
Apocalypse - Zombie Cultivation System

As the apocalypse descends, Howard unexpectedly acquires the Zombie Cultivation System. Instead of fleeing and fear, it's about dominance and attack! Now, these zombies that once devoured humans have become his private legion. As long as he cultivates the zombies, assisting them to become stronger, they can transform into sub-humans who do as the host desires. By continuously enhancing intimacy, he and the zombies can simultaneously gain powerful abilities and attribute bonuses. Please choose: 1. Cultivate male zombies: Unlock the title "Versatile God", strength +5, stamina +5, male zombie affinity +100 2. Cultivate female zombies: Unlock the title "Charm God", speed +5, recovery +20, female zombie affinity +100 Faced with these choices, Howard decisively selects the harem that belongs to him!

bomer_allen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
210 Chs

The Twin Sisters

At this moment, Miranda, having cleared the elevator of zombies and now without Howard's instructions, stood still, looking dazed.

"Come back, dinner's ready!"

Howard, upon checking Miranda's data, discovered that her hunger level, which had just been reset to zero, had now risen to 46!

That meant killing each zombie increased her hunger by three points!


Miranda returned to the room, saw Howard sitting on the couch, and hurriedly ran over, opening her arms and lunging towards Howard's abdomen.

"Hey, wait, don't be so hasty!"

"Your hands are all bloody; it would be the end if you got blood on me!"

Howard was startled and quickly lifted his legs.


Seeing Howard dodge, a look of grievance appeared on Miranda's face.

Instinctively, she wanted to grab Howard's hand with her novel approach, to hold onto the deliciousness and feast as before.

But remembering Howard's remark about her dirty hands, her outstretched hands reluctantly withdrew.

However, this optimistic little one quickly giggled.

She put her hands behind her back, knelt in front of Howard, tilted her head up, and opened her little mouth like a baby bird in its nest eagerly waiting to be fed.


If the mountain won't come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain.

Her gesture meant, if you won't let me help myself, then you have to feed me by hand!

"There's just no dealing with you!"

Howard shook his head helplessly but obediently brought the food to her mouth.

The moment she tasted the delicious food, Miranda became lively and started eating zestfully.

Oh no, phone!

Howard then realized, tied in front of Miranda, was a phone live-streaming this entire scene.

What an embarrassing moment it was!

Howard quickly took Miranda's phone and ended the video call.

Buzz! Buzz!

Miranda's phone vibrated.

It was WhatsApp!

Curiously opening WhatsApp, Howard found dozens of unread messages.

Flight attendant: "Today's flight is canceled. Stay home, don't go out anywhere!"

Ruell: "It's terrifying, everyone outside has gone mad. I'm trapped on a bus, can't get through to the police, please call them for me, here's my location!"

A location followed.

Sister-Nina: "The group has already sent someone to pick you up. Stay at home, don't wander off, unless you see someone wearing this emblem. Don't open the door for anyone else, no

matter who knocks!"

Below was an emblem with a shield and seven stars.

"Sister? Nina?"

Howard opened her social media page and was immediately greeted by a picture of a woman who looked exactly like Miranda.

The two were hugging, posing closely for a selfie.

If there was any difference between the two girls, it was that Sister Nina's gaze contained more depth from experience, and her bust was more developed.

"Twins!? Hiss..."

This was Howard's first time encountering twins in real life, especially ones with such stunning beauty and slender figures.

From the messages sent by Nina, it wasn't hard to deduce that their family was no ordinary one.

In a world overrun by zombies, to have someone willing to risk their lives to save them was no small feat.

This wasn't something typical wealthy families could manage.

Buzz! Buzz!

Another message came in.

Greg: "Reply, will you? I'm freaking out here. Are you okay?! Any danger? Do you need me to come rescue you?! Send me your location!"

Howard opened Greg's chat window.

Inside, it was almost entirely messages from Greg, spanning several months, with daily greetings,

inquiries about whether breakfast had been received or if the ordered takeout had arrived.

Miranda hardly ever replied. Occasionally, worn down, she would respond with a terse "Hmm,"

"Okay," just to get it over with.

Once, Miranda replied: "I'm going to sleep, bye!"

Suddenly, this excited Greg, who replied with seven or eight messages in quick succession.

He probably hadn't ever seen Miranda talk so much to him before; he likely went to sleep smiling that night.

Such clinginess would repel anyone, not just Miranda, who was adored and idolized like a superstar. Even Howard would find this type of conversation overwhelming and annoying.


At this moment, Miranda, positioned between Howard's legs and not having received the food she wanted for quite a while, appeared somewhat annoyed.

Her tongue, tender and persistent, alternated between teasing movements, attempts to burrow deeper, and wrapping tightly like a small snake.

This tight embrace sent a shiver down Howard's spine.


Miranda's eyes brightened, as if she finally received what she had been eagerly waiting for, greedily sucking away.

Her hunger level visibly decreased.

"Knock, knock, knock..."

Suddenly, Miranda's phone in Howard's hand vibrated.

Without thinking, Howard accidentally answered the call.

It was Greg, thankfully a voice call.

Had it been a video call and he saw what was happening, he probably would have lost his mind.

"Hello? Miranda? It's so good to hear you're okay!"

"Before calling, I was hesitating, wondering whether or not to call. What if you were in danger and the sound of the phone exposed your location?"

"But then I thought, since you're so cute and beautiful, you definitely wouldn't encounter any danger."

"I just couldn't resist wanting to contact you, wanting to hear your voice. You haven't replied to me, and it scared me to death!"

As soon as the voice call connected, Greg started talking non-stop, all on his own.

Cute and beautiful, so no danger?

Knowing that calling might expose Miranda, but you still couldn't resist?

After all this, it's all just meaningless babble.

"Hello? Miranda? Are you listening?"

"Uh-huh... Miranda... she's fine, no problems!"

Seeing Miranda enthusiastically eating, not leaving behind even the slightest bit and slurping it down, Howard knew it wasn't the time to talk.

Besides, given Miranda's current state, even if she wasn't eating, she'd only make unintelligible sounds and couldn't communicate normally.

So, Howard had no choice but to answer.

Hearing a man answer, Greg immediately became alert.

"Who are you? How are you with Miranda? What have you done to her? Why isn't she answering the phone?"

"Miranda, Miranda? Can you hear me? It's Greg!"

Greg became more and more excited as he spoke, eventually shouting into the phone, causing

Howard's eardrums to ache and making him frown and pull the phone away from his ear.

"She's eating right now, doesn't have time to answer your call. She's fine, you can relax. That's all!"

Howard felt genuinely sorry for this lovesick fool.

So, he really couldn't bear to chat with him while Miranda was busy cleaning up on her behalf.

But Greg was persistent and refused to hang up.

"Please, please, just one last question!"

"I'll be at ease knowing she's okay. What is she eating? Does she like it?"

Howard glanced at Miranda, who was stretching her delicate tongue, carefully licking from bottom to top, and casually replied: "She's eating a burger, seems to love it. That's it, she's about to start on the second one now!"