
Anime Mashup: King of Music

Before dying, he created a song so great that even Death liked it. "Give me your song rights and be reborn!" This fanfic is about a reborn musician, in an anime world full of dangers, weird anime effects and an Omniverse web browser?. -f3f3 *********** Anime in this world: NANA Runway de Waratte Beck Kids of the Slope Detroit Metal City Paradise Kiss Blue Period PPPPPP K-ON! Megalo Box Hajime no Ippo Baki God of High-school Kengan Ashura And a lot more!.

f3f3_2 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

The curious cat.

He grab his phone and looked at the time. Seeing that they still had two hours before arriving, he decided to use his laptop and start playing with it.

He thought for a minute about inviting someone to the chat but first, he was curious about how his past Earth was taking his death.

He didn't want to see his best friend cry. But the rest of the internet and fans?

He was just curious.

Maybe some people would finally use his death to insult him on Twitter… Or at least insult him with actually hurtful stuff instead of the [Hahaha you look like the son of a gosht and a noddle!]

It was funny, the trolls probably thought that those comments affect him or something. Normally it only makes him laugh.

People insulting you was normal after all. And he liked to feel as normal as he could. Roxy always called this 'Insult therapy'.

Thinking about Roxy, Kanae decided to use the browser.

The moment he clicks on it a search bar appears with the words [Choose a world to browse]. Seeing that it looked pretty easy he writes [My world before I died]


A red sign appears with the words [User can only browse his world after death].

He nodded in acceptance, the rules that Death show him had already said that. But, he still wanted to try.

Knowing that he couldn't see himself alive he decided to enter a second later after his death.

Kanae looked at the streaming page.

On top of all recommendations was his stream and it had 60k viewers. Seeing this making hesitate but curiosity got the better of him and clicked anyway.

The first thing he saw on the streaming made his stomach churn in agony.

Roxy was there on top of him while hugging his stiff body.

He could hear the sound of crying and Roxy's voice saying 'I'm sorry over and over again.

Seeing his strong friend like this was destroying him inside and making him feel like the scumbag of the century.

And, if it couldn't be worse, seeing her best friend crying for him was giving a slight satisfaction that only incremented the shame that he was having of himself. It was amazingly curious what one could learn about himself in this situation. He was worse than he thought.

'Curiosity really kills the cat…'

Not wanting to intrude any longer he closes the stream.

'Let's try with Twitter, those bastards loved to insult me'

Kanae entered Twitter, a small pop up appear at the side with the text [No interactions allowed].

He sigh in resignation, it was apparent that the system would not let him have any chance to send a message to Roxy.

He kept scrolling the social media with a dark chuckle. His name was trending.

And there were tens of big celebrities sending messages to him.

Most of them were in thanks and about how great of a person He was…liars the whole lot.

He wasn't a good person he knew it. There was a reason why not a single of those artists came again to his room for a visit.

Not that he hated them for it.

A dying man wasn't any good company. Especially one so bitter like him. But, to be fair he has been inside a hospital for years now, and seeing artist living their life while having everything that he had dreamed of made him more nasty than normal.

Still, seeing how the artist at least lied to the rest of the world while painting him as a great person made him vow to be gentler this time…or at least try to.

There was so much autotune he could tolerate in a person singing.

He kept scrolling while rolling his eyes after reading all the cheesy posts.

It was after twenty minutes that he finally found a post that make him tremble. The comment was having a lot of likes.

[My name is Lucia Piazzolla. I'm the blood sister of Sebastian Piazzolla or how people call him C. I never knew that I had a brother until I found a photo book. Even when seeing the photos of the whole family my parents told me that that person was dead. I believe them until I found that my supposedly dead brother was C.

After that, I spoke with my parents. My mother keep saying that they had no son. It was my father that explained to me how they couldn't keep seeing him like that and they decided to escape and start over.

I won't say what I feel about my parents. This is not about them.

C, I never meet you. But I had never missed a single Stream you have. I like to imagine that you were singing to me. Even before an exam, I would play your music to have some courage. Im sorry to never meet you. I'm sorry for never talking to you. I'm sorry that I'm also a coward like my parents.

I love you C. Whenever you are hope you are happy and never stop playing music.

I love you brother.]

Kanae was looking at the post with wide-open eyes.

He didn't cry about it not he felt happy about having a sister. His family were strangers to him. And now, knowing that he had a sister that he had never met, wouldn't change the way he felt anyway.

If he was honest he was happier knowing that his parents were probably having a bad time thanks to his new sister.

"At least I had actual family that love me…" Kanae sighed in regret. Meeting her would have been great. But, it was all part of the past, at least for him.

He was dead, and he had a real family that care for him.

A Twitter post would not make him feel guilty about having his new family. On contrary, it makes him love his family even more.

Not wanting to read more about fake people he decided to just see if the news was also speaking about him. They were.

Hundred of them. Speaking about his sickness. Making background of his family. Some of them even had some really old pictures that he had forgotten about it or didn't know existed. Reporters were a scary thing.

His favourite news though was Universal Music saying that his last two songs on the streaming were theirs.

His eyebrow pulses a little in annoyance.

It was going to be funny when they learned that he had donated every single one of his songs to the Public Music Archives Domain.

As for the money he had earned while alive? He had signed everything to Roxy.

He hoped that her pride would let her use the money for herself. But knowing her she might donate everything and be done with it.

Kanae keeps scrolling for a little while. Seeing people write about his death wasn't what he was hoping to be.

So, instead of filling this weird banal feeling about people's reactions, he decided that it was time to make a list of what books to plunder. The past was the past, and it was time to let things go.

Not that it was as easy. Especially Roxy. But, he needed to walk forward and don't succumb to the dangerous path of the past.

The best way would probably choose a best seller book and then see if it existed in this world.

Kanae started to look for bestsellers.

After a while, He found a banner about Fantastic Beast movies. Seeing this he opened his eyes wide.

It couldn't be that the Harry Potter franchise dint exist here, right? I mean, it was a book that sold 500 million copies worldwide. Only in the U.S had sold 180 million.

Grabbing his phone he makes a quick search for the title. With no result and with the sudden idea that it might have another name in this world he started writing famous quotes from the book.

Nothing. The book didn't exist.

After affirming, again, that the book didn't exist he started to think if there were any problems that the book might have, that would give him a problem in the future.

There wasn't, he was currently in 2010 and the cancel woke culture wasn't a thing yet.

He just didn't need to do a Rowling by looking for fame outside his book and done.

Honestly, it was the best book to start.

The first books were basically children's ones. This would let him have a good excuse of how someone who didn't write could publish such a book.

And the most important of all. He was a big Potter head.

Kanae means it. That book had been the only closer thing that he had to actually going to school. He had grown with Harry's adventures. And thanks to it he could probably answer any question about the book. Just like reporters, fandoms were also a scary thing.

Making his decision he chose to put it in the first place of his plundered victims.

And seeing that his luck was pretty good, he started to look for other best sellers in his world.

At the end of it, he had a really good list to amaze wealth for a couple of generations.

The books on the list were: Harry Potter, Twilight, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Charlotte's Web and The little prince.

He tried to look for Tolkien books, but he existed in this world. This makes him happy as he didn't know how to feel about plundering his favourite book. Plus, the writing style of Tolkien was way too different from the other books.

Now he only needed to start writing.

He tried to be lazy and see if he could copy the book online and just sell it as a manuscript. But a pop up told him that he couldn't download or upload anything from the computer.

If he wanted to have the book in real life he needed to buy it with DC (Death Points).

He didn't have enough money to exchange for the 10 points that the set of books cost. 10k for seven books that would make you millions looked like a steal. But he didn't have any money for that.

So his only option was to manually copy the text to another computer. Seeing that this might become a problem in the future he took notes to buy a new laptop.

Kanae looks at his phone again. He had one last hour of travel.

While being bored, not knowing what to do he started to think about the comments about his death.

For a moment he had the idea to enter his stream again. To see if Roxy was still there and looking at her for the last time. But he decided to not do it.

He was living a new life now. As much time as it will take him to deal with the image of Roxy crying on top of him…yes It was best to not look for news about him anymore.

Kanae starts looking at his little sister sleeping. She looked so cute that he wanted to pinch his little mochi-soft face.

Looking at her he started to write the Harry Potter books on the phone.