
Another universe

Another universe... seems interesting right? Well, Majo and a lot of other humans have to undergo this scenario in order to save Earth, why is that you might ask? Earth got attacked by an alien race from the Andromeda Galaxy, the aliens weren't able to destroy Earth in time, however, they're travelling across the universe to definitely destroy the Earth. Majo, along with many people gets sent into Another universe by a God who wants the humans to stand a chance in this war against the aliens. This universe is full of magic, relics, skills and more, our protagonist and the others have 10 years to survive in this dangerous world and become as strong as possible, in order to defeat those aliens.

majak · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
130 Chs

I almost died - 3rd Chapter


[Number of players: 24 649]

[Name: Majo The Goblin Killer] [Open Inventory]

[Title: Goblin Killer]

[Title bonus: Increase effectivity of goblin equipment by 15%]

[Class: None]

[Level: 3 8/350 experience]

[Rank: F+] [Open skill tree Locked]

[Health 136/170] [Mana 20/20]


Helmet: None

Cloak: Black hoodie [F Grade]

Body Armour: White shirt [F Grade]

Leg Armour: Black pants [F Grade]

Relics: 0/5

Weapons: Left arm: Iron sword [D Grade]

Right arm: Goblin Dagger [D Grade]


Strenght: 17

Vigor: 14

Intelligence: 10

Endurance: 11

Durability: 15

Speed: 13

New Title huh , Goblin Killer and it has bonus too, the bonus is kinda specific but I have a goblin dagger which means that it has some effect atleast.

Wait a minute , the number of players has changed.

It has reduced right? Does that mean that someone died? It's been barely a day since we got here , is this world really that dangerous? Or are some people just really weak and died by a monster like the Dire Wolf.

"Close status"

[Closing status]

I should probably be quiet because I was struggling against it too , but I think I could defeat it pretty easily , after leveling up only twice and receiving the special reward for advancement Monster Slayer I became pretty strong , considering that I only leveled up twice. I can't even imagine how much stronger will I be when I will reach level 100. The question is , will it be enough to defeat that monster which killed my mom?...

I stayed silent for a few minutes

Then I looted the corpses of the goblins some of them had pouches which had a few copper coins in them. I don't think they have much value but it's better than nothing.

[Inventory storage 10/20]

My storage really raised after leveling up my endurance , I gained 10 more storage in my inventory.

I decided to continue in the direction where that person was walking in before I lost sight of him or her I am not sure because they were wearing a Brown cloak.

(half an hour later)

I saw something behind the horizon I am not sure what it is because I am still too far away but perhaps it might help me. Also I still haven't sighted the person from before.


Once again as always I started looking around but I couldn't see anything.


In CLOSE area ? What do you mean ? Then it hit me , the monster had to be under ground... I don't know why but I just suddenly felt that it was gonna come up from under me , so I quickly side-stepped away.

And it finally showed itself. A huge centipede atleast 4 meters long.

[Giant Centipede] [Grade D+]

Hmm grade D+....



WHAT? GRADE D+? You have to be kidding right? There is no chance in hell I can win this.

I started thinking very quickly of what options I have but before I could even start the Centipede already dashed towards me. It was too fast , but it was not as fast as the monster that killed my mom. There is no way I can die here.

I drew my sword and raised it forward in direction that the Centipede was moving from. It got hit by my sword but Guess what , it's skin is so thick that my sword didn't do any damage , it only scratched the Centipede a little bit.

Centipede hit me with full force.

[CRITICAL WARNING: Health dropped by 40]

[Current Health 115/170]

(Note: The last time Majo's status was shown it said 136/170 , his health obviously regenerates over time so I will not be writing it when his Health regenerates over time)

I really felt that one , I cannot afford to get hit again or I'll get too weak from all the damage. The sword scratched him , does that mean that I could actually do some damage with my Goblin Dagger? The goblin dagger and the Iron sword have the same Grade (D), but my dagger has the 15% bonus from my Title.

I switched my dagger and my sword , so that my dagger is in my left hand. I probably didn't mention this but I am left handed which is the reason why I have the dagger in my left hand right now.

The Centipede started circling around me and it looks like it could attack at any moment , I kept turning in the direction where it's head was for well obvious reasons ( it might attack at any moment and I have to be prepared ).

After few seconds it charged , before it charged I came up with an idea. I threw my sword at it just for the effect , it didn't do nothing but I expected that , when the Centipede got really close I quickly dodged but I didn't dodge too far , I needed to be in range with my goblin dagger. Centipede couldn't accelerate because it was going at full speed , but it still managed to hit me.

[Warning health dropped by 9]

[Current Health 106]

I stabbed the Centipede will full force and actually made it through it's thick skin.


[NEW SKILL UNLOCKED: Underdog Critical Strike]

A skill?

No time to think about that , I have to focus on defeating the Centipede. It's movements became a little bit clumsy after it got hit with my dagger. Was that "Critical Strike" that strong?

The Centipede actually started retreating. It was still faster than me so I couldn't catch up , this is unfortunate , I would definitely get massive amount of experience if i killed it.

[No more hostile monsters in the Close Area]

[No more hostile monsters in the Area]

I grabbed my sword and decided to check my status.

"Open Status"


[Number of players: 24 642]

[Name: Majo The Goblin Killer] [Open Inventory]

[Title: Goblin Killer]

[Title bonus: Increase effectivity of goblin equipment by 15%]

[Class: None]

[New Tab: Skills: Underdog Critical Strike CHECK DETAILS]

[Level: 3 49/350 experience]

[Rank: F+] [Open skill tree Locked]

[Health 136/170] [Mana 20/20]


Helmet: None

Cloak: Black hoodie [F Grade]

Body Armour: White shirt [F Grade]

Leg Armour: Black pants [F Grade]

Relics: 0/5


Left arm: Goblin Dagger [D Grade]

Right arm: Damaged Iron Sword [D Grade]

[Negative effect 10% decreased damaged]


Strenght: 17

Vigor: 14

Intelligence: 10

Endurance: 11

Durability: 15

Speed: 13

My sword is Damaged and it deals less damage now , great.

I also think that few more people died , but I am not sure.

I gained some experience just from fighting the Centipede , that's good to know.

"New Tab Skills" hmm

"Check Details on skill Underdog Critical Strike"


[Underdog Critical Strike]

[When you are in a very dangerous or bad situation and you're clearly the underdog of the fight , there is a 10% chance for Critical Strike which deals 3 times the amount of normal damage]

Well that's pretty handy.

"Close details , and close status"


Allright time to get to the spot that I saw behind the horizon , let's hope I will get lucky for once and don't meet anymore monsters.

( 20 minutes later )

I can finally see it , it's some kind of a small cottage.

The sun is starting to set , I'll need to get there before it sets completely , perhaps it's abandoned or someone lives there and they'll let me stay the night.

I sure hope that's the case. I think I am about 3 kilometres away from it , I'll need to speed my pace up.

(30 minutes later)

The sun is about to set and I just made it , I am few metres away from --


PLAYERS? They have to be in the cottage this is great , finally some good news.

(Meanwhile in the cottage)





Unknown character 1 - "Did you guys just receive the message too?"

Unknown character 4 - "Yep"

Unknown character 3 - "Another player located in the area , is someone coming this way?"

Unknown character 2 - "Seems like it , let's check out the windows from each side."

Unknown character 3 - "I can't see anyone."

Unknown character 2 - "Me neither."

Unknown character 4 - "I don't see anyone too."

Unknown character 1 - "I see someone , it's a young man. And he has a Dagger by his right hip , and a sword on his back? It looks like it , but I Can only see the hilt of the weapon so it could be anything."

The other 3 rush over to the window.

Unknown character 2 - "Do you think that's his starter pack?"

Unknown character 4 - "Probably , we all received different starter packs , so I assume it's same for him."

Unknown character 3 - "He looks familiar , I think I saw him when we were in that God's pocket universe."

"He was one of the people that asked a Question or said something I am pretty sure."

Unknown character 4 - "Well he's almost here , let's welcome him."

(Back to Majo's point of view)

Well I am here , I'll draw my weapons in case they are not friendly , or maybe I shouldn't because they might think that I am the one who is aggresive.

(Door opens)

Even though I said I wouldn't draw my weapons , I instinctively drew my dagger.

(Note: players can see names of other players above their head)

[Lisa Creed]

Lisa - "Whoa there didn't you get the message?"

Me - "I did , but I didn't expect a welcoming party , sorry about that." I said in a funny tone while putting my dagger away.

[Anders Sjöberg]

Anders - "Well let's go inside , glad to have you aboard."

[Mamadou Nel]

Mamadou - "Nice to meet you."

[Nomura Chinami]

Chinami - "We're glad there's another player here, this makes us 5."

[Majo The Goblin Killer]

Me - "You don't even know how relieved I am to see someone else than monsters."

We entered the cottage , it looks quite cozy , there's a bonfire inside , I noticed that the cottage had chimney but there was no smoke coming out of it , so yeah , this makes sense.

There were two couches across from eachother and there was a table between them , from the other sides of the table there were two armchairs , also across from eachother.

There was a bathroom which was the first thing I headed into.

Me - "Excuse me but I have to use the bathroom."

Mamadou - "Take your time , I will prepare some tea meanwhile."

Me - "Alright thanks."

Wait they have tea? How?

The bathroom had everything besides shower but that's good enough.

(few minutes later)

I came out of the bathroom and the others were already sitting down , I sat down on one of the armchairs.

Lisa - "Now then let us introduce ourselves , I am Lisa Creed , I live in Canada , but my parents were born In USA. We moved when I was 2 years old. I am 23 years old and I go to college , I am studying medicine because I want to be a doctor. You can call Lisa."

Mamadou - "I guess I will go next , I am Mamadou Nel , I lived in South Africa my entire life. I am 27 years old. I have a special job which I unfortunately can't talk about , sorry. Just call me Mamadou or Nel."

Anders - "I am Anders Sjöberg , I am from Sweden , I am 33 years old and I run my own bussiness. I was just about to earn my tenth million , but our currency has less value than Euro (1 Euro equals to around 10,5 Swedish Kronas) , so I am not even millionare yet."

He seems very ambitious.

Chinami - "Hello I am Nomura Chinami , I live in Japan where our family name comes before our given name , so just call me Chinami. I am 17 years old , I am a High School student and I like to play volleyball , I was trying to make the national team, but well that's out of question now that we're here."

Mamadou - "Well that's all the basic things about us , now tell us about yourself."

Me - "My name is Majo Jurky , I am fro-"

Chinami - "Pause , I've been meaning to ask you for a while but why does it say that your name is Majo The Goblin Killer?"

Me - "Oh right , it's a Title and when I got it , it automatically changed my name , but my real name is Majo Jurky , just call me Majo or Mike."

Anders - "How did you obtain that title?"

Me - "I fought against a gang of goblins there was six of them and after I killed the fifth one I got this Title."

Anders - "Does it give you any advantages or is it just for show?"

There was no point in lying so I just told the Truth.

Me - "It does actually but it's pretty small advantage: pretty much all of my goblin equipment has 15% increased quality."

Lisa - "Goblin equipment? What does it look like?"

I drew my Goblin Dagger.

Me - "This one is , it's called Goblin Dagger."

Mamadou - "Can you give it to me for a moment?"

Me - "Sure"

I gave it to Mamadou and then he said

"Activate skill , discerning eye."

Me - "What is he doing?"

Lisa - "He has a skill called discerning eye which allows him to have night vision and he can see details on objects - their names and Grade."

Me - "How did he obtain it?"

Mamadou gives me back my dagger and starts talking.

"The first night I was in the forest that's around 10 kilometres south."

Me - "wait a minute do you have some sort of black cloak?"

Mamadou - "Yes I do , I have it in my room upstairs why are you asking?"

I forgot to mention this but there are more rooms upstairs , I guess they are bedrooms.

Me - "Well when I was travelling I saw someone with black cloak few kilometres in front of me , but then I got attacked by those goblins and I lost the sight of that person."

Mamadou - "When did it happen?"

Me - "Today few hours ago."

Mamadou - "Yes that had to be me , anyways I will continue talking about how I got my skill , the first night I was camping at the forest and just when I put my campfire out a monster attacked me. I couldn't see at all and I was fighting on pure instinct."

"I was about to get killed but then I got my skill and activated it , and managed to kill the monster , it was just a normal F Grade Wolf."

Me - "I actually have a skill too."

They seemed surprised.

Lisa - "What kind of skill?"

Me - "I actually obtained it in a pretty similar way as Mamadou did , when I was few kilometres from this cottage I got attacked by a huge centipede that dug up from underground. It was D+ Grade."

Mamadou, Chinami, Lisa - "WHAT?"

Anders - "How did you survive?"

I explained pretty much everything.

Me - "It seems that you Can obtain new skills when you get put in very difficult situations."

Mamadou - "I agree , but there could be other ways to get skills , by that I mean the skill tree."

Anders - "The problem is we don't know when does it unlock."

Me - "I know how , just open your status and click on it , it will tell you that it unlocks after you reach level 15."

Lisa - "Open status."

(Lisa clicks on the Skill tree on her status)

Lisa - "He's right."

After this everyone tried it and it was same for everyone , level 15.

Me - "So what are your plans guys when are we leaving tommorow?"

Chinami- "Yes that's what we are planning to do , we actually all got here only today but we agreed that we should move and Level Up quickly."

Me - "And when are we leaving tommorow?"

Mamadou - "In the morning , no need to be hasty tho, after everyone wakes up we will have a small "tactical" meeting and then we will head out."

Anders - "Well it's getting pretty late , I don't know about you guys but I am going to bed , good night."

Everyone else - "Yeah goodnight."

Me - "How many rooms are upstairs?"

Lisa - "Only three , they each have double bed but there are also two couches and since there is 5 of us we have exact amount of "sleeping spots." well I guess you could also count sleeping bags but I personally would rather sleep on couch."

Me - "I assume I will be sleeping on couch then? Who else is sleeping on couch?"

Chinami - "I am , I got here fourth and All the rooms were taken already."

We all spoke half an hour about what was happening in our lives before we got here and then said goodnight to each other and went to sleep.