
Anime Mashup: King of Music

Before dying, he created a song so great that even Death liked it. "Give me your song rights and be reborn!" This fanfic is about a reborn musician, in an anime world full of dangers, weird anime effects and an Omniverse web browser?. -f3f3 *********** Anime in this world: NANA Runway de Waratte Beck Kids of the Slope Detroit Metal City Paradise Kiss Blue Period PPPPPP K-ON! Megalo Box Hajime no Ippo Baki God of High-school Kengan Ashura And a lot more!.

f3f3_2 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

New house.

The train arrives at the Tokyo station at the perfect time.

It was nice to know that the Japan of this era made true the stereotypes of 'always on time' specially when one was travelling in it.

Kanae look at his sister that kept sleeping like a log. He knew that all of the tiredness she had was probably to the last-minute change of plans.

He hoped that it wouldn't be a bad decision to move so fast. Thinking about the long travel and all the things to do he massaged his forehead.

Seeing the train stop he shook her sister while gently saying, "Wake up sis"

"Hum? Mom? Where am I?" Hearing her ask for their mother make him flinch. But with a deep sigh, he put his hand on top of her and say, "Is me, sleepyhead, we need to leave the train"

Azusa's eyes open wide in surprise, "We are here? So fast!?"

Seeing that she woke up they went to the back of the wagon train to grab their luggage.

While grabbing the four bags, and the three-guitar cases Azusa asked, "Onii-chan, are we taking a taxi to the house?"

"Yep, come on, we still have a two-hour travel to the house"

The two of them ended up paying for a van, they have too many things with them and the guitars, especially, were long and bothersome to put inside a car.

It was good that the exit of the train station was full of different vehicles to choose from.

They had already travelled for half an hour. Their house was in Shoto, Shibuya.

As they got closer The driver asked, "Can you tell me the direction again?"

Kanae looked at his phone and opened the Galoo! Map. And after taping the direction he showed it to the driver.

As they were getting closer to the house Kanae started to look at the neighbourhood.

The place was full of trees and screamed wealth.

He had already seen two Bendenz Benz and three WMB. He didn't know how much cars cost in general.

But, he concluded that they were expensive. At least they looked like it. Something that made a lot of sense as they were in a high-class residential area.

His parents didn't tell them exactly how wealthy their Grandparents were and they didn't ask. To be fair they were a little overwhelmed by the sudden move.

But seeing the small coffee shops with modern looks, small boutiques, hair salons and what looked like expensive brands, one could easily have an understanding of the economy of these households.

Thinking a little more about money, he suddenly thought, that they had actually lived in a pretty expensive house all their life. Plus, his cellphone was the late Strawberry i4.

Before he hadn't noticed this, but all those expensive fabrics and sewing machines that he had used to make clothes were really expensive. And there was no way, for his lazy bun, to look for a job.

He means it. He had a small book with drawings of a bed table so he could sew while in bed. It was pretty imaginative.

Looking at the back of the phone he chuckles a little.

This world was really weird. For some reason, some brands had the same name but then you have this phone with the logo of a bite strawberry just like apple had.

Maybe the copyright police had followed him to this universe too?

' I mean, it makes sense that so many artists were messing in this world. Maybe this world had lost some Omniversal Copyright lawsuits?'

Anyway, the silly names and pro-copyrighted name of brands wasn't going to change his way of living.

His thoughts about random things were interrupted by the driver.

"Ho, we are close….I think is the big house over there?"

Both Azusa and Kanae looked through the left window of the van and saw a really big two-story house.

The house was on the street corner and was surrounded by a nice trimmed green plant that worked like a fence. The entrance of the house had a grey car garage door mounted between two short white columns.

At the back of the house, they could see a small sakura tree that only increased the image of a wealthy house.

The car stopped in front.

Both Kanae and Azusa were having their mouths wide open.

Readers might think that it was thanks to the sudden discovery that their house was a small mansion. But then that couldn't be far from the truth. (A/N: You been 4th walled)

"Onii-chan! Delinquents are drinking in front of the house! What are we gonna do!?"

Hearing Azusa, Kanae snapped off it and started to laugh out loud, "Hahahah! Delinquents!"

Azusa thought that her brother was laughing out of fear. She knew that there were people that got paralysed and others that just fainted…maybe his brother laughed out loud?

Kanae on the other hand was looking at the group of punk kids that were joking and drinking on the sideways of the street.

He knew instantly who they were. And was a little surprised that he never made the comparison that it was THAT Nana when her mother had given the contact of the tenant.

'I mean, this is an Anime world after all.' He thought while curiously looking at the group of punks.

And after hearing her sister call the group of four delinquents he couldn't stop and laughed again. He didn't know if Black Stones were already a thing. But Trapnest their 'rival' band was already famous. He even knew some of their songs.

"Hey, kid are you alright? Do you want me to call the police?"

Hearing this he shook his head, "Maybe they are neighbours?… Mochi move a little and let me ask"

His sister move to the side, and after a quick manoeuvre inside the van, he was now on the other widow. The group of punks didn't see the van as they were on the other side of the street, so after bringing the widow down he screamed, "NANA!"


Hohoho The reveal of the new housemates!

What do you think? Are Nana and Hachi too dramatic? Yes! they are!. But this is a book about art and people need to feel and stuff to do the artsy things. Right?.