
Artificial Immortal

Human experimentation, the most taboo of all Sciences. Due to the possibility of the potential harm it could create, it has been banned for centuries. But a true scientist, ones who thirst for knowledge and results beyond everything and anything, never cares for such trivial matters as 'rules'. And hence, a man creates Artificial Immortality. Digitizing and Arching himself onto the data network, his goal had been to slowly take over the entire world's net from the shadows. But alas, this was not a perfected procedure and mistakes were bound to happen. A single error was all it took... Dropped in a 'game world' where monstrous warriors and magi who can blow apart mountains, Deus (Dr. Jack Bloom) will have to strive to figure out where he is exactly and how to escape. But is it really a game world? --- Release rate: Sporadic but hopefully 10+ a week. Release times: Also sporadic but likely in the evening PST

Ekdud · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Prologue - Immortality

[Archived Record 00004 - Dr. Jack Bloom

Record found inside an ancient computer that dates back to the early 2020s and possibly 2010s]

[Special Instructions: Access granted to all with level 2 clearance and above

Those with only level 1 clearance may access after receiving clearance from a member with level 3 clearance or above]

"Hello, this is Dr. Jack Bloom...The date is... 2099 - 07 - 03

Immortality has always been the final goal for great beings of the past. The conquerors and rulers of the world, the scientists and heroes. No human had been truly free from the bonds of time, the constantly flowing river that binds all beings as 'mortals'.

The first and arguably the greatest emperor of the great Chinese empire and his creation of his gigantic tomb and Terra Cotta soldiers that guard his spirit. Many other Chinese, Goguryun(Korean) and Japanese kings and emperors followed suit with firm belief of it existing.

Gilgamesh, the ancient Sumerian king pursing immortality after witnessing the death of his friend and searching for the legendary boat 'Noah' fruitlessly.

Even Europe wasn't an exemption, stories of the explorer Ponce de Leon searching for the 'Fountain of Youth' all across the Caribbeans and finding the land we know today as Floria, U.S.

All they have behind are their legacies. Simple myths that historians and students learn of and dismiss. Their fruitless efforts only brought countless disappointments and disaster.

Nobody believes in immortality anymore. After all those tries?

Not the usual kind at least.

People dream about it, fantasize about mythical creatures and beings that may have existed or still do... A bunch of crap all that is.

Anyone who hears of this recording, let the world know. That I, Dr. Jack Bloom, the very scientist that the world shunned has achieved immortality. Artificial immortality.

I am the one and only immortal of this plane.

Then where am I now you ask?


"Or at least I hope so."

End of recording