
Apocalypse I can Synthesis Anything

Destruction and chaos spread on the once-vibrant Green Star, its surroundings plagued by the incessant noise of impending doom. An ominous darkness, akin to locusts, relentlessly devoured the land. "Why is this happening? Why?" A few melting figures glared at the impending doom of darkness above. A colossal shadow cast its veil over the Green Star, declaring an impending cataclysm. Above, a green pillar of light flickered intermittently, each appearance marking the vanishing of another source of life. Silence draped the star as both light and vitality were snuffed out. Everything became devoid of life, light, and silence spreading across the whole star along with darkness. Thousands of light years away, in the vast expanse of deep space, ripples distorted the fabric of the cosmos. A colossal shadow materialized, observing the distant spectacle of a supernova's explosive demise. Amidst cryptic symbols, a message emerged: "~~" "~~~" "~~~~~" Deciphering, "Not Found," "Erasure is Complete," "Proceeding to the next target."

Chaos_Gray · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
141 Chs

Chapter 5 Dealing 2

Looking at the middle aged man expressionlessly and ordered,

"Wake him up," Jack pulled out a cigar, cut and lit it up, smoking as two burly men injected a syringe into Charles's neck. Charles's eyes turned red, he opened them, shouting in pain before regaining his senses. "Charles, how are you? Well, you are not worthy to be called Uncle."

Charles's eyes widened at the familiar voice, and after a while, he smiled. "Ellis Family finally produced a monster. I am relieved."


A hole appeared on Charles's forehead; his eyes lost their luster. "Burn his body to ashes. Also, turn the other two into ashes." After putting the gun back in its cover,

Jack walked outside, leaving the premises.

Jack dialed a number.

On the other side, Luna sat in her room, immersed in the chaotic sounds of bickering and swearing emanating from her stepbrother and stepsister outside the door. She stared at a colorful picture on the wall in a daze.

Suddenly, her phone began vibrating, and confusion crossed her face as she glanced at the unknown number on the screen.

After answering, she remained silent. "How are you, Luna? Oh, it's Jack. I wanted to confirm your condition," Jack's voice broke the quiet.

Luna, surprised, continued staring at the phone in a daze.

"Hello, Hello, Luna, are you with me?"

After a moment, Jack grew confused as Luna delayed in response.

"Ahem, Mr. Jack, sorry for the delay. I was... I was... I am fine, I mean. Thanks for calling me," Luna replied nervously, her words stumbling.

"Well, it's good you are fine. I wanted to meet you this evening. Are you free?" Jack inquired.

"Yes, I am free, I think," Luna's heart raced, her face turned red, replied even more nervously,

"That's good. I'll pick you up at 19:00 O'clock," Jack smiled, conveying the pick-up time.

He then proceeded to dial a few influential figures around the world to schedule a meeting.

Next, he dialed another number. "Buy all staple food, more then 100 tons each. Everything must be in a separate sealed container, I need it soon. Send these containers to the address I am providing you."

"Find and purchase the best seeds for every plant, vegetable, and fruit tree worldwide. You have three days. I am sending you 1 billion as an advance."

He called the assistant secretary, instructing, "Purchase these items in bulk. I am sending you the list."

"Locate the best cold weapon designer and have him sent to my office by tomorrow. Cancel all my schedules for the next ten days," Jack instructed in a commanding tone.

In the evening, Jack arrived in a sleek sports car near a residential area. Luna, clad in a simple yet stunning dress, emerged shortly after.

With a charming smile, Jack muttered, "I've resolved to make her mine in this lifetime; she won't be left alone."

Luna nervously took a seat beside him, asking, "Mr. Jack, where are we headed?"

"We're going on a date," Jack responded as he drove. Luna, wide-eyed and surprised, forgot her initial nervousness.

"Don't you want to thank me for saving your life?" Jack remarked without looking at her. Luna hesitated, acknowledging the gratitude but feeling unsure about the rapid progression.

"Do you know me?" Jack inquired. Luna nodded and then shook her head in uncertainty.

Jack, unfazed, parked the car near a restaurant, looked at her, and said, "Well, I know you. I've never been in a relationship before, and neither have you. I like the things you like; I like you."

Glancing at Jack's eyes, Luna's heart raced. Near a renowned restaurant,

Jack courteously opened the door for Luna, and they entered the empty establishment. Chefs began serving dinner as the two of them occupied the space.

While Luna enjoyed the meal, Jack ordered additional dishes and drinks. After leaving the restaurant, they stood by the lake, and Jack took Luna's hand.

Smiling at her nervous expression, he confessed, "Luna, I fell in love with you at first sight. I want you to be my girlfriend, and I want to marry you. Please don't refuse." Luna's heart raced; she blushed and nodded slowly, having grown fond of Jack, especially after he saved her life.

Jack happily hugged her tightly, savouring the moment.

Looking at her moon like face he kissed her sweetly, and as they parted, Luna turned away, her face and neck flushed.

With a contented smile, Jack walked with her toward the car, driving towards her home, cherishing the newfound connection.

As they approached her home, Luna's face paled upon seeing it engulfed in raging flames. Firefighters and water tanks worked tirelessly to extinguish the blaze.

Jack, sensing Luna's distress, took her hand and comforted her, saying, "Luna, it's fine. Who lived with you in your house?"

Luna, in a daze and visibly frightened, gazed at the devastation caused by the fire. After a while, the fire was finally put out, and rescue staff entered, discovering three charred bodies almost reduced to ashes.

"I'm truly sorry. We couldn't save your family," apologised a firefighter, with another standing by, both removing their helmets.

Jack, with an expressionless face, observed the grim scene. He glanced at Luna, who was in shock, crying amidst the devastation. He hugged her, gently tapping her back to soothe her emotions.

Feeling warmth and security in Jack's embrace, Luna whispered, "Jack, you won't leave me alone, will you?"

Jack took a deep breath, his gaze still on the scorched corpses, and assured her, "Don't worry. I will never leave you alone, never, ever."

Luna buried her head in Jack's embrace, finding solace. After a while, she pulled away and looked at the now darkened house, everything consumed by the fire.

Following the aftermath and burials,

Jack stood by Luna and said, "Luna, let's go. You will stay with me."

Observing Luna's hesitant expression, Jack asserted, "I'll take you away, no matter what it takes. Even if I have to marry you right now, saying 'no' is not an option. I'll never leave you alone, not even for a second."

Luna fell silent, eventually nodding. As they drove away in Jack's car, her mind in turmoil, Jack took her to a villa.

Inside, Jack showed Luna to her room, encouraging her to relax given her distressed mental state.

Meanwhile, in his own room, Jack made a call, his tone stern, "Who instructed you to burn the house? I told you to incinerate the corpses, not the entire damn house. Are you retarded?"

After dismissing the call,

Dialled another number, "Deal with them, keep in mind, no evidence should be left behind,"

Jack lit a cigarette, gazing out the window. He reflected, "Now, I've eliminated the cause of Luna's despair and given her a reason to live. She'll be fine in a few days, probably."