
Chapter-21 Let's Make This Fake Hero Façade Into Real

After the chariot acquired a nail cutter, he starts cutting the rope which was tight around his wrist. He slowly starts cutting the rope, after a few seconds ropes fully fall out of his hand and he stood up to help his mentor.

Moment, he stood up he heard *bang**bam*, so he turns around, and he saw a knight falling on the ground leaking blood from the bullet wound, fall on the ground. After defeating the gang they soon started to run toward the escape, seeing this he saw a rubber bullet gun bought by the knight, he picked up and shot at 5 people other 2 ran out. He dropped the gun and ran toward the knight.

Knight was leaking blood and coughing, soon he reached there "stay with me Knight I will call an ambulance, stay with me" chariot starts crying while rubbing his tear he tries to dial the ambulance number.

"Let it go boy, it is going to be too late *cough* I have done many mistakes in my past, and I…. I was trying to repent that by helping others *cough* and when I saw you trying to help others without caring about your safety *cough*you remind me of my brother. He was the same as you before our lives change, and we had to live in that hell*cough* promise me chariot, not just chariot, but a grand chariot promise me you will not go to the dark side" knight while in his last breath asked something from the grand chariot.

"Yes, I promise, please, …. Why *sob* *sob*" hearing his word, the knight died with a smile on his face, but the grand chariot didn't stop crying.

While outside who were watching the live feed started feeling heavy in their heart, some cried but most of them remain silent, but everybody prayed for the knight's soul to find peace.

After the grand chariot stop crying, he carried the knight's body and went outside the building. After that, people could not see both of them, but everyone felt sorry for them.

Later grand chariot reached the basement with the knight's 'body', after putting the knight's 'body' on the ground he started unmasking his mask and started "hahaha haha hahaha ah haha that was something, ha, Thoth did you made the Video Public right…good make it that it could not be deleted for few weeks let them think and realized how the grave situation will become if not for knight and chariot." Laughing, I said to Thoth.

"Thoth sends an anonymous message to bane, tell them the order that from the day after tomorrow they should rob as many banks and harass many people they can, and then I will come to rescue like a knight in shining armor hah ah, ah hahaha" I order Thoth in replied he said, "yes sir,".

Those thugs were petty thieves before they met me, I as Bane's in disguise illusion offered them a place, money in return they have to work for me, and also with some settled hypnotism with my voice they were hooked. I purchase an old nightclub then; I used my magic item created by me to cast an illusion to make it look like the club like five stars. Those thugs started to gather around at night and spent time unless I ordered them to do tasks.

The item only works for 5 hours before it needs to be recharged, which will be recharged from those people's life force, which is not much. Creating that item was not even a challenge, I just needed to use a few bits of rune magic, which I could only be done through AO knowledge where she has learned a few things from Asgard I guess. I just needed to use my MANA on my fingertip and write something on the object and voilà magic item. Ok, it was harder than it sounded which needs total focus for that but no problem for me, it was easy.

Now for today and tomorrow, I will make myself new custom and new armor, and a ride is going to be fun. Hey, I will use the rider's robotic body to create my new ride, which will be the highest tribute to my mentor, right? As a chariot my ride should be a horse, Mach horse, let's get to work.

For the next two days, I created my costume with a nanotech full body but as armor, I used titanium alloy. As the costume is full body with breathable and dark blue in color, the armor is only used from the waist down and in the chest and my arm and my head leaving abs with no armor showing my tight muscle from my cloth. Well, I don't need much protection I can dodge because of my super sense but still, it looks cool as funk.

As for my cool-ass Mach horse, it is full black made with golden titanium alloy as my armor, I have given it the name Ragnarök who will ride with me till the final destruction of the world.

As I have more time, I created myself a weapon with nanotech a spear as a chariot riding horse, I require a spear to come on common sense right? The spear is a long spear or Lance-like weapon which I called"lanceoffear" which is capable of cutting through iron and steel with ease. My lance is inside the house's secret storage pocket and with my magnetic power now, I can use it like a Thor hammer.

"Let's make this fake hero façade into real boy hip go" I quickly activate my bracelet where my hero costume is kept and after changing, I ride on the back of the horse and open the portal in front of me and tell my horse to go.

Outside, ten or more thugs were robbing the banks from inside while taking a hostage. Outside the bank, police were trying to negotiate with the said thugs, but to no avail.

When Everyone was panicking distance from them, they heard a horse galloping toward them. *Click-clack**Clink,* soon they saw a black armor-wearing person riding on the Mach horse coming toward them.

Because the horse was riding at unimaginable speed, police panicked and aimed toward me, and someone shot at me when that happen the bullet bounced away from me after hitting me.

I didn't stop and speeded even more seeing that police started to open toward me, still, bullets bounced away from me. And soon from the distance someone shouted "wait I think he is a chariot; he came to save us." Hearing, the police stopped and started looking at the shouting person.

When they heard that man shout, they thought it was possible, but soon when they heard me say "Ragnarök, bring out the lanceoffear" and saw the lance in my hand, the police again aimed toward me.

When I reached the bank, I signal Ragnarök to jump, which he did and leap into the bank by breaking the window of the bank. Inside thugs panicked, so I took that chance and jumped off the horse the started using the lance to knock every thug inside the bank, some were knocked out by the Ragnarök.

"Thanks, your grand chariot, thank you very much for helping us, you are my hero and I want to be like you." a kid came to my side to thank me. But other people were panicked because they have no idea who I was. Previously, I just used to wear a similar scout uniform.

I kneeled in front of her and said in a deep voice "You are a brave kid but being a hero doesn't mean fighting bullies, but it means helping people, if you can do that you are already a hero" saying I ruffled her hair while was smiling happily and her eyes were sparkling.

After I stood up I shouted to everyone "everyone is safe to get out of here those thugs were only knocked out, outside is police they will help you" saying I moved toward the horse as I was moving someone from the crowd attacked me while shouting "die" from behind.

Seeing that kid and others screamed, but before that person could land a strike I turn around fast and disabled the knife from his hand, seeing this he panicked "have mercy I was---" and try to run, but before he could, I punched his solar plexus and knocked him out.

Everyone celebrated and seeing that everyone was safe and the police trying to come inside, I climb on the horse and rode out of there. After reaching the distance, I open a portal in the alley and reached my basement. "Huff, that was stressful, who knew to control the robot to play and actually playing was so different." I sat on the chair and started thinking about the upcoming battle in New York.

AN: Armor and lance are similar to what Wave wore in Akame ga kill and horse are similar to Catastros in power ranger mystic force used by Koragg.

Don't worry About bane and others, they were only used to give our MC purpose in front of other people.

Writing Story for fun.

Was really bored.

Seriously, English is not even my fourth language.

Seriously, how much bored can i be.

Critics go easy on me ok *wink* *wink*, oh my eyes hurt.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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