
Chapter 7

Not so friendly


I parked outside the university waiting for Peter, I didn't know how he looked but I wrote his name on a piece of napkin I found on the floor.

I hold the napkin as I look at my nails a little impatient and look around as more and more people walk out the gates, I get a few whistles as I roll my eyes at the catcalls.

"You didn't have to come pick this kid up you know," I heard Clovis say in my helmet which I had half off to hear him and look at my surroundings.

"How can I say no to Bruce?" I mumbled.

"Like this, No," I roll my eyes at his attitude.

"He's the only one that speaks to me with good intentions, I feel kind of obligated to at least run an errand for him when his hands are filled," I fix my shirt and squint at the sun coming out of the clouds "Plus you know how big of a headache Mr. Stark is."


I see a guy a bit shorter than myself walk up to me with a confused expression written all over his face "Uhm me?" he asked as he pointed to himself.

"Well, is your name Peter Parker, Aka Spider M- "before I can finish my sentence Peters eyes lit up with shock as he quickly nods his head.

"Yes, yes it's me," he said rather quickly.

"Well hop on I've been here longer than what I was expecting and quite frankly I want to grab me a meal."

"Where's Bruce?" Peter looked at me worried as I hand him my helmet to put on himself.

"Bruce has asked Ana here to pick you up from school Peter," Clovis spoke, Peter jumps back at the voice.

"Woah," he mumbled "are they like Jarvis?" he asked.

"I'm exactly like her but more advanced of course," Clovis boasted about themselves.

"Mhm sure, now get on and put on the helmet, I guess we can stop by at subway for a sandwich, if that's okay with you?" I asked as I sat on my bike.

"As much as I impressed by Jarvis 2.0, I still don't know you and Bruce didn't tell me someone else was going to pick me up," Peter stepped back a bit.

"My name is Clovis excuse you!" I heard Clovis yell lightly as Peter puts him down behind me.

"Look here Peter if I wanted to harm you in any way possible, I would've done it by now, correct? Or even if I was trying to kidnap you. I would use a van and drugged you, but no I'm here talking with you and even handing you a helmet to protect your cute little face you got," I grumbled as I hand him back the helmet a bit more roughly.

"But your helmet can automatically trap me, and you could've poisoned gas me while I was stuck trying to take it off," Peter said proudly.

"Peter, if I wanted to do anything to you, I would've done it front of everyone, now just get on the bike and let's get some subway before I lose my shit okay?"

"O-okay," He stuttered and put on the helmet.

As soon as I felt him get on, I grab his hands to wrap around my waist "woah, woah," he yelped and pulled his hands away.

"I think it's best if you hold onto my waist before you go flying off the bike," I smirked at him as he looked at me nervously.

"N-no I can hold on to the edge," I roll my eyes and chuckle under my breath.

"Suit yourself Spidey," I wrap my hand on the clutch and the other on the throttle before feeling the bike take off and hearing a thud behind me.

I quickly stop and turn to only see Peter on the ground trying to catch his breath, I chuckle at his position and quickly run all the way towards him to lift him up on his feet.

"I told you."

"Y-yeah, yeah I know, I'll just listen to you from now on," Peter sighed as we walked back to the bike.

"She did tell you it was best to hold on to her," I heard Clovis.

"Okay, okay, I know epic fail," Peter mumbled as we hop on back on the motorcycle.

I feel his arms wrap around my waist tightly "Ready?" I giggled as I turn to him looking at me scared.

"I think so," He sighed as I feel him clench onto me.

Doing everything all over again Peter had a little pushback but successfully didn't fall off the bike.

"Who are you exactly?" Peter yelled.

"Names Ana, I'm new to the team," I screamed back to him.

"You're a part of the team? Since when? Mr. Stark didn't tell me about this."

"I'm not just a random chick coming to pick you up after school if I didn't have something to do with the team," I laughed.

In just a few minutes we arrived at Subway, and I get off before making my way inside. I turn to see Peter taking his sweet time off the motorcycle, before he can unwrap the other leg he falls to the ground "ow, ow, I'm fine," he groaned as he stood up and walked towards me rather quickly.

"You're clumsier than the rest of the team I'll give you that," I sighed as I opened the door for him.

"I'm basically the only normal person in the Avengers team if you think about it," Peter laughed "Think about it, I mean if you met everyone?" I nod lightly as we stand in the line "Well either they have superpowers or a robotic arm to an ultra-rare mind that builds suits, you can assume I am the most normal out of everyone, well maybe Sam, but I mean I think of myself as the only one that has an outside life from them."

"Mhm," I agreed as he went on.

"I'm not bashing them or anything they can do what they want, I just prefer to not focus my entire life around the Avengers, but on school and being social-."

Before he can continue a worker asked for our orders as Peter tries to talk between them making our food.

"Thank you please enjoy your meals," the worker looked at Peter as I hand her my card.

"His too," I mumbled as she looks between us and nods.

"Ah that's okay I can pay for myself," Peter quickly tried to give her his card.

"I'm not normally this nice, accept my meal," I sighed as I gave her the go ahead to charge me.

"But- I- I can pay," he sighed.

"Thank you," I bowed my head as I take both of our trays in my hands.

"I can carry mine," Peter tried to argue once again, ignoring him I set our food on the table before filling my drink and sitting down.

"Thank you," Peter looked up at me from his chair, he looked like a nervous little boy, it looks like I'm a mom that just caught her son doing something wrong and I was currently scolding him, how funny of an image is that knowing we are both probably the same age.

I gesture for him to begin to eat "uhm okay thank you," he mumbled again before unwrapping his meal.

I stay quiet and began to eat my sandwich, I felt his eyes on me as he ate "I know this might be rude of me to ask, but- "I sigh and look up at him.

"From your glances I can tell you want to know what's up with my face huh?" I mumbled as I take another bite of my food.

"Y-Yes," he stuttered.

"Simple, I was captured and tortured for many years, lost vision on my left eye, and my face looking like complete shit."

"T-That's terrible, jeez I'm sorry- " I shake my head and look up at him before eating again.

"Don't say you're sorry, it's not like you did it to me, plus I look pretty badass don't I?" I mumbled.

"Yeah...," Peter sighed.


I parked the motorcycle and turned to Peter who has successfully gotten off the bike, I hop off and grab my helmet from him, we walk inside the building and into the elevator, "You seem young," Peter mumbled.

"Because I am," I chuckled "22," I said.

"Only a year older than me," I hum in response.

Before he can open his mouth again, we were met with Cap and Nat heading out all geared up, I move out of their way and begin to walk to my room "get ready we have a mission," I turn to look at Cap looking at me and Peter "Stark just informed us," Nat mumbled.

"If you guys don't want me to go, I can stay here," I sighed.

"As much as we would take that offer, you're the only one that can obtain the information that is needed through Clovis," Steve rolled his eyes.

"Can I go too?" Peter asked with a smile.

"We'll need you for back up," Nat mumbled.

"Sounds like we are going somewhere with a lot of people," I sighed.

"Underground facility that is holding Information about an ancient artifact that we need to grab before anyone else can," Steve tapped on his wrist which held a hologram to a map of the facility "So as you see the layout is quite easy to read, the problem however is the security, this place is covered with guards and cameras in every corner."

Steve glances at me as I stare at the map intensely "So are we going to try to keep away from one another or just entirely try to avoid each guard?" Peter asked.

I turn to Steve who quickly looked away from me "Uhm-," he coughed lightly and turned his attention somewhere else "well what we can do is lead them away from Ana so she can easily get the information we need and return home easier."

"Sounds like a solid plan," Peter nodded.

"No back up plan just in case everything goes south?" I asked as I cross my arms over my chest.

"If we listen to his orders, I'm pretty sure everything will be completely fine Ana," Nat mumbled.

"But if anything happens-," I sighed.

"Ana just drop it," Steve groaned annoyed "Just follow my instructions."

"I just would like to give my 2 cents in on this matter."

"Well, we don't need it, Steve is the boss here so just listen," Nat mumbled as I sighed and looked at Peter who looked at me with a worried expression.

"We are all connected through our earbuds meaning I will be giving you all updates so pay attention, and if anything does go wrong, we will retreat," Cap looked at us.

"Don't we need that information, if it comes to worse wouldn't we need to get what we came for?" I asked.

"Retreat Ana that is it," Cap glared at me.

These people were so frustrating, why retreat when we need the information, why can't they just listen to me for a backup, I rub my head and turn away from them as I press my bracelet to get in my suit, I walk away from them and go into the elevator annoyed and pissed off.

"They're just acting stubborn Arte," Clovis tried to cheer me up.

"There is a difference with stubbornness and just being assholes, in full honesty I can give two shits about how they feel towards me, but shouldn't they create a back up plan in case this one fails," I sighed as I stretched.

"Well, when I began studying you a few months back, Mr. Stark explained how you basically just winged your missions as well," Clovis chuckled lightly.

"Please, I was by myself back then, now I'm with a team, as much as we don't like one another it doesn't mean I want anything to happen to them for not having anything else to fall back on."

"I suggest you just follow instructions until you feel like you all are in danger," Clovis spoke.

"And what exactly can I do?" I sighed.

"Well, your powers of course."

"Don't know if Mr. Stark explained this to you, but unfortunately until he calls the shot to use slash reveal my powers, I don't have any at all," I mumbled and walked towards my motorcycle.

"You always use it when you train, and he didn't allow that."

"I was alone with just you Clovis, if it's just us its completely fine, plus my powers can cause harm towards the team, if Mr. Stark ever allows me to use my powers it will be most likely when I am alone, and the rest of the team isn't near me."

"I studied your powers for a while and honestly I have never seen something like it before, yours are quite similar to Wanda's powers, however you have those flowers-."

"You're an intellectual being and you don't know the name of the flowers I possess," I smiled softly.

"Delphinium is a genus of about 300 species of perennial flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae, native throughout the Northern Hemisphere and on the high mountains of tropical Africa. The genus was erected by Carl Linnaeus. All members of the genus Delphinium are toxic to humans and livestock. However, yours are way more different and toxic then the ones on earth, I have learned from Mr. Stark that just getting near them can cause certain death or immense pain to the victims."

"Another fact is that I can control the toxins released from the flower itself, when I was young and my powers were difficult to handle, I bloomed our entire field of Delphiniums, however my parents and brother were completely fine. Sure, it was scary for them, and they didn't know that it could've been worse for them, but during that moment I wasn't as scared as I was before and felt at ease with the people near me."

"So, it all depends on your emotions?" Clovis asked as I got on my bike and turned to the building waiting for the group to come out.

"Well, not anymore, I mean I can control it way better then before but at points I can catch myself releasing the toxins without knowing, but don't worry I have my powers under control."

"Oh, don't worry about me, I'm just me, your toxins can't harm me, more worried for the team if they ever get on your bad side," Clovis chuckled "so your basically poison Ivy different world?"

I rolled my eyes and smile lightly at their question.

I see the door open revealing everyone in their suits as well as Bucky behind them, I raise my eyebrow confused at his appearance.

"Cap included him in on our mission," Peter smiled awkwardly as I nod and put on my helmet.

"We have the truck coming you don't need to ride that," Steve mumbled.

"I'll just follow behind you guys," I looked away as he looked at me.

"Is it so hard for you to follow instructions from me?"

"I just want to ride my bike."

"Then I'll just ride with Ana," Peter tried to cut the tension between Steve and I by jumping behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist like before.

"Do what you want then," Steve rolled his eyes as I take off my helmet and try to pass it to Peter.

"No, I have my mask on, so I won't need it," he smiled softly at me as I see his spiderman mask basically engulf his face.

"Well, isn't she a tough cookie," I heard Bucky mumble as he passed by Peter and I as their truck pulls up.


"Ana all you have to do is try to pass as many guards as possible without being spotted by them or the cameras," Steve went over the plan.

"Sounds kind of impossible knowing the layout of the building, there are very uptight with security, I will be caught by one of the cameras," I mumbled.

"Seems pretty easy for you since Stark always brags about how well you did on your own," Nat chuckled under her breath.

"Well, I'm no longer doing my job alone, the cameras would never catch me because I was quick with it," I rolled my eyes.

"Well, you can be quick with it this time like the others," Steve looked at me with a stern gaze.

"I can disregard my own safety to be seen, but not yours, however I'm not going to argue any longer and just follow your rules."

"Finally, we've come to an understanding," he sighed and turned back to the others to give them their instructions.

"Bucky you will be following Ana to make sure she doesn't do anything she's not supposed to," Bucky hums and turns to me with a blank expression.

"Nat and I are together and Peter you will keep watch outside if anything happens by capturing anyone with your web thingy," Peter sighs before nodding, I get up and walk a few feet away from them.

"Peter gets put for watch out since he's the youngest, he'll be fine," Clovis spoke.

"He seems like he's ready to not keep guard anymore," I whispered.

"Peter became an Avenger when, I think he was 17 or 18 meaning- "

"Meaning they still see him as a baby," I mumbled as I look at him as he played with his fingers looking at the ground "We're the same age and I'm new to the team yet they put me in without a care."

"Well, that's because you've been through more than anyone, Mr. Stark also has made a big ruckus for you," Clovis added.

I sigh and turn around to see the group standing up from the ground, I walk towards them about to add the helmet to my head when Clovis spoke "You don't need to do that, Mr. Stark has created a full cover up head piece for your suit, all you have to do it say is Flor," I roll my eyes at the word and mumbled it under my breath.

The metals clank as they cover my entire head quickly, I open my eyes to see a bunch of random numbers and codes "Get rid of this please it won't be necessary," I grunt a bit annoyed.

"This helmet slash head cover is equipped with everything you need in your line of work Arte," Clovis said proudly.

I nod and stand next to Peter who already had his mask on "Well, let's go," Steve mumbled before we all began to get in position, Peter went up a tall tree and gave me a salute, I give him a thumbs up and by the time I turned back to the group of three they were far up ahead of me.


After a few minutes of running and finding the way into the building we were met with one of the floors that had no cameras near, they all jump down the airshaft we were in and land on the marble floor, I follow behind them until Bucky and I split up from them.

As we walk through hallways without cameras and others climbing into the vents, we soon reach a dead end which we thought would've led to another hallway "Fuck," I mumbled as I look up to see another vent way.

I jump up for it to only be bolted down without another second to lose Bucky grabs the metal keeping us from entering it and ripping it off like it was nothing I nod and jumped up before lifting myself up.

As we make our way to the vents to find a way into the room, we need to be in I can hear the voices of the guards below us talking about Nat and Steve "What's going on in section 4?" one of them asked as they walked slowly.

"Not sure, I just know that whatever got inside the tunnels is causing most of our cameras to shut off and the general to go absolutely mad."

"Is it just one person?"

"I'm not sure, they could be an it for all we know," another laughed.

"Shouldn't we hurry to go help the others?"

"Please if whatever it is could be a threat, I'm pretty sure they would've probably be gone by now, it can just some dumb idiot that didn't know it's mission properly."

"Or it can be extremely smart and completely fool us."

"Smart kid," I whispered under my breath before I ignored them and crawled away.

I didn't want to ask the question of why Cap and Nat are destroying the cameras when they specifically told us to try to avoid them all together. By the time we reached the room where we needed the information my legs were completely cramped, "Clovis do what you gotta do," I mumbled and turned to Bucky who was doing watch out "I will now search the room for the item we will need as well as the information Arte," Clovis said only for me to hear "Great."

This mission felt quite short and not that hard only the crouching in the vents for most of the time.

Suddenly I hear something from behind me move, I turn to only see a bookshelf moving sideways revealing some weird Alien person creature looking down at me, before I can run it grabbed my leg and I felt it lift me up to it's eye level upside down.

"Fucking hell," I mumbled.

"I heard there was a ruckus going on section 4, they still haven't caught the things causing the problems, seems like we caught them in time before they can achieve whatever they were trying to obtain from us," a tall slender man walked beside the thing holding me by my leg.

"Really they couldn't grab these insects, seem pretty weak to me," it spoke with a nasty smirk.

"Let them go!" Bucky yelled before shooting it in the face as the blood and organs splattered my mask.

"I'm gonna vomit," I gagged.

Thinking they would've dropped me I felt the hand grasp tighter around my leg before I felt it swing me back and forth till I felt my body hit the cement wall near Bucky.

"What the actual fucking shit," I yelped as I tried to grasp at my breath, I wipe my Visor like mask to only see the Aliens face regenerate quickly.

Before I can even let it finish I began sprinting to it taking out my sword from beside my waist and cutting off the arm that was holding me, the slender man took a step back before going back into the room where they were previously in.

"I'll call for back up sir," he spoke before shutting the shelf on us.

Without realizing what the other arm was doing I felt a strong jab to my chest as I still held on to its body.

"Ana!" Bucky yelled as I felt another punch to my gut.

"Well, aren't you a little firecracker girl," the Alien laughed and grabbed a knife from his belt, quickly I cover my chest feeling the dagger pierce my arm.

"You seem like you'll be fun to use as my plaything," another shot was heard as Bucky's bullet went through its arm and then leg and then chest, he kept shooting trying for the grasp the Alien had on me to let go.

I kicked up at their face and felt my body hit the ground hard, I get up quickly and look around the room to let me strategize quickly.

"We have to retreat," Bucky mumbles to me as he holds out his hand for me.

"Clovis how much longer?" I asked.

"The stone, i-it's not here Arte," I felt the blood drain from my body.

"Is it in the facility?"

"It's behind the shelf, we need that stone, the information just needs 10 more minutes," Clovis sighed.

"Not yet, we need to hold out for 10 more minutes," I mumbled stressed.

"I don't think you can be here any longer," Bucky sighed.

"I'll be fine," I grumbled.

Suddenly we heat many footsteps' head towards our way, "Can you hold them off for a bit?" I asked.

Bucky looks at me with a hesitant expression before nodding and walking towards the hallway as I turn my attention on the now completely regenerated Alien looking down at me with a disturbing smile.

I grab my sword before slicing his leg and then his back in one motion, he landed a swing to my arm that was bleeding out and I wince in pain lightly.

"Why can't you just die already?! A mere human's body wouldn't be able to handle the stress the body is taking!" It yelled loudly.

He quickly begins charging at me swinging his large fist and stabbing me in different areas.

"A smaller body is better than one that can't move as quick," I mumbled before I slipped out of the spot he had me in, I jump to his back before quickly lifting up my sword with all my strength and let it pierce the top of his head, with my mind going blank I felt my arms keep going at the body that seemed lifeless.

"Arte! Arte! Come back to your senses and get what we came here for!" Clovis yelled as take a deep breath and slowly get up. Without thinking I use my strength to rip the bookshelf off to only see the tall slender man holding a gun.

I felt the bullet hit my leg and run to him before using my dagger to stab him in his chest and taking it out, I search around the secret room till I found a bright limestone.

"That's it!" Clovis yelled as I nod tiredly and stuff it into one of my compartments and walking outside to where the Alien body was slowly regenerating, I grab my sword and make my way to the hallway where I see Bucky fighting with 2 more guards as the others are knocked out on the ground.

I walk towards them before grabbing one of the guns on the floor before shooting their legs as bucky slammed their head with his metal arm.

"Let's go now," I mumbled before pulling myself into the vent.


"Ana," I heard Peter call as I pull myself out the space we entered in "Oh my god are you okay?" he asked as he tried to grab my arm.

I pull it away slightly "Yeah, you should ride with the rest of the guys, I'll be on my way to hand over the information to Mr. Stark," I mumbled.

"If you were that hurt you should've retreated like I have said," Bucky had his back towards me.

"Yeah, and hear Steve complain about me the entire time," I sighed as click on my flowers revealing myself in a pair of spandex shorts and muscle t shirt. I walk to where I hid my bike and grab some patches, I have provided myself with and wrapped my arms in.

"Ana," I heard Peter sigh.

I get on my bike and leave quickly.


(Hello beautiful people! If you all are wondering how Artemisia looks like here she is ❤️‍🩹🌸 and yes the art is mine so please do not take it and use it!!!)

Anyways you all have an amazing day slash night! And you know where to find me if you have any questions!!)