
A 15

Chapter 71 Aggregation


Chapter 71 Aggregation

A certain will was reviving, and various mutations began to appear on the Dragon of Fantasy.

First, his illusory dragon body began to disintegrate. Finally, there seemed to be gleams of light condensing out of the illusion, and there was a faint light and shadow condensing.

This light and shadow is similar to what appeared when the ancient Sun God relied on the Sea of ​​Chaos to fight several ancient gods alone. It seems like a huge light and shadow that runs through the sky and the earth. This is probably some kind of symbol of the "original God".

The appearance of this thing on the Dragon of Fantasy at this time shows that he seems to be really letting go of his suppression of the will of the "original God" and letting him awaken in himself.

"Your courage to face God is commendable, but you know too little about Him." A gentle and mellow voice sounded in this sea of ​​collective subconscious that is gradually solidifying.

The entire island of consciousness belonging to the ancient sun god trembled slightly, and finally a spiritual body condensed out of it.

It was the ancient sun god. At this time, he was still dressed as a clergyman that Truman was most familiar with. There was a cross hanging on his chest, and his eyes as pure as the sky were still calm.

The ancient sun god nodded slightly as he looked at the light and shadow gradually condensing from behind the Dragon of Fantasy.

"Actually, I have always been in good spirits. I can only say thank you for your concern."

Suddenly, the ancient sun god said such a sentence, which was a bit naughty, more like Sasril.

The dragon of fantasy with the huge light and shadow standing behind him even wavered for a moment, almost losing control of his state.

"I never said that my mental state was not good. You are wrong."

The words of the ancient sun god caused the light and shadow condensed by the Dragon of Fantasy to gradually solidify, as if it had become a statue.

"Impossible!" The dragon of fantasy seemed to squeeze out this sentence between his teeth.

"Why is it impossible?" The eyes of the ancient sun god, which contained no impurities, reflected the light and shadow condensed by the dragon of fantasy.

"Only by coming into contact with Him can we know how great He is. We are all just shells carrying the hope of His resurrection!"

The Dragon of Fantasy was unexpectedly pessimistic. He once looked underground for traces of the Sea of ​​Chaos, and he probably found it, but it was also contaminated.

That kind of power is not something they can resist.

"You only know how great he is, but you don't know that he also has an enemy who can be called a pillar." The ancient sun god stated this fact indifferently.

"Impossible! Only if there are five adjacent paths between us, 'God' and 'Creator' are the real supreme ones!" The light and shadow behind the fantasy dragon trembled violently, and he retorted sternly.

"Other than that, the most powerful thing should be the two paths on the previous demon wolf, both of which have two adjacent paths!"

This knowledge can be obtained through observation, not to mention that the Dragon of Fantasy still has part of the authority of the "White Tower".

His control over this knowledge far exceeds that of other ancient gods.


"The number of adjacent pathways can only represent part of it, and the more important thing is called a symbol."

"Destiny, eternal darkness, life... In addition to these powers, there are also 'pillars' and 'control'."

The ancient sun god actually explained these profound knowledge to the fantasy dragon on the spot.

He looked at the Dragon of Fantasy. Such a posture gave Truman a sense of superiority in mastering knowledge.

"'Pillar', 'God' are one, and 'Mystery' is also one, and the two are hostile to each other."

"Something left behind by that one helped stabilize me, and that's the me you see now."

The ancient sun god stretched out his hand and three visions appeared, namely the sun, the storm, and the eyes hidden behind the shadow curtain.

"Then you also need to face the awakening threat!" The fantasy dragon listened quietly, but seemed to be completely crazy at this time. "No, at least not now."

A kind of pale golden light rose in the pure eyes of the ancient sun god, as if he had seen through the sea of ​​collective subconscious and saw the dragon of fantasy entangled with the outside world and Sasril.

"The power of fantasy is special enough to be able to divide the characteristics of one's own body to this extent in a short period of time."

"The two fantasy dragons are both you, but they are not the complete you."

The light and shadow on the Dragon of Fantasy are unstoppably plunged into turmoil.

But at this time, He had fallen into the realm of the ancient sun god.

The sun, storms, and shadows formed an illusory sea of ​​chaos. The powerful cohesion acted on the dragon of fantasy, leaving him no chance to escape.

"The 'White Tower' level imitation, and the 'Fantasy' of the Dragon of Fantasy?" Truman, who was watching the battle from a distance, suddenly asked.

"Yes, He may have really seen the traces of 'God' in the sea of ​​chaos underground, and used 'imitation' and 'fantasy' to reappear the traces of that person, thereby tricking me into working hard with Him and actively awakening that person."

"Once I did it, 'God' almost inevitably woke up in me and really knocked my spirit out of balance."

"This may be the ultimate goal of the Dragon of Utopia."

The two of them actually started chatting like this, completely ignoring the Dragon of Fantasy.

The Dragon of Imagination looked at the ancient sun god indifferently, and began to throw away all unrealistic thoughts and prepare for the last fight.

"This is a kind of fraud, but as the successor of 'God', one of the most important abilities you need to master is to guard against fraud."

"Are you Saslier now?" Truman suddenly asked.

Only Saslier could be so "talkative".

"Yes." The ancient sun god nodded slightly, "After all, there is some risk in facing that person's aura."

So what is outside is the essence.

It's really insidious...

The corner of Truman's mouth twitched, unable to complain, could the world be better? !

"Fortunately, I'm not a good person either..."

Such a thought flashed through Truman's mind, and then he and Saslier on the opposite side attacked the Dragon of Fantasy at the same time!

"Fantasy Paradise!"


The tentacles of Truman's own dream body have spread throughout the entire sea of ​​collective subconsciousness, and now the entire dream kingdom has descended and struck hard on the dragon of fantasy.

But the most powerful effect of Fantasy Heaven is not to hit people, but to neutralize madness.

The Dragon of Utopia, which was hit on the head by Dream Heaven, did not even receive any damage, but its mental state improved sharply, and it had never been so clear-headed before!

At this moment, all thoughts related to madness were wiped from the mind of the fantasy dragon.

It's just that this is not a good thing for the Dragon of Utopia, because his real plan to revive God in the body to gain a glimmer of hope has been interrupted!

Another fantasy dragon's efforts to hypnotize himself into a semi-crazy state were instantly in vain.

"Gather!" Two voices appeared at the same time.

Saslier in the sea of ​​collective subconscious and the real ancient sun god who was in a stalemate with another dragon of fantasy spoke at the same time, using the sea of ​​chaos to create the most unsolvable environment for the aggregation of extraordinary characteristics.

(End of this chapter)

72 The Underworld

72 The Underworld

The strong convergence of power gave the Dragon of Fantasy a strong sense of tearing, and both bodies had the illusion of being completely torn apart and swallowed by the sea of ​​chaos.

Aggregation is instinct, and as He said, to the dragon of fantasy, He is irresistible.

The power of aggregation has even begun to tear apart the characteristics in his body, rushing towards the ancient sun god!

This is worse than the judgment of the Dragon of Utopia at the beginning. He has no ability to resist in front of the complete ancient sun god.

"Many things have been doomed for a long time." Truman looked at the fantasy dragon that was completely trapped in the sea of ​​chaos and shook his head slightly.

The ancient sun god could have killed the Dragon of Fantasy at the same time as he killed the Elf King, but in the end he spent a lot of effort to lead it to the current situation.

The biggest reason is not the ability of the Dragon of Utopia itself, or even the worry that other ancient gods will destroy it, but the "original God" itself.

He is the God closest to Him and knows best how great the power of the "original God" is.

This is also a kind of information gap, which makes all the ancient gods fall into the ancient sun god's plan.

The ancient sun god just didn't want to face a fantasy dragon that really went crazy and awakened the will of the "original god".

After all, such a situation is too dangerous, and it may directly lead to the "original God" awakening in Him.

So He needs to give the Dragon of Fantasy a little hope and lure him into falling into the blow of dreams.

Everything seems perfect now.

The ancient sun god gently raised his hands and slowly pressed them down.

The entire sea of ​​chaos was unspeakably turbulent, and at the same time, the power of the three pathways that had been controlled by the ancient sun god also entered the sea of ​​chaos.


Truman immediately stayed away from the turbulent sea of ​​chaos.

The current Sea of ​​Chaos is too active, and all the invisible seawater gushes out from the ground and comes to this illusory world.

It's like the ebb and flow of the real ocean. It seems that even the Sea of ​​Chaos has realized that it's time to "recover".

"Roar!" The fantasy dragon struggled wildly, but everything was in vain. He sank deeper and deeper into the sea of ​​chaos, and it was impossible to break free.

Truman didn't want to see the ancient god's final struggle, so he jumped directly to the City of Miracles.


The City of Miracles is already collapsing.

Without the blessing of "utopian" authority from the Dragon of Fantasy, the City of Miracles was naturally unable to maintain itself and was becoming weak, eventually returning to its original appearance.

"Dream!" Truman directly took action and pulled all the dragons into the dream. Most of them will be raised in the Creator's Heaven, or become special characteristics, or become "protected animals".

But Truman also let go of a very special dragon.

That is the "Dragon of Wisdom" Herabogen.

"He is an undercover agent." Sasril exchanged with his true form and was able to escape from the battle with the Dragon of Fantasy. He appeared next to Truman and looked at the fallen city of miracles.

The prophecy of the ancient sun god also came true, and today is the day when the City of Miracles falls.

"Your Excellency the Dark Angel, Your Excellency the Dream Angel." The huge dragon head of the Dragon of Wisdom looked at Sasril and Truman, and its body gradually changed and turned into a normal human being.

His external image is that of an old man with white beard and hair. His eyes are the most special. The pupils are brass-colored and shimmering, as if he can see through all the secrets of a person.

He is the "cherubi".

"Hello, Herabergen." Truman nodded friendly. This was another colleague of his for nearly a thousand years.

Moreover, this colleague is very good at taking sides and can be called "Two or Five Dragons". This title sounds very promising at first sight and is the most suitable for being involved in the mysterious world. "You completed your mission very well." Saslier looked at Herabogen and nodded with satisfaction.

"Everything depends on the protection of the Lord, and I just said what I saw." If there is any one of them missing, Helabogen will not be able to say that sentence in front of the Dragon of Fantasy, and will only be ignored by the Dragon of Fantasy. Brutal killing.

"You are redeemed through repentance and sanctified through redemption, which is exactly the opposite of those who eat the fruits of sin and fall to the ground." Saslier said this sentence in the form of a chant.

The next moment, bits and pieces of chaotic seawater emerged from the ground and fell on Herabergen.

This is the blessing of the sea of ​​chaos similar to Medici and others.

"From today on, you are my Lord's wise angel!"

"May your wisdom always shine upon the followers of our Lord."

"Thank you for the Lord's care!" Herabergen knelt down on one knee and bowed his head to Saslier to express his surrender.

This will be another classic scene recorded in history.

"The giants are probably fast, can you make it in time?" Truman asked Saslier after placing the Miracle City in the Creator's Heaven.

"I'm not in a hurry. I just got the characteristics without actually integrating them." Saslier responded, "You can summon me at any time."

The "I" here is the ancient sun god.

"Okay!" Truman nodded lightly, he couldn't rest yet.

When the plan reaches its climax, it must be like a violent storm, coming suddenly. This trend will not stop until all the plans are implemented.

Truman didn't say much, but wandered directly into the depths of the spiritual world. He was still very busy, and he was required to coordinate various plans.

When he came to the spirit world, he saw two ancient gods fighting fiercely in the underworld without even looking.

The Phoenix had the absolute upper hand, but in the end they lost the initiative, the rules of the underworld were destroyed, and they were invaded by the Dusk of the Giant King's Court. Now there is still a long time to decide the winner with the Giant King who is at his peak.

The battle between the giants and the undead creatures has reached a fierce stage, and large-scale casualties have begun to occur.

These are not what Truman cares about. He avoids the center of the battlefield and stands on the land of the underworld. He can feel a dangerous aura under his feet.

"The River of Eternal Darkness..."

Truman raised his eyebrows lightly. The source of essence was still very intimidating to him, and the water of the River of Eternal Darkness had the property of "sleeping".

This seemed to exist just to target him.

"You're here..." A vague voice came to Truman's ears, it was Amanissis.

The secret power established a mystical connection with Truman as the Pope of the Night.

"I need you to take me underground." Truman was a little surprised by Amanisis' words.

"You should know what's down there. It's very dangerous to get close to it in your current position." Truman reminded.

"That's why I need you, my Pope..." A faint voice reminded Truman.

The believers in the City of Deep Darkness have not seen their Pope for nearly a hundred years!

"Uh..." Truman knew he was in the wrong, and then he weighed it up. If he didn't go directly into the real river, the risk would be high, but he could accept it.

"Okay." Truman came to Amanisis's side under the secret guidance, and her faint figure was outlined in the air.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 73 The River of Eternal Darkness


Chapter 73 The River of Eternal Darkness

"What's below is the 'River of Eternal Darkness'. It's something you need to master after you become a god."

Truman and Amanysis entered the depths of the underworld in a secret way and saw a dark palace.

This palace of the dead is inlaid with various bones and different parts of corpses. It does not appear gloomy, but is solemn and sacred in a different way.

Two figures that were so faint that even the undead could not see them walked through many coffins and came to a huge stone monument.

At the top of the stele is a statue of a giant bird that seems to be made of bronze. Today, the statue has lost its mysterious luster. The ancestor of the phoenix did not even have time to pay attention to this place, and was devoted to fighting the giant king.

Under the statue is a sentence condensed from the words of the dead.

"Even the gods can't get rid of it."

"Even if you die, you will be detained."

"Death will also be detained?" Amanisis looked at this line and came up with various guesses.

"For the river of eternal darkness that encompasses death, death is also a part of it," Truman explained.

"Let's go." Amanisis retracted his gaze and walked into the most dangerous place in the underworld.

Truman had no choice but to induce the dreamy phosphorescence to wrap both of them.

Without the protection of Sephiroth or someone of the same personality, simply being close to the "River of Eternal Darkness" will cause terrible consequences, including but not limited to pollution and falling into the river.

Of course, becoming the corresponding god can also face the source of matter directly, and even "accommodate" it.

"I have reestablished contact with Salinger. I am here to get something." Amanisis and Truman walked into the dark, dead and cold environment together.

Truman was not surprised. In these hundreds of years, Amanissis has not been idle. Under the premise of having secret authority, no one can know what arrangements he has made without saying anything.

He flicked his fingers, and the dreamy phosphorescent light illuminated the road ahead. An underground river appeared in front of the two of them, and even a dark, unreal flow of water surged under their feet.

The dream book in Truman's hand bloomed like a reflex, and a large amount of dreamy phosphorescence overflowed, isolating the river from the two of them.

"This is just a projection, not a real river." Truman's eyes were solemn, this thing was really not easy to mess with.

"No need to go deep, go to the edge." Amanissis led Truman to walk on the edge, and soon he saw an altar.

The altar emits a faint light that illuminates the dark space. Its size is very weird and huge, like a bird's nest.

The basic materials for building the "Bird's Nest" are the bones from countless creatures, including giants, dragons, demons, elves...

As long as the bones of living beings exist in this world, they can be found here.

This is a symbol of "death".

In the center of the altar is a small statue of a golden phoenix, which vaguely resonates with the water of the River of Eternal Darkness.

"That's it!" Truman suddenly realized that the shape of the golden bird has some connection with the River of Eternal Darkness. This thing will be the key for Amanysis to master the River of Eternal Darkness in the future!

"This is an item that the ancestor of the Phoenix built for himself for thousands of years to indirectly control the River of Eternal Darkness. It is impossible for us to take it away."

The phoenix that controls the "gate" is almost everywhere, and it is impossible to steal his things.

The original trajectory of this thing was probably that it would fall into the hands of Salinger, and it would fall into the hands of Amanysis in the Fifth Age, but now everything is in chaos...

Because of the existence of the Dream Parliament, Amanysis already had a deeper understanding of the "Old Days", vaguely perceived the key to such things as "Essence", and started the layout in advance.

"Just wait until it becomes a relic." Amanissi's tone was as soft as waiting for the flowers to bloom.

"..." Truman thought for a moment and asked, "What deal did you reach with Salinger?"

"I want this gold, He wants the bones, and the rest of the bronze is yours." The eyes of the ancestor of the Phoenix are bronze.

"Is there still a share for me?" Truman was surprised. "Without you, neither Sallinger nor I would be able to get close to here." Amanisis said.

Hmm... I probably cut off something that originally belonged to the ancient sun god?

That's probably the various high-level features of the "Gate" pathway.

Just give it to Bethel...Truman nodded slightly.

"Since I have a share, I must also contribute." Truman pulled an illusory symbol from the Book of Dreams and threw it to Amanissis.

"Okay." Amanisis accepted it, "But you should go. It's best to let this war end quickly. I don't want to wait too long."

Amanisis has completely entered the hidden state. It is conceivable that he must be spying on everything here in the hidden world, just like the demonic wolf in hunting state.

"For the sake of the high-level characteristics of the 'Gate' pathway..."

Truman shook his head and quickly moved away from the river of eternal darkness and came to a safe area.

Under the hidden influence of "karma", he bumped into Salinger.

This god who is now the ancestor of the Phoenix is ​​fighting against the God of Honor.

The God of Honor fought hard, but the situation was controlled by Salinger.

"Two Sequence Two..." Truman saw that neither of these two people could get the ancient god's attention at this time.

He quietly opened the dream book and released the "dream". The two sequence two angels were instantly pulled into the dream by the dream book, unable to even notice anything was wrong.

"Salinger..." Truman jumped into Salinger's dream.

What comes into view is a famous scene that Truman is very familiar with.

A rough death scythe struck down, completely ending the last hope of the Destruction Wolf's resurrection.

Amanisis incorporated most of the characteristics of the Destroying Demonic Wolf into himself, and his own Demonic Wolf grew in size, completely becoming a god!

Salinger could only stand in the distance and look up at all this, and did not even dare to go and get a share of the pie.

"Ah ha?" Truman was surprised, "The Demon Wolf of Destruction really deserves to die. The two slave gods want to kill him..."

"So Salinger is now eyeing the Phoenix?"

Was the original boss killed by a former colleague?It's okay, I have a new boss!

What kind of competitive spirit is this? !

"Prevent fire, theft, and God!" Truman deeply realized the value of this sentence this time.

Moreover, the Demon Wolf of Destruction has a genius among its men. The Dark Demon Wolf Kotal has been hiding for hundreds of years, and no one has been able to find it.

Antigonus, the little wolf, and his sister were hiding in no man's land.

As for the other two, Amanissis has completed the "Eat the Boss" achievement and Salinger is in progress.

"The deal between the goddess and Salinger is to hide Salinger's various little moves from the ancestor of the Phoenix."

As for Salinger, he naturally wants to become the God of Death.

If Badheir is added to the mix, everything about the three paths of the "River of Eternal Darkness" will be doomed.

Thinking of this, Truman's expression became a little subtle.

"It's great to choose your own opponent."


(End of this chapter)

Chapter 74 "Massacre"


Chapter 74 "Massacre"

Truman quietly lifted Salinger's dream and exited from it.

Salinger and the God of Honor were both in a daze, as if they had discovered something, but they could never grasp the feeling.

This is the power of "dreams". Even if it is done by the goddess of the night or the dragon of fantasy after becoming a god, it may not be better than Truman.

Far away from the battlefield in the underworld, Truman used the connection between dreams to shout to Saslier: "3462, come out to wash the ground!"

Saslier, who was far away in the Creator's Heaven to stabilize the hearts of believers, was shocked and couldn't laugh or cry at this "harassing phone call".

However, the ancient sun god who had already obtained the characteristics of the Dragon of Fantasy came out of the Sea of ​​Chaos, and he also heard Truman's call.

He came to the spiritual world with just one step, and saw the two ancient gods who had conceptualized themselves deep in the spiritual world and were constantly eroding each other.

The battle between the two has been completely conceptualized, and it is more like the collision of two natural phenomena.

The arrival of the ancient sun god was naturally noticed by the two warring parties. The giant king and the ancestor of the phoenix quickly separated, each of them being wary of the ancient sun god.

"What about the dragon?" Olmir and Gray Carrie thought of the fantasy dragon for the first time.

But the next moment, he also discovered that the miracle city that represented the entire dragon clan had fallen into the Creator's Heaven.

The breath of the Dragon of Fantasy was also completely isolated and could not be sensed by them.

That dragon is dead?

Olmir and Gray Carrie even felt a sense of fear in their hearts. Back then, the eight ancient gods had been fighting for thousands of years, but now there are only three of them left?There is even one who is autistic in the abyss!

"The sun! This is my battlefield!" Olmir's voice was low, and he was wary of the sun at dusk. The same was true for Gray Carrie, who was extremely wary of third parties appearing in the war.

"Of course, my ally." The ancient sun god did not interfere in this battle, but nodded gently, as if he could not see the vigilance in the eyes of the two ancient gods.

"I'm also waiting for the final winner to emerge."

But the conversation between the two made Gray Carrie's bronze eyes, which seemed to hide countless illusory portals, explode with some kind of crazy emotion.

"Olmyr!" Gray Carrie's sharp voice echoed through the spirit world, "You traitor! You betrayed Lilith, are you going to betray the era of the ancient gods now?!"

Although the Eight Ancient Gods continue their conquests, their camps are closer to those of the Ancient Sun God.

Faced with Gray Carrie's questioning, Ormir just remained silent and transformed directly into dusk. In the dusk, there was a red sword sacrificed by the giant army, shining with the light of iron blood.

Although the ancient Sun God did not take action, just standing here brought unimaginable pressure to Ormir. He must ensure that the gap between him and his "collaborators" is within an acceptable range!

Otherwise, the result will inevitably be that He will be eaten by his "collaborators"!

At this moment, in the dusk, there was a desire to fight to the death, and the strength surged!

"Hey!" The ancestor of the Phoenix also went crazy in this situation. A portal appeared in front of his claws. His claws stretched forward and grabbed something.

The ancient sun god looked solemn, looked at the golden color in the claws of the ancestor of the Phoenix, and felt the power contained in it.

"Olmyr! Die!"

The space around the Phoenix Ancestor suddenly became empty and turned into countless illusory portals, all of which were open.

The golden statue in the talons of the Phoenix Ancestor suddenly flashed with a dark glow, and a large amount of illusory water poured out of all the portals.

It is not the real dark river water, but the illusory tide mixed with gray and white mist.

Although the "River of Eternal Darkness" has seeped into a tributary, the real river water cannot be used on a large scale even by the Phoenix Ancestor.These illusory tides are the diffuse breath of real rivers, rolling in, almost crazily trying to drown the dusk.

Even the real river deep in the underworld had some strange reactions, seeming to sense the existence of Olmir and the sword in his hand.

Its tributaries seemed to have suddenly broken away from the shackles of gray-white mist for a moment, and entered a high tide state. The river water rose more than ten times than before!


The illusory river surged forward, and the pale flame burning on Gray Carrie's body also expanded, and the light from her bronze eyes burst out, covering the entire underworld.

All this was too sudden, and Almir was completely unprepared to deal with the "River of Eternal Darkness"!

The underworld is located deep in the spiritual world, and the "River of Eternal Darkness" is the result of Gray Carrie's research for thousands of years. No one can predict the power!

The dusk stopped for a moment, and then there was a frenzied desire to escape.

The river deep in the underworld terrifies Olmir. He must not fall into the river. That will be absolute death and eternal silence!

It's just that Gray Carrie's attack was already a fatal blow. How could she allow Olmir to escape so easily?


Countless illusory portals closed instantly, and Gray Carrie even gave up control of the underworld space, letting the void shatter and the spaces overlap, trapping Almir for a moment.

Dusk solidified.


The golden statue in Gray Carrie's claws flew up and pierced directly into Ormir's right hand holding the sword.

"Ah!" Ormir's arm was inevitably imprisoned by the golden statue, and there was even an extremely powerful convergence force attracting Ormir!

The ancient sun gods who watched the battle from a distance frowned. The personal suppression of the "River of Eternal Darkness" was too powerful.

"Almir shouldn't die here." Truman's voice reached him through Sasril.

The sunlight in the eyes of the ancient sun god narrowed slightly and he made a prophecy.

"'Origin Castle' strengthens the seal."


Almost at the same time, the gray-white mist covering the illusory river surged violently, directly imprisoning the dark river water of the tributary, and the aura it exuded instantly shrank, and the cohesion force on the adjacent pathways weakened accordingly.

Olmir's condition improved in this situation.

"Get out of my way!" Olmir's one eye was already filled with blood.

His other hand raised the strange dusk and iron-blooded sword, and slashed it down with one blow.


This time it's against Ormir himself!

With a flash of blood, Olmir cut off his arm and turned it into a shield with the morning light, blocking the illusory tide for a moment. He quickly decayed and disappeared into the underworld.

"Hey!" The Phoenix Ancestor chirped unwillingly, but his condition was not much better than that of the Giant King.

The real "River of Eternal Darkness" has begun to erode His body!

"Get out!" The Phoenix didn't even have time to clean up the remnants of the giants in the underworld, and directly "opened the door" and returned to the altar in the deepest part of the underworld.


All the illusory portals were closed, and the illusory river shrank back into the depths of the underworld.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 75 Giants


Chapter 75 Giants

"Hiss!" Truman jumped out of the underworld directly. The explosion of "River of Eternal Darkness" just now caught him off guard, and he almost couldn't restrain the Book of Dreams from colliding with it.

Once they collide, it will be beyond Truman's control.

"Hope it goes well." He took one last look at the depths of the underworld, then wandered away and came to the Land of Silver.

Things in the underworld are watched by Amanissis, and there is no need for him to interfere. However, now that the giant king Ormir has been defeated, the curtain of the giant king's court should also be opened.

The Country of Silver is a very important node.

Truman wandered out of the spirit world and saw Lilith who had been waiting here for a long time.

"Is the age of the ancient gods finally coming to an end?" Lilith was sitting casually on the wall of Silver City, with a hint of melancholy on her stunningly beautiful face.

That was also the era when He lived, and it was all the memories he had since he gained intelligence. Now these memories will fade away, and it is inevitable that they will be a little touched.

"This is the shortcoming of human nature." But soon Lilith began to analyze her own heart.

"In the past, I would have only applauded the death of guys like Olmir."

The ancestor of the blood clan proudly laughed at the former opponent who disappeared in the long river of history. This is what Lilith would do.

Truman nodded slightly, "That was you, and it's you now."

Both of them were sitting on the city wall, looking at the Giant King's Court which was still some distance away from here.

Dusk remains the same, giving the whole world a sense of desolation.

Silently, the secret angel arrived, and his faint figure made it easy for people to ignore his presence.


A crack appeared in the void, and Sasril, dressed as the deputy king of heaven, walked out of it.

This is the first offline event where all members of the Dream Parliament are present.

Under the sky and on the city wall, four figures stood or sat, waiting in tacit understanding, looking into the distance at the dusk that was gradually stained with blood.


Badheir was the giant god who left the underworld the fastest after noticing the escape of the giant king Ormir.

The God of Honor is integrating the remaining giant warriors and evacuating from the underworld, but this is not easy due to the crazy counterattack of the undead in the underworld, and it may be delayed for a while.

The Harvest Goddess is in a similar situation. Because of her identity as the Queen of Giants, she was severely attacked by the Phoenix clan during the war and is not in a good condition.

"Father God!" Outside the palace at dusk, Badheir knelt on one knee and worshiped devoutly towards the dusk inside the palace.

"I have organized a large-scale sacrificial activity within the clan." The large-scale sacrificial activities of "Anchor" help the giant king Ormir stabilize his own state.

"Bradhel is protecting the evacuation of the army. The loss..." Badheir suddenly paused and waited.

"How's the damage?" The dusk in the palace shook, and the Giant King's somewhat cold but weak voice came out.

"...More than half of the army that participated in the war was lost, but most of its characteristics have been recovered by me." Badheir lowered his head and answered.

"Very good." The Giant King's coldness softened a bit.

"Is there any movement in the Kingdom of God on the other side of the sun?" The Giant King was even more concerned about the actions of the ancient Sun God.

His current state is not much different from the time when Lilith self-destructed. Having his arm cut off has little effect. At most, it just loses some characteristics. This is what the ancient god's body lacks the most.

But what's worse is that the characteristics in his body can no longer be suppressed. The characteristics that have been forcibly aggregated have a tendency to separate, and then his existence will collapse.

If the ancient sun god attacks at this time, the outcome is already doomed. At this time, there will be no weak balance maintained by Lilith after her self-destruction.

"The Kingdom of the Sun God has not taken any action, but..." Badheir hesitated to speak. "Say!" the Giant King shouted coldly.

"I found traces of 'bad luck' in the underworld." Badheir lowered his head and reported under the power of the Giant King.

"'Misfortune'?" The aura of dusk in the dusk palace was stagnant.

"Why this time?!" The Giant King's voice was low, with strong regret and anger in his tone.

The Goddess of Doom has always been hidden from the sight of the ancient gods, and her "secret" power makes everyone's efforts to find her in vain.

The giant family had been searching for the goddess of misfortune for hundreds of years, but found nothing.

But it happened to be at this time that Olmir heard the news.

"He must be looking for an opportunity to become a god during the battle between me and Gray Carrie. Once He finds a suitable opportunity..."

The Giant King, whose mental state was even slipping into danger, fell silent. The current scene was too good for the "bad luck" hidden in the dark.

His state is extremely unstable, and Gray Carrie is not much better. Once "Doom" becomes a god, he will definitely not be able to help but take action against the two ancient gods.

Even...the success rate is not low!

"Come in!" The Giant King suddenly spoke and summoned Badheir to enter the Dusk Palace.

"Yes!" Badheir stood up and walked heavily into the dusk.

The dusk in the palace slowly parted, revealing a road that went straight into the depths.

Almir could be vaguely seen sitting on the giant throne in the depths.

His poor physical condition was directly reflected on the giant's body. The giant, which represented decline and dusk, was now mutilated and rotting, with white bones exposed in many places.

There are faintly visible shimmers of different colors, which indicate a tendency to disintegrate.

In this state, Ormir could not even move. This dusk filled with palaces was his last resort to protect himself.

"Take my sword, go find Budral and Omi Bella, and prevent 'bad luck' from ascending to the throne at all costs!"

Olmir's tone was extremely cold. This "at all costs" already meant that the remaining warriors of the giants and even the three gods of Baomi Bella were already expendable.

"...Yes, Father God!"

Badheir knelt before the throne of Ormir, expressing his submission.

Then he slowly stood up and walked towards the big sword on the edge of the throne.

This is the Giant King's strongest weapon. After obtaining this thing, the Giant King spent hundreds of years corroding and transforming it with his own twilight power, and became what it is today.

"Father God, how should I use this sword?" Badheir felt strong heart palpitations when he got close to the sword.

This thing is similar to the fusion of two characteristics, and these two characteristics are still in the path of "Giant" and "Red Priest".

It seems to have the power of eternal silence and the end of all things.

That is a power more terrifying than "twilight", "night" and "death".

"Its strongest power is 'End', which is more powerful than 'Twilight', but even I can't use it, otherwise the sword body will disintegrate."

"Its second ability is what you can use, 'Slaughter', looking for weaknesses, killing with one hit, even rules can kill."

(End of this chapter)
