
Arcane Secrets

most characters start alive. Mine is dead and has been reincarnated as a vessel for the strongest Arcane user in history. Forgot to say if he dies the world and everything with it dies along with him new chapters released every day!

Aidrus_Tono · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

A rude awakening

I didn't know what to do. I didn't stand a chance against this monster. My world was going blurry and I passed out.

That was when the strongest arcane user in history came out for the first time in 1000 years and was the only arcane user in history who possessed 5 tattoos…

"ARCANE BARRIER 10 FOLD" said druso. However the king of arcane (kenzo hakairo) destroyed it with no difficulty. "How arcane techniques has fallen" he said and as he teleported behind him, he used his own innate technique "chrono slash"

This attack slashes through the time in space which should result in druso death.



Sho Siro a man who possessed 4 tattoos and the strongest innate technique.

He used his innate technique "arcane amplifier collapse" onto Hakairo and he was getting crushed. He said "for the strongest your pretty weak". Hakairo was getting annoyed and then teleported behind him and used his chrono slash once again. But this time hakairo got hit by it. Siro couldn't get hit due to his clan being blessed by the gods due to a divine technique handed down by the Siro clan so Hakairo(me) got cut in half…

I later found myself in my soul looking at Hakairo and I told him " HOW DID YOU KILL ME" he said "listen up I am only going to say this once. I will revive your body under one condition".

"Which is"?

" you will find all my crystals and absorb them to get me to full strength"

I reluctantly agreed to this so I was alive on the floor looking at Siro

He said "where did hakairo go" "was he too scared"

I said that's not the point and asked "who are you"

"The strongest why"

"Even stronger than hakairo"?

" probably but he would put up a fight."

"But you think you can beat him"?

"Obviously I am the strongest user in the world"

He realised I possessed no arcane so he said that I shouldn't exist in this world

And that I should be executed due to me having 0 tattoos

so he said you can either die now or die after you get all his crystals

So I decided that I would get all the crystals of hakairo and then die

The bureau of arcane didn't like that I was alive and Siro said

"Your scared of people being stronger than you and you having no control right"?

"So if you even think about executing him i will kill you all"

So yeah i got told i would attend arcane high where i would learn to control hakairo and use he arcane energy as my own


Aidrus_Tonocreators' thoughts