
Art Of Wild Sorcery

TinasheJohannes · Fantasy
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Chapter 3: The Sky Village incident Part I

Minaka stood up, looked at the people in his village, and said, "I will be back, and when I come back, you'll all see."

"Go away, you monster! You killed our hero," said the villagers. Minaka laughed in a manner that seemed mentally unstable and left the village. Ketan, who was Minaka's best friend, watched everything helplessly due to the angry mob. "Ketan, we don't want you near that boy," said his parents. He looked at them with eyes filled with disgust and flew away with his Dove Wings energy.

Location: The Sky Village Head Office

Fiona went to her father's office and found him relaxed.

"Why did you let that happen?" said Fiona.

"If it's about your friend, well, it was the right thing to do. Minaka killed his own mother. What kind of person does that?" Head Jackson answered.

"But Dad, we all know that Minaka's mother was more powerful than anyone in the Sky village." Fiona continued. Head Jackson stood up, went to his daughter, and hugged her.

"I know how you're feeling, my child, but the village is my home. In order to keep it safe, I sometimes have to make tough choices. Now, go back to your training," said Head. Fiona left her father's office and went to the Dojo to work on her sword skills. Ketan was also at the Dojo, sitting alone and thinking about how Minaka was doing. Minaka was a normal human without any wild powers.

Location: The Lost Soul Forest

The Lost Soul Forest is a place from which no one has ever emerged alive. Minaka was wandering around the forest when suddenly a masked figure appeared and attacked him. Minaka, who was the strongest child in the Sky village ninja academy, kept his abilities a secret and blocked the man's attacks, mimicking his late mother's fighting skills.

"Why are you so calm? Don't you know you're going to die?" asked the masked figure. These figures were known as Soul Snatchers and were only found in one place, the Lost Soul Forest.

"I'm looking for a soul," answered Minaka with a pale expression.

"Come on, kid. Why the calm face? Aren't you afraid I'm going to kill you?" asked the Soul Snatcher, observing Minaka's lifeless face.

"No," answered Minaka.

The Soul Snatcher sheathed his twin swords and asked Minaka what type of soul he wanted. Minaka informed the Soul Snatcher that he desired the most powerful spirits, which included the Three-Eyed Wolf, the Jaguar, the Eagle, and the Four-Headed Snake.

"Follow me, but I'm afraid that where we're going, no one has ever come out alive," said the Soul Snatcher.

"That's okay. I'll come out alive. I'm a person without any wild energy, so I must obtain these souls," Minaka replied.

Location: The Sky Dojo

"Ketan, we need to follow Minaka and bring him back," said Fiona with teary eyes.

"You know what will happen to us if we break the village rules," Ketan replied. Fiona nodded and said, "Forget about the rules. Our friend's life is at stake, and you're worried about the rules?"

Ketan stood up and agreed to accompany Fiona. "I think you should fly us there for a faster journey," said Fiona, blushing. "Why is your face red?" asked Ketan.

"Kwoosh! Kwoosh!" Ketan's wings flapped as he held onto Fiona.

"Don't let go!" shouted Fiona as they took off.

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