
Another Young Justice Story

'Normal' Guy Reborn In the World where he knows nothing about With Some 'Powers'.

Rex_Zatch · TV
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter-12 Robin vs. Red X

Chapter-12 Robin vs. Red X

"How about a little friendly duel for a test? What do you say, guys? Robin versus this new guy?" Kid Flash suggested.

"Well, I don't mind, but the name is not 'new guy,' it's Red X," I replied, equally excited and nervous about it.

"Ok then, 'new guy,' Robin vs. Red X," Kid Flash announced the duel.

"Let me think. Uh-uh Ugh, okay, then a little friendly duel," Robin also replied after a few seconds of thinking.

"Ok, the rule is that there are no rules, but both cannot use lethal means," Kid Flash zoomed between us, acting as the referee of the match.

We both nodded our heads and got into our fighting positions.

"Ok then, the duel starts in 3...2…1... Go!"

The moment Kid Flash said 'go,' Robin threw a smoke bomb and disappeared in the smoke. While I was trying to figure out where he would come from, he suddenly appeared behind me and kicked my leg, nearly causing me to lose my balance, but I somersaulted away.

Soon, the smoke cleared out, and there I saw Robin holding a kunai and coming toward me while throwing it at me.

What he didn't know was that, when it comes to close combat, I reign supreme because of my adaptable combat, adaptive attack, and defense.

I dodged those kunai and ran toward him. He started with a right slap kick, which I blocked with my left hand, and he then bent down to do a swiping kick on my leg to make me lose my balance, but I jumped. Seeing me jump, he did some crazy acrobatic move and used both his hands to kick toward my face.

Seeing him do that move, I used my hand to make an X motion toward my face, but he changed his leg motion and hit my stomach, sending me flying.

While I was falling, I rolled over before reaching the ground, minimizing the damage. But this had gone too far, and I needed to be on the offensive now.

After landing, I moved towards him while picking up his strange kunai thing and threw it towards Robin, making it curve, which nearly cut him, but he barely managed to dodge it.

Before he could stabilize himself, I arrived near him and did a sidekick to his stomach. When he fell, I took out a custom red and black Magnum Desert Eagle from my inventory, making it appear as though I pulled it out of my leg pocket, and pointed it toward him.

"I guess I won, ha," I said while looking at Robin, who had raised his hand in submission and was looking toward Kid Flash.

"Dude, I said not lethal means, guns not allowed" Kid flash zoomed and took the gun out of my hand.

"Don't worry it is not truly a gun, I made it myself, custom-made with rubber bullets I swear if you don't believe me then try hitting the pillar. And also, not like this Kunai? Things are not lethal" I said to make them at ease.

"Hope you are not lying, *pop* Wow dude you made it; it barely made any sound and that bullet just bounce off the wall *Pop**pop**pop*" Kid flash started using it like a toy gun.

"Hey, it is not a toy gun," said I Tried to snatch it away from him, but he blurred away. "Give it back" but later he gave me back.

Robin got up. I didn't seriously hurt him. When I side-kicked him, he nearly dodged me, but I adapted the movement and hit him with a knee instead of the leg swing.

Robin walked towards me with a stoic face, like his mentor, but he couldn't truly pull it off as his mentor did.

Robin offered me a handshake and said, "A deal is a deal. Let me welcome you as a fellow hero. Welcome to the team."

Kid Flash also congratulated me in his quirky way.

After a few minutes of talking, we all parted ways, but before leaving, Robin, Kid Flash, and I exchanged contacts. Robin also gave me the address to their hideout to probably meet again soon.

While departing, I went straight home after changing into my civilian clothes and went to bed.

- The scene changed to Robin -

"Thanks, Wally, for coming when I called you at this hour," Robin thanked Wally for coming with him on this mini-mission. Robin couldn't call others on this night, but for Wally, it would have been a matter of seconds.

"Come on, dude. This is what friends do. So, this new kid, do you think he is ready to be a hero?" Kid Flash asked Robin.

"I cannot say on this matter, but what I can say is that if we become a member of the Justice League, he might just be there with us," Robin replied to Kid Flash's question.

"Yes, you might be right, but I am the one who is going to be the first to become a member of the Justice League. Bye. Call me if you need anything," said Wally, flashing away towards Central City.

After Kid Flash left, Robin walked towards his bike and rode off while calling Batman.

A few seconds later, Batman picked up the call.

"Robin, so you've decided," Batman asked in a vague manner.

"Yes, Red is suitable for the job. Very intelligent and creative, a master martial artist, conformed meta, probably enchanted condition, others you know of its alter ego," Robin replied in a vague manner.

"If the team is ever created, will Red be suitable to join?" Batman asked.

"Yes," Robin replied in one sentence, and the call was cut, and he returned home.




1. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!

2. I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.

3. What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie? Sofishticated.

4. What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta.

5. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.

To be continued.....
