
Another Life as Older Brother

A boy who died after his revenge on his family. Reincarnated into the world of Anime. The last world he watched before he lost everything. Will he lost everything again, resent the world he currently lived or get a brand new life? PS: English is not my native language. I don't own anything except my character. (Current World : Danmachi)

Rouxk · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
94 Chs


"Ugh... Nii-san. Why did you have to give me that much portion?" Bell said while he walked stumbling left and right. I walk on his right to open path wider for Bell. "But you still eat all of them." I said without looking at him.

Both of us tried to look for an inn to sleep the night. We even went through the alley for a shortcut to get to the main road.

"Wait, Nii-san. I couldn't continue walking. Let me rest for a while." Bell said and finally fell then sit on the ground. I let him take rest while I lean on the wall.

The sound of people at the end of the alley and the silence in the alley separate us like two different worlds. The light brightened the road while the shadow covered the alley.

"Hey, Bell. Have you ever thought about how beautiful life is?" I said while looking at the main road where people crossing each and every second. Bell raised his face to look at me "Now that you said that Nii-san. I never thought of that but I will become a hero like the story that grandpa told us.".

His answer made me chuckle a little "You know that your answer is irrelevant right?" I ask him and he laughed "But, Nii-san. Won't your life become beautiful when you reach your goal?" He said still defending his opinion.

"Yeah, you're right on that one." I said while ruffling his hair. "Stop it, Nii-san." Bell tried to remove my hand from his head. "Oi, you. Stop your bullying!" Someone said and went into the alley.

A lady with a white dress and wearing a blue ribbon. Her long black hair waving with the wind. I turn my head toward her and with the same expression with Bell, we looked at her with the confusing look.

Then she realized something from our look, we're looked alike. She started to sweat while her expression seems to freeze from top to bottom. "Em... Ano... What can we help you with?" Bell said approaching her.

"Hooo... Good afternoon, Kami-sama." I said and greeted by Bell's surprised face. "Eh!!!" Bell looked at me intensively, his eyes bulged almost popped out. While the Goddess in person still froze not moving even an inch.

I walk beside her and knock her head forward to wake her up. "Aahh!!! You... What did you do?" Hestia which I knew from the anime yell while rubbing the spot that I smack. "Didn't you had something to say to us?" I said while looking at her that already started to tear up.

"Ugh... I'm sorry." She said while making a troubled face. "Then, are you going to invite that boy to your familia?" I said while pointing at Bell that biting his finger nervously meeting a Goddess in person.

"Yes... Behold, my children. I'm Goddess Hestia invite you to join my familia." She said facing Bell even forgot about me that asked her. Bell startled being invited and start running and hide behind me while peeking from my back. "What is actually are you doing Bell?" I said knocking his head. Hestia being rejected turned dejected and slowly turn her body to us.

"Relax, Goddess Hestia. This is Bell Cranel, my brother. I'm Ageas Cranel the older brother. We already register as your familia back at the guild but never would I thought meeting you here." I said raising my hand to stop her from saying anything. "Eh... But Nii-san. We just arrive here, how do you know she's the one?" Bell said asking from behind my back.

"I don't know she's the one until she introduced herself but notice someone as God or Goddess is pretty obvious. Have you ever seen someone wearing that ribbon that can defy gravity itself?" I said while pointing at her ribbon that for some reason never fell off.

"Wait for a second! I'm still here. Is it true both of you are my familia members?" Hestia quickly said to confirm my statement. "If you don't believe then it's fine. We will meet again tomorrow after you got news from the guild. I'm leaving." I said and turn away from her walking to the main street. Bell daze for a second before noticing me already walk a few steps away from him. He then bent a little toward Hestia paying his respect before chase after me.

"Waaaiiitt!!! Huaa!!! Don't leave me alone!!! You're my familia right!!??" Hestia already clinging to my leg with tears. 'Ugh... This Goddess really had no dignity.' I thought while felt the weight on my leg and prevent me from taking another step. "Umm... Nii-san, I think we should help her. She's our Goddess after all." Bell said after felt sorry for Hestia.

Hestia quickly changed her mood and stand on her feet "Let's go then. To our familia house." She said with full of energy and leading the way. I had no reason to refuse, so I went with both of them. Bell looked only startled for the first time they met, right now he's more relax and already started talking with Hestia.

But then the situation turned gloomy after each minute we walk. Step by step, we move far and far away from the middle part of the city. Soon, we reach the outskirt of Orario and now stand in front of church ruin.

No other life sign around the church. Only ruins and trees could be seen around the building. "Ahahaha... Looked like someone attack this place." Hestia laughed in monotone. "It's okay, Kami-sama!! We will help rebuild it. I will help the familia to get bigger." Bell said consoling Hestia.

'No way, my brother actually fell for it?' I said while looking at both of them talking to each other. "Alright, that's enough both of you. Let's get inside. I will cook for today." I said while patting both their head since they're a little shorter than me.

'Never would I thought that living like this made me feel happy.' I said smiling while bringing Hestia and Bell inside. We get inside and my smile froze, the furniture inside was a mess. Everything is all around the place except for Bed, Sofa, and a table. There's also spider web all around the place. This place was like a sinking ship.

"Ugh... We only had sweet potatoes." Hestia said after heard that I will be cooking for today. "Hahaha... I never thought this place will be this bad." I said while covering my laugh on my face.

"Sit down both of you. I still got some food left." I said assuring Hestia from eating only a sweet potato. Her eyes shine with stars around it. Soon I bring out food from the Gate of Babylon and place it in front of them. "Oh~ I love you Ageas. Is that your magic?" Hestia said jumped at me and hug me like a koala. I got to push her face off to get her to let me go. "Eat first. You would know when you get us inside your familia.".

She quickly got to the food and took the first bite, she stopped for a moment before Hestia start to eat like never been before. I and Bell eat only a portion since we are not that hungry.

"Ah!!! I can't eat anymore." Hestia said with her stomach bulging out burped. "Now, Let's get both of you to my familia." She said standing up but with her huge belly and walk to the bed.

[ Kanshou and Bakuya had been added. ]

I heard a sound in my head and made me stop on my track. 'So, Maliel really did add from time to time.' I thought while remembered the girl.

Hestia already drew her symbol on Bell and weird writing already showed up. The only thing I recognize is the numbers which show only 0. Bell got up felt happy and pumped. "Stop it. You need to rest today. We will go tomorrow." I said knocking his head since looking at his face, he might go to the dungeon today even though he still didn't have any weapon.

I open my clothes and lay down on the bed. Hestia stunner for a second since my body looked more muscular than Bell but not that big. Soon she snapped from her daze and start to draw her symbol "Thi.... This...".