
Apocalypse Mayhem---

Apocalypse Mayhem is a story of a zombie apocalypse, and short moments of insane adventures. Read and find what insanity could happen when teenagers are evolved.

Jin_Frosty · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


Before I go tell, or show another important part of long-short life, (Yes I know you want to know and know that I know but I also need to tell you that I know You know I know that I- Oh you know what, lets just go back to the storytelling), The smarter of the reader(?) or at least the one with good memory and observant at teh least, would have notices I skipped something important. The School Raid, mentioned in the long paragraph above, and the bond of a newly ally/friend (not saying I trust her completely though >-<)

The first time I felt like going to school again, was in the apocalypse, we'll congrats government you have gotten what you want. I, the person who skipped daycare, middle school down too high-school, who broke they're every bone just to avoid it, is going to school, IN the apocalypse. Serial and I were just going around the block when we spotted the building, confidently it was a school I used to go too. When I told him that he pretty much showed his sadistic side, meaning he asked to go through it to see the picture of the tourtur-teachers of this generation, and their dead bodies. So lol, we went dragging open the rusted of gate covered in vines. Stomping through overgrown voyage, that the gardener obviously left unintended for... ever. I feel like I'm being effected by Serial too much. We had reached the gym, when we felt something was wrong, we hadn't seen anything alive or even remotely dead, no corpse's or blood stains. Perhaps we should have noticed sooner or later that the rooms too cleans, the barricaded entrances and exits or the fact that the gas was on. When we did it was too late, and we were frozen stiff on the ground.

It was the first time I was kidnapped, and something back then told it wouldn't be my last time either. When I had woke up, I was in those cliche situation, where your tide up to a chair and separated form your teammates. Wow, and there's even the cliche part where a dude with a mask comes out of the shadows in front of me with a bat thumping again his(?) hip. Oh wait his talking I should probably pay attention,

"-So we have decided to let you choose, either to die or to become one of us" The man said in a typical gangster way. Though the sweet British accent made it harder for him to be intimidating. I give him a 5/10.

"Wait why should I?" I asked yawning out loud. If the dude was a anime character he would probably have a tick mark on his mask??.... ah maybe. And it seemed his boys in the dark, also agreed with him, their shifting making the darkness in the room seem.... stuffier.

"Why YO-" The gangster dude yelled, raising his rusted old iron bat, that reminds me where was my old trusty axe? These guys better not have done anything with 'm.

"STOP! Z" A cold voice bounced off the tiled roof and the air seem to get heavier. Wait, tiled?, straining my senses out, I smelt the smell of deodorant and the sweat it failed to hide, too moist of an air and the feeling of a big room. We were in one of the two changing rooms. So Serial could be in the other changing room or his next door. That saying, there seems to be a pecking order.

"But he-"

"They...: I interrupted.

"Wait wha?" Seemly surprised his head swirled to face me.

";Cough;, Ya you seem... Im actually genderless....." A pregnant silence bloomed behind the truth I chose to say.

"Ahh, well...." For awhile the gangster dude seem to -

"Doesn't matter the gender, the fact 's that wel' give ya a hour to decide, remember death for no, live for yes" The same cold voice from earlier penetrated the silent air, seeming to make the final word.

"Okay, bye, Imma sleep now" I said, not at all affected with the atmosphere. Closing my eyes, I leaned back, listening to the sound of their footsteps receding into the dark hallway. Opening my eyes, I swirled around, sensing no presence. ..

I reached my left hand into my right sleeve, it seemed they were immature kidnappers. They didn't touch me down, soo, I pulled out a small kitahcqe knife the length of my middle finger. Grinding away at the fibres of the rope. I hummed an old tune. Feeling the snap of rope, I wiggled until it all fell down. My hands working the blood regulations, I had 54 minutes left, Swiping the rope, I pulled out a mine torch from a hidden pocket in my jacket. It little lights flickered on, searching and carefully avoiding the entrances, before landing on air ventilation, which they seem to have forgotten to board up. Snorting, I backed up before getting a running head start to my leap. Banging again the ventilation. I stiffened, my ears strained and legs bunched, it took another wasted 5 minutes of quite, for me to dig out a screwdriver carefully balancing myself, and opening up the ventilation, sliding it down, I gripped the rope tight and slithered through the small metallic tunnel. It hadn't taken awhile to find Serial with the way he was rocking on his small crooked wooden chair (where did they even find that among the plastic and metallic ones?) yelling curses after curse at a poor closed door that seemed to sweat under his glare. Unlike where I was the lights were left on.

Calling him out I questioned his sanity.

"Uhh, dude you okay" Almost immediately his neck snapped to see me slipping out of the ventilation.

"UHH, finally, what took you so long" Serial groaned, loosening the rope tying him to the cracked chair, seemly too bored to get out.

"So what we gonna due, I don't have any weapons other than a spare dagger in my boot, and the rings to small to count" Question Serial, "They have weapons along with your trusty axe, and shotgun(found in a bank nearby), they even took my knuckles!"

Ahh that would be a problem, it wouldn't matter if we didn't get back the shotgun, however he wound leave the knuckles behind... Though I can't really say much, as there is no way I'd let go of my axe. Oh, well.

"Hmm, well I have a kitchen knife, a flint and steel, some rope,...."

"I have an Idea...." I said smirking, the lights of the change rooms flickered.

"Ready?" A anticipating whisper asked from my right, next to me Serial twitched impatiently, half his body already swinging out the 2 story building, in the room of the science room.

"Yep" I said whistling along side the gas, a hand covering my mouth and nose. It shouldn't be soon now....

"Stop, right there" A voice called out as a background character bashed open the door. How does one teenager and adult, fight about 20 people armed, and get out alive. Well they get some gas, a flint and rope in a classic trap.