
Another Life as Older Brother

A boy who died after his revenge on his family. Reincarnated into the world of Anime. The last world he watched before he lost everything. Will he lost everything again, resent the world he currently lived or get a brand new life? PS: English is not my native language. I don't own anything except my character. (Current World : Danmachi)

Rouxk · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
94 Chs

Hostess of Fertility

"Welcome! To Hostess of Fertility! Ah, Cranel-san!" Syr said welcoming us when we just enter the building. She just put a plate to the table and not shy to show her cute side even with that happy smile.

"Just call us by our name. You made us confuse by calling us Cranel." I said while raising my hand to stop her, Of course, I put a friendly smile. "Then... Ageas-kun and Bell-kun right?" Syr said while moving her way toward us. She wore her maid green outfit with a silver tray that she held in her hands.

"Yes, that's okay." I said to her. "Please, this way." Syr said while leading us to our seat. There are 2 seats that placed without a round table. In front of the seat stood a big figure woman with a different outfit. She used dark blue clothes with a white apron in front of her. "Mia-san, I brought costumer." Syr said to the woman.

"Oh! So, this is the one you talk about since morning. I'm Mia Grand, welcome to Hostess of Fertility. Come here, you both look skinny. Eat a lot! You, the older looking one. Help me bring out the food." She said while going to the kitchen. I looked at Syr with a questionable face but then something came in mind. "Oh! Wait for me Mia-san! Good luck brother." I said the last part looking at Bell and tap his shoulder then leave him alone there when I going to the kitchen.

Ageas went to the kitchen but bumped into a Black Cat Demi-human. "Ah! Sorry." Ageas said giving her quick apologies and went inside. The black cat then walked pass him while she kept staring at Ageas.

Ageas already went inside the kitchen, surrounded by the sound of hot oil boiling and the sound of oil frying made a little sparking voice. "Hahaha... Looking at your face, Looked like you get what I'm saying." Mia said broke the dazed face of Ageas which amaze by the sight. "Of course, being his brother, I need to support him as much as I can right?" Ageas said while looking at Mia that stand beside him since no one knew when. "Since you're here. How about give me your opinion of my food while we wait for them to have a little chat?" Mia said leaving Ageas there.

"Oi! Aren't you had costumer to service?" Ageas said chasing after Mia that already start cooking. Ageas looked at Mia cooking and watching it curiously.

Meanwhile, in the dining room. The curious black cat found another similar person with white hair and red eyes talking to one of her colleagues. She walked close to them chatting and cut their chat "Excuse me nya~" She said to Bell. "Ah! Yes?" Bell answer with a questioning look on his face. Syr already smiling but dark shade covered the upper part of her face. "What can we help you with, Chloe?".

Chloe the black cat demihuman flinch when she saw Syr get angry. "No need to be like that Syr nya~. I won't take him, I just want to ask him nya~" Chloe said explaining to Syr not to get angry.

"Ano... Is there anything you need from me?" Bell said after coming to a conclusion after hearing Chloe talk. "Yes nya~, Is the person entering the kitchen, your brother nya~?" Chloe asked while looking toward the kitchen direction. Syr face already return to normal when she heard Chloe's question.

"Ah yes, He's my brother. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but my brother being asked there by Mia-san. I will call him, now." Bell said apologizing and quickly about to stand up from his chair.

"Ah, nothing nya~. I'm just curious, that's all nya~." Chloe said leaving Bell to chat with Syr. They then back chatting with the loud voice of adventurers around them. Chloe didn't even turn her gaze back to Bell or Syr but when Chloe look at the kitchen area, her gaze puzzled Syr because it's not like her gaze that looked at Bell with interest look. Chloe's interest look felt a lot of tension going around her.

Chloe felt danger looming around Ageas but she trusted Syr for her assessment at judging someone. She then tried to calm herself down and tried to act normal but Syr which intrigue began to ask Bell "Nee... Bell-kun, What are you doing before coming to Orario?". "Emm... Me and My brother, we live with my grandpa." Bell said after thinking for a while.

Not going to direct. Syr started to think about any possibility she could think of but everything looked normal in her deduction but looking at Chloe being that tensed even after her life as an assassin made her wonder about Bell's brother.

"Oi, Mia. It's already long enough. When are you going to stop analyzing my food?" I said since I told Mia when I rating her food and she asked me to cook her some food. I use Gate of Babylon to process the ingredients and pull out the food just like that.

'This power is truly convenient.' I thought while taking out my finished product from Gate of Babylon. "Boy, do you want to work here?" Mia said but still looked flustered at my food.

"No! Now, shall we go? I'm hungry. They should also be done with the conversation." I said while the rumbling sound of my stomach started to get louder. I hold my belly that seems to be empty inside.

"You are really didn't even think about it for a second there and also loud." Mia said with her usual smile while she looked at me. "Hey, I'm here to eat. Helping my brother just extra bonuses." I said with an annoyed face to reply to her.

"Then, how about this. I pay you for today, I'm tight on time right now with this lot of order. You help me cook the food with your magic there. I will pay twice the usual pay for my employee." Mia said after looking at a bunch of order paper being placed at the kitchen window.

"Triple it." I said to negotiate. "Deal! You don't have to cook as the menu said. Made your own creation." Mia said while bringing all the ingredients to me.

"Is it okay giving all these many ingredients? It should be more than it should be." I said after looking at the mountain of ingredients at the kitchen table. Some of the ingredients even start to roll off the table which I catch with Gate of Babylon.

"Hahaha... Just use as much as you like." Mia said looking happy right now. "Okay, prepare yourself!" I said while cracking my finger.

"Ryuu, Anya, Chloe, Lunoire!!! Prepare yourself!!" Mia shout loud enough to be heard in the dining room. Four of the waitress quickly went inside the kitchen and start questioning what to be prepared about. They even start to get confused by the mountain of ingredients on the kitchen table.

"I'm starting!!" I said while smiling like a maniac. 'This is easy money!!' I thought while opening a golden ripple above the ingredients and place it inside the Gate of Babylon. Soon the kitchen became empty, and next, I swallow the plates.

"Table 4 got 2 portions, 6 portions for table 9...." I start calling the order from the paper and bring out the plate one by one. Mia helped with the drink order. All of the maids looked surprised but quickly collect themselves and brought the plates out to the dining room.

Quickly I finish all the orders and bring my own food outside. The dining room became even more crowded "What is this food!?" "This is on another level of cooking!!" "I'm at heaven right now!!". People start to talk among themselves.

I walk toward my table beside Bell "What are you looking around for? This is your portion, Eat!" I said to Bell and Syr while putting a big portion for him. Bell and Syr looked confused by all the reactions around the room when I also put food in front of Syr.

"What? I already left some for the other maids. You also eat, Syr." I said while taking a bite at my own portion. Syr looked confuse then look at Mia that putting our drink there. "Ear up, Syr. This is a special occasion." She said while standing there.

"Nii-san, did you make all this? Syr-san said these food aren't on the menu." Bell said while looking at me with excitement. "Of course, who did you think can make food this good?" I said boasting myself in front of my own brother.

"You never said that you can cook, Nii-san." Bell said while looking at his food. "You never asked. Now, Eat up." I said while already dig into my own food 'Damn, this is good. No wonder people got that reaction.'.

"Mia-san, I change my mind!!" I said after tasting my own food. "Hahaha... you want to work here, boy?" Mia said laughing so loud. "No, but let me explain. Hehehehe..." I said and walk toward Mia then whisper to her "I will only make the food for reservation and at a specific time to not hinder my life as an adventurer. This way, you can charge more too. Hahaha... Especially if the reservation also cost some money." I explain my plan for me to made extra money.

"Hahaha... Sure. I will make an announcement when you will be available." Mia said while thinking it through. The rest of the session is uneventful, the people keep asking for more but Mia already explained that no more for today but there might be in the coming days.