
Arguments and Confessions

January 13, 2024.

"Huening..Why isn't Y/N talking to me?"

Taehyun whined, opening the door of Kai's room.

"I don't know? But you should definitely talk to her."

Oh I totally know why she's not talking to you. I'm just waiting so that you two can figure it out by yourselves because you can't expect me to be your cupid when I don't even get paid for being your wingman. Your lovely Y/N has been trying to talk to you but you're too dumb to realize that and you've been trying to talk to her and she's too dumb. This is funny and painful at the same time.



Taehyun called, following the girl from behind.

No response.


He called once again, he knew she wasn't wearing earbuds, her hair was in a bun.

Again. No response.

"Choi Y/N!"

He yelled, getting the attention of students around them except the desired one.

Having enough, the black haired male reached forward and held the girl's hand, stopping her in her attempt of ignoring him.

Y/N has fallen.

Too deep infact.

And she has been avoiding him for the past three days. Infact, she stopped going to their dorm to see Huening since Taehyun lives with him.

She thinks she'd either embarrass herself infront of him or die.


He yelled again once the girl turned around.


She asked back calmly, masking her emotions with a nonchalant one.

"We need to talk, now."

He said before pulling her away to the exit of the building.

"I have economics."

She muttered, trying to pull away from his grip.

"And I have zero patience left. I've been trying to talk to you for fucking thirteen days. Don't tell me you talked to me on that presentation 'cause honestly, you didn't. I know I didn't do anything wrong 'cause I wasn't even within a three meter radius next to you apart from the first period every morning."

He said, tightening his grip.


Y/N sighed before letting herself get dragged to Taehyun's dorm room.




He asked, staring at the girl's dark orbs.

"Why what?"

She asked back, looking away.

"Why have you been ignoring me Y/N? Why haven't you talked about how good Jungkook is to me? Why haven't you told me how I look like a squirrel? Why haven't you told me how much you need coffee? Why haven't you even cared to ask if I was okay? Why!? You haven't spoken to me. You haven't asked if I did the homework. You didn't ask if I ate. You didn't ask if I watched the last episode of sweet home. Why!?"

He breathed out, eyes slowly becoming watery.


"Hey Y/N did you listen to Yes or no-"

Taehyun approached the girl but she looked away and walked off.

"..what did I do?"


"Good morning!"

Taehyun chirped, seating himself on the chair next to Y/N's.


The girl muttered, turning away to her bag as if to stall that she was taking something from her bag.

Taehyun sighed before taking his phone and scrolling through it.


"Yeonjun hyung, she's not picking up my  calls."

Taehyun sniffled once Yeonjun opened their dorm room.

"What is she doing now...."

Taehyun sighed, looking at his battery dead phone.


"Y/N we kissed, you can't just act like it never happened!"

Taehyun snapped, taking a step closer to the girl.

"So what if I acted like it did happen? You're just gonna tell it's not a big deal that we kissed and tell me to just pretend like it never happened."

Y/N talked, brushing off the fallen strands of hair from her face.

"P-pretend? You think I don't care about the fact that we kissed the other day!?"

How dense can she be!?

"Right you care so much that you didn't even realize that I tried to talk to you everytime. You ignored me first Taehyun."

How dense can he be!?


"You go on and on about how I was the one ignoring you but you didn't ask all those things to me either! I tried doing all those shit, I don't have to put the effort to talk to you when you keep expecting me to be the first one to talk. No!"

Y/N hollered before turning around and walking to the door.



The girl paused before turning around to face the boy again.

"That day, at class, I wanted to ask you if you did your homework but you already started looking at your phone.

When you called me, I tried calling you back but your phone was switched off! I didn't ask if you watched the last episode of sweet home 'cause I know you saw it! I didn't rant about Jungkook 'cause I know you know that! I didn't ask if you ate 'cause guess what? I saw that too. I've been ignoring you 'cause I like you! Gosh how hard is it for you to realize Kang Taehyun!?"

Y/N spoke before opening the door wider and walking out.

This whole argument sounds like a seventh grade couple fighting


Taehyun whispered, running out the door.

Huening kai, walked out of his room and went to the door, and locked it before going back.


He called, expecting the girl to pause (which she did).

The girl turned around, examining the latter's panicked face. His black hair tousled, his dark eyes looking back at her frantically, his lips quivered slightly.

"I'm sorry."

He said loudly enough for her to hear.

Shouldn't I be saying that?

"I'm sorry too."

She mumbled back, playing with the hem of her shirt.

"I uhh....I also...umm...I like you too."

Taehyun said once he walked closer to the girl.

"Good to know, bye!"

Y/N said before turning around and attempting to walk away.

However, Taehyun already had a grip on her wrist and pulled her right back, leaning in closer. The gap between the two became smaller by the second, and right before they leaned in,

"Can y'all do this somewhere else?"

A voice asked from behind them.

The two pulled away from each other and awkwardly coughed.

Y/N looked up to see who it was and boy was she disappointed.

"Choi Y/N? Taehyun? Dang."

Jay said once he saw the faces.

"Stop ruining my moment Park Jongseong!"

Y/N yelled at the male.

"Right, yeahhhh.... this is reminding me about how single I am sooo I'm outta here."

Jay rushed his words before walking away.

"Umm....classes get over in ten minutes."

Taehyun informed the girl awkwardly.

"Uh huh."

"Wanna binge watch the rest?"

"Sure let's go."

Y/N said before walking three doors away to her room.


The next day.

"Choi Beomgyuuuuuuu~~~"

Y/N whined after blowing her nose in a tissue.

"Yes my lovely but very annoying little sister."

Beomgyu said, rushing to the girl's side.

"I'm hungry."

She pouted, looking at the older with puppy eyes.

"I'll get you chicken noodle soup."


"I said get? Let me rephrase that, I'll make you chicken noodle soup."

Beomgyu said before walking away from Y/N who was laid on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket.

"What do you want Beomgyu?"

Yeonjun asked through the phone.

"Get the others, Y/N's sick."

Beomgyu replied.

