very well, very well, strength restored! It's okay even if we go on a rampage all night! But..."

First, let's check on JOJO!

She hadn't finished watching JOJO!

If they hadn't caused a disturbance last night, she would have definitely finished watching it before going out!


"Feeling better, Saber?" Ishizaki Rito looked at Siegfried with concern.

"The injuries have completely healed. Also, I'm sorry, Master, I failed again." Siegfried said somewhat apologetically.

"No, it's okay." Ishizaki Rito sat down and breathed a sigh of relief. "Do you... know? The mystery of this world are said to be fading away."

"I know a little." Siegfried nodded. "Is this related to Master's wish?"

"Discovered, huh?" Ishizaki Rito smiled bitterly. "During the last Holy Grail War... my friend died."

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay... You don't have to keep apologizing." Ishizaki Rito looked at this humble hero, not knowing what to say. He didn't expect the hero Siegfried to be like this, but... well, it felt good. "My friend... how should I put it, was someone who yearned too much for mystery. It's been a long time, searching for mystery everywhere. He even fell into a hunter's trap once, almost breaking his leg... but he still didn't stop."

After a pause, Ishizaki Rito continued, "Later, during the last Holy Grail War, he got involved and was killed... I still don't know who killed him, and is that killer still alive? Did he die in that Holy Grail War, or did he survive until now? I don't know."

"So, what is your wish?"

"Ah... it coincides with the Holy Church's intentions... I want to destroy the Holy Grail! Put an end to the mystery of this world! Let this world continue in its ordinary state. After that... I can go to work, read manga, and live a peaceful life. Isn't that nice?"

Siegfried was somewhat surprised. "Do you... know what this means?"

"Ah, I know." Ishizaki Rito nodded. "The people from the Church told me! Most of the resources in this world are actually related to the leyline. If the leyline disappears, those resources will also disappear, and there won't be any more regeneration. In that case, relying solely on the resources on Earth, I don't know how long humanity can survive. But, it's probably not far from the destined disappearance... That should be the end of humanity."

"Even so?"

"Well... even so, I want to destroy the Holy Grail and put an end to the Mage's Association's idea of continuing the leyline!" Ishizaki Rito said firmly, then sighed. "It's quite selfish, isn't it? Because of personal desires and all..."

"Well... I'm sorry, but... it's indeed quite selfish."

"Haha... a bit too straightforward, huh?"

"Sorry, but... let's believe in humanity, believe that... even if the leyline disappears, humanity can still survive! I, Siegfried, will become your sword and clear obstacles in front of you!"

"Ah, thank you."


"Ugh, if I knew I'd get this kind of card, I was supposed to organize the Holy Grail War in London..." Barthomeloi Lorelei gazed at the Command Spell on the back of her hand, and the three Command Spells had already turned into one.

Next to him was "Matou Kariya," lying there.

"Is it okay?" Kariya, who had put away his hand, said. He had already handed over his Command Spell, leaving only this Magic Crest...

"I've already said it's fine." Barthomeloi Lorelei said without hesitation. In reality, she had no idea where Tohsaka Sakura was right now, what she was doing.


She had no reason to pay attention to the people outside the stage of their story. She was only interested in the stories and not the people involved.

So, she only roughly knew about the Tohsaka family. Everything else was unknown.

However, she would leave this matter to her subordinates to investigate.

Transplanting Magic Crests wasn't difficult. Conveniently, among her squad, there were highly skilled tuners. Transplanting Kariya's Magic Crest was a simple task.

"That's good..." Kariya breathed a sigh of relief. The next moment, he felt a severe pain in his chest, and the rejection from the Magic Crest occurred again!

"Herman." Watching Kariya's situation, Barthomeloi Lorelei said casually.

The next moment... music was heard.

With this music, Kariya felt... the pain lessening, the pain gradually disappearing...

"This is..."

"Yes, this is a tuner. Well, since you've handed over the Command Spell, I'll give you some treatment... although it's not something essential." Barthomeloi Lorelei said somewhat conflicted, because she didn't know how to face Kariya with a relatively friendly or stern attitude.

The Magic Crest on him was undoubtedly advanced.

But... how many generations had it been passed down? She didn't know!

The only thing she knew was that the information about this had been taken to the grave...

So, she didn't know whether to treat him with a relatively friendly or stern expression...

However, in any case, after this Holy Grail War, he, who had lost the Magic Crest, should be just an ordinary person.

Moreover, it was a Magic Crest of at least Third or Fourth Rank, not too low-level.


At this moment, a voice came.

"What's wrong? It's not time to start the planned battle yet, right?"

"Yes... but." The clone squads rushing in said, "There's an abnormal magical energy gathering above the Nile River! Most likely, Caster Gilles de Rais has started summoning sea demons!"


If you're interested in reading more, feel free to visit my patreon which already contains 30 chapters: 
