
Arcane Secrets

most characters start alive. Mine is dead and has been reincarnated as a vessel for the strongest Arcane user in history. Forgot to say if he dies the world and everything with it dies along with him new chapters released every day!

Aidrus_Tono · Fantasy
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26 Chs


I went into arcane high it was nothing like I thought it would be.

First I was denied entry due to me having no arcane energy.

After I got in I was then kicked out for having no tattoos.

And then after I finally went inside there was at least 4 people trying to kill me.

So it wasn't welcoming to say the least.

I was going to enter the class until I got stopped

"In the count of 3 go in ok" said Siro. He was a odd guy to say the least but I went along"

"Please welcome your new student"

I entered inside and I tried to introduce myself to the gang.

And not joking 2 seconds later I had.

A knife to my throat

Fire ball near my chest

And 2 people having their fists out"

To be fair the class was filled with 6 other people and me.

And that was when they finally introduced the grade system to me.

1. [special arcane]

2 [arcane 1]

3 [ semi arcane 1]

4 [arcane 2]

5[semi arcane 2]

6[arcane 3]

7[arcane 4]

And you guessed it I was at the bottom of the barrel arcane 4.

There was sayoka[durav]

There was giron[truso]

And the last of the 3 was souran [frind]

"So your the mystery kid that beat grade 1 druso" said sayoka

She was the first trying to get my head so I wasn't fond of her.

"Yes?" "And what's it to you"

"Woah woah slow your role children" said Siro

Sayoka was trying to argue with me but she was using so much big words I spaced out.

She was saying how I should be dead.

How I shouldn't be here.

How I was so weak.

So I told her that i could beat her.

Needless to say she didn't take it lightly and requested a fight. I of course agreed to it

And I lost.

"Woah you ok man" said souran

He was the kind one of the 3 and the other guy what's his name again

Oh giron wasn't fond of me but to be fair he wasn't fond of anybody

"You ready for your first mission"? Said Siro

"More ready than ever" I muttered


"Ok have fun"! Siro said

"WAIT WHAT I was just at school what happened".

"One more thing said" Siro

"Try not to die"

And he vanished

We all walked through the abandoned village but we didn't know what to look for

"That dummy forgot to tell us why we are here" said sayoka

But I realised why we were here

There was a forbidden dragon terrrorising the village.

"I FOUND IT!" I screamed from the top of my lungs.

Next thing I know it is right after I said that, it was right next to me.

It's tail was going to hit me until giron but a barrier to prevent it

"Get lost if you aren't going to help" he said

I begged hakairo to give me strength

He said he would give it to me but there would be a small chance I die.

I took the chance.

The barrier broke and just when it was going to hit me i temporarily got 5 tattoos and screamed



Aidrus_Tonocreators' thoughts