

i was created for a purpose but what is that purpose?

Ketsueki_yoku · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

my creation

reincarnation, the thing in fantasy novels where the mc dies then their soul is sent to another world to live out wonderful adventures with their har... *cough* *cough* I mean their "teammates" and because of this I abiko kirei decided to check it out yes I "decided" to get run over by truck-Kun... anyways I am currently finished with the dying part or this trip but sadly I didn't find myself in a pitch-black or a blindingly bright room with a beautiful angel with big boobs to greet me as I thought I would, on the contrary, I found myself in what felt like a bath filled with a sticky liquid in which I found out pretty early that movement is pretty pointless because for some reason I can't move any part of my body even my eyes are glued shut.

a month has passed since I've died and found myself here and if you want to know how I'm keeping track well I don't know how but it just comes to me. other than that nothing much has changed well there is one notable thing that happened l got my nose back I would be happy but whatever I'm in smells god awful.

It's been three months I think since I've died, I can finally move my hands now but whatever I'm in isn't allowing me to move it far. over there 3 months I've been trapped in my own head and I'm truly surprised that I haven't gone crazy it's like something keeping my mental state in check well might just be my imagination.

HALF A YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!!, now you might be asking why I'm so excited well today is a big day I can finally move all of my four limbs but my eyes are still refusing to be opened but hey, at last, I can move... is what i thought, but this fucking goo or whatever I'm in is holding me down refuses to even budge. it kinda reminds me of the time I got my hand stuck in oobleck. after an hour of struggling, I finally gave up and started to think when will this end but my thoughts were rudely interrupted by a mechanical voice.

『artifical body has is 100% complete』

『 picking appearance of artificial body』


『 y chromosome has not been fully developed replacing with x chormasome』

『the replacing process starts in 5..』

'huu what's going on

『 4....3....2....1』

an immense pain suddenly came over my body it felt like a part of me was being ripped out of me just to be replaced my something else ' AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MAKE IT STOP!!"

『 replacement completed, now checking for suitable aparance』

'pant* pant* it stoped I never want to feel that again"

『 appearance found...appearance name Sara... appearance code: 691959851 』

『 copying appearance memories... success! 』

『 I'm planting memories into the artificial body in 5..』

'again no pleas stop' i braced myself but surprisingly the pain was not as bad as last time but it was still unbearable.

『SUCCESS! memories are implanted now disintegrating original appearance and replacing it with the artificial body in 5.. 』

imaginary tears fell down my face and I heard the count down but instead of pain I got a warm soothing sensation came over my body, it felt like the sun.. wait a minute the sun.


I open my eyes to find myself in a pink room with posters of cute boys plastered all over the place.

'were...were am i'

panicking I got up and looked in the mirror right beside the bed I found myself in and a girl with silk-like black hair, azure-colored eyes, and fair unblemished skin stared right back at me.

' I finally left that fuking place also when since have I become a chick welp I don't care I finally free'

' i can see I can talk I'm finally free'

heavy footsteps could be heard running to the room I'm currently in.

*knock*knock*knock*"honey you ok in there"

abruptly it all came to me this body name is Sara leeway and the woman outside is my mother Clara leeway Sara's father left her when she was a kid but Sara and her mother could survive because my mother was pretty well off. Sara was also a book nerd who was a big fan of boy bands.

『quest: don't make your mother suspicious』

『 story: you have to switch places with Sara don't make her mom find out』

『reward: 10xp and +10 to mothers love』


'what's this a screen of some sort it's floating how is that possible it also talked it has the same voice as the thing from earlier.

『host is correct』

'i can read my mind cool, well I might as well accept the quest there no use shouting at it for what happened to me earlier this seems like it's not independent, and thanks to it I can see outside again'

"honey I'm coming in ok!"

'ohh I almost forgot about you'

"I'm coming, mom!"

'hmm I think I would find it waird to call a woman I just met mom but I'm taking this quite well'

I slowly walked to the door and opened it and a woman with breast too big for her own good was standing there.

"sweety are you alright you never responded so I was worried something happened."

"Sorry I could not answer I was doing something"

"no no it's ok I was just really worried something happened to my little angel"

"don't worry mom I'm ok"

"that's good any way it's almost time for classes so come eat breakfast then get ready for the first day of school.

"ok mom" Sara said with a heart-melting smile.

sara's mom and I mom walked down the stairs then I sat at a medium-sized table with a big plate of mac and cheese waiting for me.

"I really wish you can get a good loom during the evaluation ceremony at the beginning of classes "

'loom, what's that'

『 loom: a latent power that 60% of the population is born with this power is strongly influenced by your parent's power 』


"mom what's your loom again"

"i thought I already told you"

"can you tell me again pleasssss"

"ok fine, it's liquefication the ability to term my body into a liquid I can only do this for a short period of time because I got a very weak form of the loom but it still classed ucx2"

'it's coming back looms have tiers which are u,uc,ucc,uccc,ucccc keep going like that until there are 20 c's, oh each c represents 10x which its practically saying that u is 10x weaker than UC but normally people normally write or say it as ucx number of c's its a very waird system but it works.


after my chat with Sara's mom I ate breakfast and took a nice and relaxing warm bath and then got ready to go to school, I was kinda weirded out by wearing a girl's uniform but I got over it after putting it on.

on my were there I decided to take the bus because I don't remember where I'm supposed to go. I also decided to check my status i don't know where this thought came from but i did it anyway. a blue screen popped up with this written on it.

Name: Sara leeway(abiko kirei)

species: artificial life.



loom Lvl:???

loom control lvl:0




str:5 (your arms are limp noodles)

sta:5 (running a meter would make you tired)

agi:5 (you have the reflexes of a brick wall)

int:15 (at least you're not a complete bafoon )

active skills:


passive skill:

heart of stone lVl 5: this skill makes you feel no sympathy no love no hatred ( its skill is still low level ao some emotions are still felt)

mental diseases immunity lvl 9: immune to all mental diseases ( does not block agent mental attacks)

star actor lvl 2: you have quite the affinity of acting ( a true professional can see right through you)

hi guys this whole story will be done without a draft so yes it will be bad and even I don't know what the next chapter will be about so don't expect something good ok anyways please tell me grammatical errors and spelling errors in my writing well that's all have a good day.

Ketsueki_yokucreators' thoughts