
Art Of Wild Sorcery

TinasheJohannes · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 5: Execution

With Shin's demise, fear gripped the residents of Richmond City. Rumors spread like wildfire, suggesting that Kiratao, fueled by grief and anger, might seek revenge on the village that claimed his mother's life. The tension was palpable, and the villagers yearned for reassurance.

A figure, wearing a mask to conceal their identity, stepped forward. "Gather around, everyone. Fear not because Kiratao has been captured and is now in custody," the masked figure announced. They paused briefly, their cryptic words leaving the crowd unsettled. "However, we must remain vigilant. Even in custody, Kiratao might find a way to escape."

The residents, consumed by both relief and anxiety, voiced their concerns. "You told us we were safe with Kiratao in custody. What can we do to protect ourselves?" one among them asked.

The masked figure pondered for a moment before suggesting a course of action. "Let us all come together and protest for Kiratao's execution. It is high time we rid the world of his presence," they proclaimed, their words resonating with the villagers. The crowd erupted in cheers, embracing the masked man's suggestion that justice be served through Kiratao's execution.

Location: The Richmond Custody

Kiratao found himself confined within the walls of the Richmond Custody. In the desolate cell, a voice emerged from deep within him, taunting him mercilessly. It was the voice of the wolf, daring him to break free and unleash his fury.

"You are weak, a feeble character who lets himself be captured. Look at us now, stuck in this cell. They will execute you soon," the wolf's voice growled, gnawing at Kiratao's spirit. "In this world, you can do everything for them, sacrifice everything, yet they will forget it all once you make one simple mistake."

Kiratao lay on the cold, hard floor, overcome with grief for his mother's loss. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he whispered, "I'm sorry, mother. I couldn't protect you. It is all my fault. I should have listened to you. I never should have become a ninja."

His cries reverberated through the cell, catching the attention of the guards. Even they felt a pang of sympathy for the broken young man. "Poor child, you shouldn't have crossed paths with Shin's family. Look what has befallen you," one guard murmured.

"His mother was a wonderful person. It's a pity she met such a tragic end. If I were in Kiratao's position, even I would have sought vengeance against Shin," the other guard added, contemplating the magnitude of Kiratao's suffering.

Suddenly, Michael appeared, surprised to see his friend reduced to tears. "I'm sorry about your mom," he offered sympathetically. However, Kiratao remained inconsolable, as if Michael's words did not register.

Witnessing his friend's pain, Michael's own heart ached, torn between his anger towards what had happened to Katherine and the torment Kiratao now faced. "Please, give him something to eat," Michael requested, his eyes welling up with tears.

Location: Richmond City Head Office

Maningning, Nkululeko's daughter and a ninja of the Richmond Academy, informed her father about the protesters gathering at the entrance. "Sir, there are people at the door, protesting," she relayed the news.

Nkululeko sighed and nodded. "Very well, my child. Let me address them. Also, go and fetch Godfrey for me," he responded wearily, well aware that this day would come, where he would feel powerless to stop it.

Nkululeko stepped onto the balcony, addressing the protesters. "My people, what is the problem? Why are you protesting?" he inquired, his voice carrying over the crowd.

"We have a monster in your custody, and it would be best if you executed him now," the mob shouted in unison. Nkululeko was taken aback by their demand. He retreated to his office, deep in deliberation, his face wrought with shock and concern.

Within moments, the mob stormed into his office, their anger palpable. They made way for the masked figure to enter. "Hello, Nkululeko. Happy to see me? I'm here to claim my rightful place," the masked figure declared, removing their mask.

Nkululeko gasped in disbelief. "Thomas Rave? How is this possible?" he uttered, his voice heavy with shock.

"Anything is possible in the ninja world, my old friend. I know you won't have the heart to kill that boy, so leave everything in my hands. I demand a meeting with the elders," Master Rave demanded assertively.

Location: Richmond Park East

Under the watchful eye of Master Godfrey, young ninjas trained diligently. Divided into three groups, they awaited their master's guidance. "Today, I will teach you about energy control and the concept of wild energy," Master Godfrey announced to his eager pupils. Before he could proceed, Maningning interrupted the scene, bearing news from Nkululeko.

"Master, the Richmond head is looking for you," she informed Godfrey, bowing respectfully.

"Continue your training. I will leave you in Michael's capable hands," Godfrey instructed before vanishing into thin air, leaving the children astonished and in awe.

One of the students, Jack, mocked Michael's abilities. "What can he possibly teach us? He couldn't even protect his girlfriend. He's clearly less powerful than Kiratao," Jack jeered, launching a preemptive insult.

Maningning, compassionate and understanding, interjected, "Don't underestimate him. There was nothing he could do." She turned her attention to Michael. "By the way, I heard you went to see Kiratao. How is he?" she asked, hopeful for a glimmer of good news. However, Michael, still overwhelmed with emotions, remained silent, not even flinching at her words. In his heart, he felt the pain of witnessing his friend's anguish, helpless in the face of Katherine's disappearance. Unable to bear the weight of it all, Michael ran off in the direction of the Richmond City Custody, desperate to find solace in Kiratao's presence.

To be continued...