
Apocalypse: Dawn of Mana

in the modern era , where wars ,poverty , corruption , and all sort of disasters plague the society , the administrator of the universe , who watched enough finally decides the fate of the earth inhabitant , a decision to supply the world with mana , for a change , for the people to finally understand, that they should appreciate what they had , rather than thirst for what they dont. our protagonist named : Cole Hunt ,20 yo , is a martial artist , a university student , and an orphan , who had to fend for himself since the age of 14 when his parent died . follow his adventure, as one of the awakeners who has to struggle in this new society plagued by zombies , mutated animals and many more dangers. note: the picture the characters and everything on the novel belongs to me as i made them myself smile [ note that my mc will be extremely op , but not enough not to struggle against enemies two ranks higher than him, but do not i will make him a army killer at first , then a world destroyer at the middle , and finally galaxy level or even more if i come up with more interesting ideas by the end of this]

ArthurNV · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Plans , Amira , and the contract

[ Hello author here , i would like to say that the true events are about to start , and the mc is about to become most probably one of the most overpowered characters in the story , do note i will not make him capable of beating anyone who exceeds his rank by two ,but i will make him basically unbeatable on his rank , and barely able to win to can win against some higher by one rank than him. also fair warning this chapter has a lot of info which i would recommend not skipping , because a lot of future events and decisions will be based on , and thank you for reading] 


" come in guys"

Allen and Layla come to the room , to find Cole waiting for them 

" sit down you two , we need to talk" says Cole but notices the expression on Layla's 

" nice face you got there" he addresses Layla " I'm guessing you filled her in instructor?"

" she needed it" says Allen

"yeah , and we thought the old world was shitty , truly humans can't appreciate what they have until they lose it" says Cole and then stares at the two intently " before i tell what I'll do , what are you two planning on doing"

Allen then says" after we sort the situation here , and hopefully we get contacted by the government , i will head south to Hazend, The Hazy City , i need to find my brother and his family , even if we dont get contacted i need to go " Cole nods and turns to Layla " i'm same as Instructor , but i need to go south west for Whitpost town , to find my mother what about you ?" she says then she and Allen wait for his answer , "i had an aunt who lived a bit further from your town , in Fayforest , she died four years ago , she had a daughter that i consider a little sister , so i will take the same road as you , after we clean up the mess in here" they both nod and Allen asks" so what's your plan" , " honestly i wouldn't even call it a plan , for now i will wake up tomorrow , see what kind of problems we have here , bc im sure we'll have a lot , then after that i will start by going around the university , seeing if there are any survivors , and then expanding the safe perimeter and getting stronger along the way" Cole says which clearly nerves Layla" why dont you just wait here until the government contacts us , our food will last a week , so we can afford to wait " she says to which both Allen and Cole sigh , and the latter says" Layla stop being naïve , you make your determined expression seem fake , yes we have food , but a storm is more likely to come given the heavy clouds , meaning cold weather , resulting in sickness , which means we need medicines , not to mention sleeping on the floor , will make the mental health deteriorate , and like i said you're naïve , what makes you even think that the government will contact us , to be honest with you , i'm more than 70 % sure that the government system should've already collapsed with the dawn of mana , you underestimate human nature too much , you haven't seen the worst of it because you are somewhat strong , and because we are here , outside of here will not be as forgiving, you do not even have to take my word for it , you will see it eventually , just be prepared for it" and Layla flinches and tries to argue" but-" but Allen cuts her off" Layla , did you happen to ignore what i said before?" and Layla looks defeated " but instructor" " not buts Layla , you might think the military equipment will be effective against zombies and insects , but what do you think will happen , when we meet an elephant , a tiger , a giant boar , or other mutated animales " he says and Layla falls silent " human nature will always be greedy , lustful , and ugly Layla , the sooner you realize it the better , anyway Kid , since I'm sure my brother will be alright , i will tag along with you two before , i go , he's a better martial artist then i ever was , so I'm confident he'll be alright , you on the other hand , seem to need a hand " ," if you say so Instructor , and yes i will need your help making way , to south west , but not i think we should go get our food , get a good night sleep , and think over our options , you specifically Layla " Cole says and stares intently at Layla .but then he says " but take my advice here , don't trust anyone , I'm fine with you not even trusting me , because no one will save you when your flashing before your eyes but yourself ,and with that let's close the depressing talk , i want you guys to tell me about the skills you got , i will start , mine is {lighting manipulation} , it allows me to control lightning around me , it probably allows me to create it as well , but i couldnt spend precious mana point to figure that out before , i got it when i killed a mutated bee , which broke through my window , along with this sword . what about you two" Cole adds and looks at both of them , which in turn the two give him shocked looks " you- , you really hit the jackpot huh" Allen says and Layla seriously nods and he continues " so that's how you killed the mantis from before" ," yeah , it was a really risky move bc i never done it , before , i made lightning flow through my whole body and mind enhancing my senses and and movement , it was either success or fry my entire body if i wasn't somewhat resistant, the status thing called it , {lightning zone }",to which Layla gave him the look of 'are you an idiot' to which he smiles wryly " it was either i die by frying , die by the mantis , or make it work , nothing much of a choice , anyway what about you two".Allen goes first " i got a simple skill if you can call it that , its called {sword saint} , it gives me proficiency in the sword , enhancing my learning ability about it , and increase the dmg i deal with it " and Cole says" simple my ass , you just don't a good enough sword , it suits a sword maniac like you though i have to say" " i agree instructor" Layla nods" that's true i guess , what about you Layla " Allen responds looking at Layla ," mine is somewhat similar to yours Cole , although my control of it , is rather pathetic , its called {ice control} , it allows me to make ice and control it but i can't control the outside ice unlike you , only the ice i make , i was only able to created that sword , because its the only thing i know how to use , now that i think about it , there are millions of ways to use it , i guess the heat of the battle made me dumber" Layla replies looking down , and Allen and Cole look at each other smiling wryly , and the latter says" don't beat yourself over it , you just need to practice which i suggest you start soon , time waits for no one , so get stronger , and you are right , your skill is very versatile ,just like mine , i also barely scratched the surface "

and Allen continues" that's right , what's important is what you do from now on , okey then lets wrap this up , and go eat our food to sleep " "yes" "yeah" the other two reply 

after getting their food they go to sleep with Cole going back to his room , he tries to convince the two to just share the room , but they refuse saying he earned it , while they did barely anything , and Cole eventually accepts his defeats and goes to sleep .

Cole open his eyes and finds himself in a white space , he looks around confused trying to figure out where he is , he walking around looking for anything but the space is completely empty until he hears

[Oh , look what we have here , a mortal in the garden] Cole hears a soft voice that sounded clearly amused 

" who's there , where is this" he questions and raises his guard

[ cautious aren't we , no need to be little mortal , i can't hurt you even if i want to]

"i would believe that if i was a stupid novel main character , who are you , what do you want , and where is this?" he questions while trying to figure a way out 

[hmm , quite peculiar aren't you , but then again from my host i expect no less , worry not boy , like i said i can't hurt you even if i want to , if you want to find out who am i , and where are you , walk to you left , you should find me after a 10 min walk ]

and the voice goes quiet while Cole murmurs " again , i would be stupid to believe that" then he sets on the white ground to contemplate, " so i don't know where am i , i dont know how to get out , and there is someone that wants me to come to them , no matter how you look at it , this looks like a trap ,and the problem , i have no choice but to walk to the middle to of it , because i have no clue how to get the hell out of here" he sighs excessively " alright then , guess i have no choice , hopefully i make it out of here alive" he says and starts walking to his left after exactly a 10 min walk he says a red door , in the middle of nowhere " is this the place? " he question and opens the door , only for his vision to change into a yellowish white space , but with a grand looking mansion in front of him .

[ come in , you'll find me upstairs , don't be shy , i have some tea here ]

"haaah" he sighs and enters the mansion , and is a bit surprised at how extravagant it looks even from the inside , he sees a stairs and start climbing it , reaching the upper floor , he looks around cautiously and curiously , only to be dumbfounded , he sees a long table , that seems to be made of expensive materials , at the end of the table , he sees a woman , that the only description that fits her would be ' a beauty that countries would go to war for' but she was clearly not human , with draconic horns , orange eyes , that made him believe she was some sort of dragon , an exquisite looking black dress , a curvy figure , and expression of full amusement 

[ like what you see?] she questions grinning and he averts his eyes embarrassed

" umm , for what is worth you look beautiful" to which to she chuckles and responds

[ thank you , you're not so bad yourself, well sit down , the tea will go cold , im sure you have a lot of questions mortal]

he sits down but just kept staring at the tea hesitantly [ oh please , like i would even need to poison it , look mortal , given that you have great instincts , you should realize that i don't even need to move , to take your head off you shoulders , but like i said , i can't harm you even if i want to ] and she wasn't wrong , every time she stares at him Coles body shivers like death is looking at him so he calms down and drinks the tea in front of him , and surprisingly , he thinks it the best tea he ever tasted .

and she grins and says [ what do you think , the best tea you ever tasted huh, im proud of the tea i make , let's leave that for later , listen closely , my name Amira my last name is not relevant yet , and im a fairy dragon , and go ahead ask your questions]

even though Cole expected that she's a dragon , but hearing it and believing it are two different stories ,' so dragons exist huh , not surprising given what's happening lately i guess' . he think then starts his questions

" where are we"

[ a place shared between both our souls , i call it the bond realm , because it is basically a bond between you and me , but i have more control over it , because i'm stronger than you]

" okey why am i here"

[ because i called you here to establish the contract]

" the contract?"

[a contract signed between the host and the spirit bonded with him , meaning you and me ]

" how can i leave here"

[ by either accepting the contract , or rejecting it , though i don't recommend the latter option because it harms both of us]

" how so , and more importantly you said you were a spirit , but before you said you were a fairy dragon"

[be rejecting the contract , it will separate our souls , while i will die , you will have your soul injured , and because your soul is the core of you existence , you would be turning yourself either braindead , or handicapped forever, and for you second question , i was a normal fairy dragon , well normal is an understatement , seeing that you read your so called novels , you could say i was one of the old monsters of the fairy dragon race , before my death , i made a deal with a certain someone , you would come to know eventually , to turn me into a spirit , and send me to the mortal with the most adaptability and potential ]

" braindead or handicapped huh , yep not a chance , okey why a mortal then?"

[ because most mortals wouldn't try to take advantage of me , or wouldn't even know my worth , although you somewhat know the latter, on other hand , higher existences , unlike you mortals , are void of emotions and only think of their own benefits , not to mention , the only way me for materialize would be using the rank up energy that mortals utilize , and before you ask no , that would not weaken the rank up , i will only be using the excess energy that you wouldn't need , and the contract would clarify it]

" what do you call me mortal , and what are higher existences , not to be rude , but it is annoying when you call me that "

[ oh my apologies , it is by no means an insult , it just means you're still havent comprehended a certain law , and still under the rules of universe and the cosmos , for example , for now your level is 17 , when you reach level 24 you will receive a rank up quest to get a class and enter the first mortal firmament of ascendancy , the mortal filament extend from 1 to 4 , meaning the fourth firmament and under are what we call mortal , from 5 to 7 are the galactic filaments , they are higher existences , who have comprehended a law and have a certain control over it , and finally from 8 to 10 are the cosmic filaments , they are also called higher existences , but instead of certain control they are at the top of the law , meaning they rule that law , and nobody can contend with them in it , they can even stop other from learning it , most of them if not all are rulers of galaxies , universes , and one of them rules an entire cosmos . oh and before i forget , you mortals seem to think that what administrator _____ said about the last 2000 years , meant what you did to this planer and on it , i would like to say , get over yourselves , you're not that important what he meant was , what happened to the universe , the akashic records is preparing you for a possible invasion that's what happening right now] Amira finishes , and Cole is shocked , and to be fair , he has every right to be , just this morning , the most he was worried about was getting late to class , then he gets faces zombies , mutated animals , and now he gets told about galaxy , universe , and even Cosmos level entities , and what even he thought was the punishment for humans turned out to be , just preparation for an even worse result , after while of contemplating and accepting the situation , and Amira stayed silent letting her information sink in , but still says [ don't let anything get to your head , now your biggest worry , should still be to survive , get to your aunt's daughter , and get stronger , anything above that , there is still time for it , i estimate , that there is at least 700 years for the invasion , if not more , while it may seem like a long time for you , i guarantee you in 5 years it would seem like short time , oh i also forgot to add , that with each rank up the life expectancy extends , until you reach 8 firmament of ascendancy , when you as you mortals call it , ascending to divinity , by the way , just awakening to mana , makes you able to live for 200 years .] and Cole smiles lightly and says" you're surprisingly nice for a dragon" to which she says smiling [ while i did watch you grow up you know , i was sent to your body , while you were 3 , i was just enable to bring you here until mana was supplied to your world , also don't forget that i .am. a fairy . dragon , we're kind pure race , but still dragons , we're nice but not naïve , we're still agressive and have our own pride , meaning we have both positives and some of the negatives]she says shrugging while Cole looks at her questionably" wait 3 , shit , ive done a lot of stuff " he says embarrassed to which she smirks saying[ i know fufu] , he avoids the situation by asking " how did you know , that mana will come to this world anyway" and Amira smiles saying[ oh avoiding it are we , no matter , to answer your question , i didn't know , the one who sent me here , did know , and again , you will get to meet him eventually , i should also add , that time outside is stopped , so you don't have to be in a hurry , and you can only come here once a month ] and while he's taking everything in she adds [ so , you want to see the contract now, and let me assure you , it's a contract of equals so you don't have to worry]

to which Cole just nods , as there is alot on his mind he needs to think about , following that Amira snaps her fingers , and a screen pops up to Cole 

{Amira has sent a request for a contract of equals}


-both parties can't hurt each other , or have any ill intent toward each other , and can't collude with parties that have any intent to harm the contractors

-Cole gets every afinity that Amira possess 

-Amira gets the excess energy that Cole uses to rank up 

-Cole has to help Amira in case she's ever in need , given that it doesn't cost his life , and when he's strong enough

-Amira has to help Cole in case he's ever in need , given that it doesn't cost her life and it doesn't get in her way of revenge after materializing, before materializing, she's required to give information ,advice, and help him in any form , on his way to achieve his goals to survive and get stronger 

-Cole is required to give the advice , information and any kind of help , outmost consideration 

-Cole is required to give his best to help Amira in case any mishap happens during the materializing process }

 {accept} { reject}

[ so what do you think?]Amira questions looking at Cole intently and he asks

" what would you do if i reject this"

[ nothing , like i said , i can't do a thing to you , that just means my death]she says calmly and he questions

" why are you calm about this?"

[ well i watched your whole life basically , and i know you're not stupid , why would you cripple yourself for a contract that's totally in your favor] she shrugs , and he says 

" then may i ask why is it all in my favor , and honestly the only requirement , i see for me , is to help you ,when I'm strong enough , and i don't even have to endanger my life , while you basically , have to give me your elemental affinities , provide me with information , advice and all kinds of help ?" to which she answers

[ like i said I'm still a fairy dragon , I'm prideful and kind at the same time , you may think of it as small , but you're basically saving my life here , and my affinities and information , are my repayment to you , and the help i listed is mutual "

and Cole thinks for a while before nodding and says " then may i know how strong are you?"

[hmm , i was at the late stages of the seventh firmament]

"WHAT , YOU WERE THAT STRONG" Cole shouts and she says

[too loud ] covering her ears to which he apologizes and she continues

[ yes i was that strong , i comprehended two laws , space and blood and i should add that having an affinity simplifies comprehending a law , so rejoice i made your path easier , also given that even i who was a 7th firmament died , you should realize what kind of enemies you would have to face eventually , so don't ever get arrogant , there is always a bigger fish .] she finishes , and Cole enters deep contemplation ,'honestly this is pretty scary , but nonetheless exciting , i mean if dragons are real , then other races also exist , i should ask later , stronger than galaxy level enemies , not going to lie , that straight up terrifies me , and to be fair even city level would scare me at this point , i hope that i get used to this with time , but beside the level of enemies i have to face when im strong enough , all i see is benefits , not that i have any other choice , its either accept or be braindead , and i rather not , i also get more affinities , which will help me in the long run as she said , also i can get her help if things get ugly for this world , not to mention information and advice , from someone that strong is beyond just helpful , it will be just a matter of this before i reach a peak i never dreamt of ' he thinks then asks the first question he had before he started contemplating " do other races exist in this universe then ?" [ yes they do ,for example zombies are a race that have other planets full of them , for now you've just seen the normal zombies , but they are also graded on the filaments , just like living beings , starting from the second firmament they start to gain intelligence, there are numerous races in existence , like demons , angels , dragons , goblins , werewolves ,elves, and i should also mention you're not the only humans in existence etc. which remind me , since you would be getting my affinities , in case you had the option of changing your race in your first rank up , i would suggest you take it , you get to keep all perks of being a human but also get the perks of the new race , but the weaknesses will depend on how unique you class will be ]"Amira responds

" changing my race huh"

[ and since you will have my affinity for blood , i think you might get a vampire , which in my opinion who would help you more than you would think , given your weak body as a human , using that lightning zone excessively , would fry your inner organs and brain , as a vampire you'd only have to train your pain tolerance as your regeneration would be so strong you could lose all your limbs and regenerate them in 3 seconds if you're strong enough , not to mention , you get a stronger body , more agility , you wont have to worry about zombies infection , you're basically immortal unless you're hit with a soul attack , somebody rips out you hearth , and completely erases you , of course this is just my advice and just in case you get a race change in your first rank up , it would normally be a second rank up class for you humans , but it might appear as a unique class if the human is special enough , oh and i should also mention that only you humans have the option to change your race given your adaptability perk , but don't dwell on it too much , and leave it until you reach level 24 , also even if you don't get a vampire i will gift you a skill on your fist rank up, that would be considered the strongest in this galaxy , and before you ask i will not tell you what it is , and im only able to give you skills twice once on your first rank up and the last time after you become a higher existence meaning the 5th and the first galactic firmament.]

"i see then that's a lot to take in , but i got it i guess , but im special huh" he smile to which Amira smiles back

[ of course you're special , you're my host , and the mortal with the biggest potential , not to mention your unusual luck that somehow would make even higher existences jealous ]

" so my luck is considered unusual even for you huh?"

[ of course ,you think those skills are simple? , you have even found the surface to scratch it , you're using blindly , but that's okey , i will teach you eventually , now how about we sign that contract , so you can get back , i remember you saying that alot needs to be done , which would lead me to my first advice , you shouldn't leave this group , or in other words , you should consider becoming some sort of leader for this group , trust me when i say it would bring you immense benefits]

" let's accept the contract first then explain" he says and mentally says 'accept'


Race: Human

Age: 20

Level: 17

Class: Locked

Talent : none

Affinity: lightning , light , space , blood , fire , nature

Bond:The fairy dragon: Amira


 Active skills 1/5 : lightning manipulation

 Passive Skills1/5 : combat soldier 

 Self created skills : Martial arts of asna , lightning zone

Attributes : 



STR: 41 [+25]

STM: 70

AGI: 50

INT: 52

CHA: 9

status points: 5 

Items : [Warrior's sword x2]

 [Earrings of the believer]

 [pendant of pesistence]

{Under contract of equals with Amira}


[a human with 6 afinities , i might have just seen everything now ] says amira while laughing , and Cole says

" you didnt tell me about the other two though"

[i'm a fairy dragon , i thought that should be obvious]

"that's fair, now care to explain about why i should lead this group of morons who most likely don't know that the outside world is in a state of ultimate despair?"

[ i will, when you wake up , i almost forgot that you humans need sleep , i can talk to you telepathically now that we're officially bonded , just keep in mind what i said] 

" hmmm , okay i understand , i will keep it in mind , but how do i get out of here" 

[ oh right , before i say though , do not try to get inside here on your own , you will get an immense headache ,because my mana roams around here , and to leave here just chant 'verloossen' while focusing on leaving and see you after a month]

" okay , before i leave i would like to thank you for everything , and i will do my best to help in the future to help , and try to get stronger quickly so you can materialize as fast as possible , and good night ,'verloossen'" Cole says before disappearing leaving behind a smiling Amira[you welcome , you handsome fool].

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ArthurNVcreators' thoughts