SI. Finding adventure in same old same MCU
'So, for 1st power. Huh, I was no genius in my past life, but I like to be one this time. I heard knowledge is power from somewhere, and in MCU, knowledge is important because most of the heroes in MCU are knowledgeable in some field. Known for 2nd power, I don't want my knowledge to be stolen by someone, ok this power should be right for this. Known at last power, I do not want my mind only to grow, and my body remains weak so, this power seems good in that. Ok, select it all.]
[3rd form Knowledge Replication, Psychic Immunity, Reactive Adaptation power/abilities. Completed.]
[before reincarnation, if any request the chosen one wants to be granted] asked the system, in a cold tone unlike before, which startled Ryan a little.
"Oh ok, I do not want to awake as a baby, being a baby is a hassle so, I want to awake as a 5 or 6 yrs. Old boy. Can it be done" Ryan hopes it can be done because being a toddler again is so sad, it is always eating, shitting, and sleeping so, Ryan hopes his request can be granted?
[affirmative. We hope the chosen one has a great life and hope he can provide entertainment for the almighty and his wives] said system with the same cold tone that can give chills to any person who hears her voice for the first time.
"What do you mea-----" before he could as anything, the white room turn pitch black, and he was teleported to this chosen world.
-Outside the mansion-
Ryan was having his milk while reading the news feed of the news, but suddenly his head started hurting and the old memories started coming back. Holding his head, he started shaking it. After a few minutes, he removes his hand from his head and start laughing.
{Flashback end}
"Wtf!!! THIS IS REAL, HAHAHA" Ryan while HOLDING A phone AND LAUGHING MADLY. "That means, the power I asked for is also with me. Sooo cooool!!!!" Ryan said to no one but himself.
He started looking at the phone, searching for information about his current world.
"Yes, it is only early 2000, I have time to grow stronger before the invasion in 2010, in this world anything is possible. So that was not a dream I really came to the MCU universe, "Ryan said to himself.
-Inside the mansion-
"Is he ok, he started laughing all of a sudden. Our master stop laughing and talking to other people a year ago after his parent lost their lives to heart problem. Adam, can you check on him" said the old maid's named may to the old butler's name Adam.
"I will, do not worry, if there is any problem, we will take care of that too" Adam nodded and start walking outside the mansion.
"You are still the same old Adam, even know, war has not still changed you" may remembering her old days with Adam during the war.
She went inside the kitchen to cook for Ryan's meal.
-outside the mansion-
'So, my name still remains the same Ryan but with known proper surname bolt. In my old life, I was an orphan and was only given a name as Ryan. My parent's name is James and April Williams bolt in this life, which makes me Ryan Williams bolt. My mother died while giving birth because of her weak body, and one year ago my father died because of 'Ventricular fibrillation. Ryan, while remembering his past 6 years and feeling a little sad because of it, even though he wanted it this way.
'My mother was a Gynecologist half her life, after that she retired because she started feeling weak. My father was an oral surgeon most of his life, but he also retires because of his blood pressure problem. After retiring they both opened orphanage because my mother was an orphan most of her life after her parent died in the fire and my father helped her because when he was in his teenage year, after a fight with his parent, he ran away from home and got lost in the big city until my mother helped him and the rest is history. My grandparent was rich as heck, they had shared 4% in stark industries which is a 100 billion company, just because my grandfather knew Howard stark during war days.' Ryan is shocked, knowing that his grandparent and parent knew the stark family.
'Heck, I can promise you my dad and mom that even though I did not know you both personally by myself, I will help the orphanage you two wish to build. Please be rest in peace, know I ---" before he could complete his commitment someone touched his shoulder, and suddenly he got a massive shock in his mind and he passed out. But before passing out he heard "young master, are y----" and he goes to sleep.
Writing Story for fun.
Was really bored.
Seriously, English is not even my fourth language.
Seriously, how much bored can i be.
Critics go easy on me ok *wink* *wink*, oh my eyes hurt.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!