

What happened on 14 January, 2024.


Y/N yelled in pain as she felt the sharp stinging in her throat.


She yelled again while kicking her feet and holding her throat.

"Hold your horses Y/N!!!"

Soobin and Yeonjun yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah what he said!"

Hueningkai yelled after, running around with a pot.

The door slammed open, making everyone pause their actions and look there.

"Y/N! Are you okay!?"

Taehyun asked while frantically running in.

"Yes! I can just sprint out and play in the snow right now!"

Y/N yelled in fake enthusiasm before blowing her nose in a piece of tissue again.

"I'm letting that slide 'cause you're sick."

He muttered before sitting beside the girl.

"Did you go play in the snow after leaving my dorm last night?"

He asked with a questioning look on his face. Y/N looked away at the wall before looking at her hands.


She mumbled while looking at the wall again.

Taehyun put on the fakest (and probably the cutest) angry face he could make and saw Y/N's pout growing while looking at it. Immediately chuckling, he cupped her cheeks and cooed at her adorable (and pathetic and sick) state.

"You're sooo adorable and it feels so good to say that out loud!"

He squealed, grinning ear to ear.

"Taehyun she's sick. And I'm getting sick watching this."

Beomgyu said holding a boul of steaming hot soup.

"Imagine how I felt when thirdwheeling you and Ara-nni!"

Y/N half yelled before huffing and turning away from the older.


Taehyun muttered under his breath.

"Ara eonni."

Huening kai mumbled next to his ear and sat down beside him.


Taehyun nodded his head before booping the girl's nose and getting the soup bowl from Beomgyu.


He said before placing a breakfast in bed table ontop of her lap and keeping the bowl there.

"Thank you."

She said before starting to drink the soup.

"I like how she's a mini version of Beomgyu but way more insane. Like I thought she wouldn't be like him if she gets sick but she's ten times worse than Beomgyu."

Yeonjun spoke as he sat down beside Soobin who quickly put an arm around him.

And for the second time that day, the door slammed open, making the eating cat look at the door.

"I heard my bitch was sick."

Hannah said before removing her shoes and walking inside.

Ara, Hiyyih and Lea quickly followed inside.

"Do y'all always stay together or something?"

Soobin asked, as far as he remembers, these four were always together.

"No we're just roommates. I live with Hannah while Hiyyih lives with Lea outside uni."

Ara informed before walking over to the sick girl and placing her palm on her forehead.

"I already did that."

Beomgyu said with a smile.

"So did I."

Yeonjun quickly said after him.

"I did that too."

Soobin followed.

"Yup. I did that too. She slapped my arm away."

Huening kai said before ruffling Hiyyih's hair.

"What if we all move in together for next year. I mean Hiyyih will come to uni too. We can all basically cut our expenses in half."

Y/N suggested out of the blue and everyone started thinking.

"Sis, not to ruin your mood or anything but I have twelfth grade still."

Hiyyih spoke.

"Or you can skip like Hannah."

Huening kai sassed.

"I bet she doesn't know what the powerhouse of the cell is."

Hiyyih shot back.

"It's mitochondria, I skipped eleventh and twelfth grade, not eighth grade!"

Hannah interrupted.

"I'm graduating this year."

Yeonjun muttered.

"Who cares? Go to work while living there."

Y/N quickly responded before completing her soup.

"Did the pain go away?"

Taehyun asked concernedly.

"Yup. I still have a fever though."

She replied before falling backwards on the couch.

"Did Beomgyu even give you meds?"

Lea asked after sitting down beside Huening kai.

"No he didn't."

Y/N said, fake sniffling.

"Beomgyu! Get the kid the medicines!"

Lea gasped, a slight grimace on her face.

"I ordered them!"

He retaliated, raising his arms in defense.


Lea turned to the girl.

"He didn't tell me that, okay?"

She defended, raising her hands up along with Beomgyu.

"Ahem, I got you porridge."

Ara informed, raising up a black bag.

"I got you....uhh....a heat pad."

Bahiyyih said before handing it to the girl.

"Thank you!"

She thanked the two, giving them a smile.

Not even a second into the smile though, she started coughing.


She shrieked, kicking her legs and rolling into Taehyun.

"Woah- nevermind I kinda like this."

He muttered, holding the girl (who was practically laying on his lap and face to face with his abs-).

Soobin quickly got up, alerted.

He and Yeonjun rushed to the kitchen to either make ginger tea. (Or make ou-...anyways.)

"Get the ginger, I know Y/N has some somewhere in the cabinets."

The older said. Soobin quickly followed and found a pack of ginger just sitting there.

"Found them."

He muttered before giving them to Yeonjun.

"Ginger tea....She talked about this once."

Yeonjun tried to remember. The male could hear Y/N wail in the living room and Taehyun trying to calm her down.

"I thought she liked peppermint tea better?"

Soobin asked.

"She does. She just makes these once in a while..."

He said before snapping his fingers.


Soobin asked.

"I got it."

He muttered before rummaging through the refrigerator.

Ginger tea:

1. Ingredients: Gather fresh ginger, water, honey (optional), and lemon (optional).

2. Peel and Slice: Peel a thumb-sized piece of ginger and thinly slice it. About 1-2 tablespoons of sliced ginger per cup.

3. Boil Water: Bring water to a boil in a pot or kettle.

4. Add Ginger: Place the sliced ginger into the boiling water.

5. Simmer: Reduce heat to low and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes. This extracts the ginger flavor.

6. Strain: Use a fine mesh strainer or tea infuser to separate the liquid from the ginger slices.

7. Serve: Pour the ginger-infused water into a cup.

I know he's only making tea but like....

Someone thought.


He clapped twice before walking out of the kitchen to give it to the girl.

She sniffled again, turning around in Taehyun's hold,.....again.

"Okay, that's enough. Hyung made tea."

Soobin said, pulling the girl up by her arms and handing her the drink that was previously in Yeonjun's arms.

"Thank you."

She sighed, her voice coarse.

Y/N swigged the whole drink, blinking her eyes slowly.

Ding dong!

Beomgyu's eyes lightened up.

"Must be the meds!"

He said before rushing to the door and opening it.

However, by the door was the delivery guy and beside him..was Park Jeongseong.

"Oh Jay, hi." He muttered before turning to the delivery person.

"Uhh hello? The meds?"

He asked the male but he was just staring right into Beomgyu's face.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Here you go."

He muttered before walking away, looking back every now and then to look at Beomgyu only to hit his face when someone opened their room door.

"Okay let's go inside."

Beomgyu muttered and pulled Jay in once he saw the delivery guy on the floor.

"Dang bro, he's whipped."

Jay chuckled at the thought before turning around to face the people there.

"Wrong timing?"

He asked, looking at the girl in a blanket burrito who was staring wide eyedly at him before turning around to sneeze and the guy beside her who was looking at her with heart eyes.

"Eh sorta."

Soobin replied, nodding at his own words.

"Uhh me and the others are gonna hang out...wanna join?"

He asked, pointing his thumb outside.

"I have to take care of Y/N-"

Before Beomgyu could finish, Taehyun interrupted.

"I'll stay with her. Don't worry."

Taehyun smiled, patting Y/N's back.

The older seemed skeptical.

"No funny business." -Beomgyu.

"Got it." -Taehyun.

"You should make her take her meds."


"Make sure she doesn't eat ice cream."




"Alright then. Ara? My love-"

"Ahem! Anyways, Take care Y/N, Bye!"

Ara interrupted and pulled Beomgyu away and out of the door.

Beomgyu chuckled before sticking out his tongue to Y/N and running away.

"I wanted to stay longer."

Hiyyih pouted before waddling over to Y/N and giving her a hug.

"Too bad. I'll come over after I prevent myself from meeting the inevitable fate."

Y/N smiled before patting Hiyyih's back.

"You won't die bitch, don't be so overdramatic."

Hannah rolled her eyes before shaking her head with a sigh.

"I'll get you coffee-hot."

Hannah said again before walking out the door.

Soon, everyone filed out of the house.

Except for the sick cat and the adorable squirrel ofcourse.

"Now what?"

Lea asked once everyone were outside the university.

"We wait till everyone else comes."

Jay replied, pursing his lips.

"Yo Jay!"

Jaeyun, or Jake called out, walking towards them.

"Yup. Found 'em."

Jay nodded his head and the six rushed over to the others.

"Dang, who knew you knew girls."

Jungwon sassed to which Jay rolled his eyes.

"So what now?"

Lea asked again and everyone paused again.


Heeseung suggested, fixing his hair.

"Good idea but I'm not paying."

Beomgyu said, an arm surrounding Ara.

"I'll pay, let's roll."

Hannah said, putting on her sunglasses.

"To the kareoke!"

Soobin yelled, pointing his finger infront and stomping away, pulling Yeonjun with him.


















"Neol bogo isseum eumagi, baby"

"Neoreul wihan melody, melody, yeah"

"Niga muse-nikka jal deureobwa, play it"








Everyone had just left.

Y/N stared at Taehyun and Taehyun stared back, not knowing what to do.

"Soo now what?"

The older of the two asked.

Y/N, shrugged before widening her arms and unwrapping her blanket burrito for the first time since morning (it is now noon).

"Do I?....."

Taehyun trailed off. Y/N nodded with a small grin. The other chuckled before scooting in and wrapping his arms around the girl's waist.

Y/N wrapped her hands that held the blanket around Taehyun's neck and layed back on the couch.

"Hmm....this is nice."

Taehyun smiled, nodding his head.

"I know."


He muttered under his breath.

"And sick."

Y/N added with a small smile.

"Wanna watch TV or listen to music?"

Taehyun suggested, raising an eyebrow.

"Nah let's just stay like this."

She replied.

The older pecked the younger's nose before turning away to take the remote and turning on the TV.

"Why ask me then?"

"Just to be petty."

Five seconds later, both were fast asleep in each others arms.


"Shhh you'll wake them up!"

"Shut up Beomgyu I wanna record it."

"My days as a wingman is finally over!"

"Huening kai! Shushhh."

"You four are gonna wake them up."

"Are Taehyun's eyes open?"

"Don't worry I think he sleeps like that."

"Beomgyu, love, it's concerning how you're kinda stalking your own sister."

"What the hell are you guys doing?"

Taehyun asked, opening his eyes wider.

"Shhh you'll wake her up!"

"I'm going back to sleep."

He mumbled before scooting closer to Y/N and closing his eyes.

"Kai get the broom."

"No. Die."

