
Angry Harry and the Seven by Sinyk

Hey Guys, this story is written by Sinyk on fanfic net. This is not my work. The only reason I am putting this up is because someone has copied Sinyk's entire work word-for-word on this site (claiming it as his own: Harry Potter and the 7 angers), releasing it at a snail's pace, and is also making money off of it on patreon. Pisses me off to no end. Art is by CruderFive1 on DeviantArt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, guys and... guyettes, This one is of epic length. And by that I mean really really long. For those who sent me a note about 'Four Heirs' and thought it long - well, this one blows that one out of the water for length. So, if something only up to - say - 150k words is your cup o' tea, then this isn't for you. No sir-ree! This story hits approximately 480k words. To stop all the whining and bitching right now - yeah, like that's ever going to happen - you'll figure out this is a 'Haphne' story; Dumbledore is (somewhat) good but still manipulative as per canon; Ron's an ineffective non-entity; Snape tries to keep sticking his beak in - and get's it repeatedly thwacked with a rolled-up newspaper; McGonagall gets over her hero-worship of DumDum (I mean, Dumbledore); Hermione is a good friend; Sirius is free; kids are kids; and teenagers are walking bags of hormones. The story follows canon a lot; and I've even included many quoted sections out of the books. I didn't do this to pinch JKR's works. Rather, it's in there to demonstrate similarities while being a different story. So, no biatching about that, either. You've been well and truly warned. Yours, Da crazy bastard who thinks he's an author. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

H3llhound2dea1h · Filmes
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87 Chs

Chapter Eighty Five - A Talk of Shovels

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Eighty Five - A Talk of Shovels




With the Slytherin Four - as they became known - gone from Hogwarts, everyone's spirits seemed to lift. People now walked the halls confident in their security within the castle. The Slytherins and Gryffindors still, occasionally, almost came to spellfire. However, it only ever amounted to threats and posturing. And, only ever with the older years.

The Weasley twins' pranking backed right off, too. They were in their NEWT year and knew they had to knuckle down and do well. Their future, as proprietors of Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes, demanded it; and they knew it.

Harry was unsure whether or not to head home to Potter Manor, for Christmas. Hogwarts was also their home; now, more so than ever. But, Daphne demanded it. And, Daphne got what she wanted.

The trip home on the Hogwarts Express on the 22nd of December was a relaxing journey for the group. Others, from among the years, received invitations to join them. Now that Harry had finally got it through some very mulish heads that the owners' carriage was his, he allowed others to come and visit.

On the way home for Christmas, as soon as the train left the platform at Hogsmeade, he wandered down the length of the train from back to front looking to see who was sitting where. On the way back, as a treat, he offered those who were sitting alone the opportunity to join him in the owners' carriage for the entire trip. They all accepted. However, there was only five.

By way of further apology to Astoria - he'd been doing a lot of that since the 'shovel incident' - he also invited her and Colin to join them. Colin was even allowed to take photographs of the interior of the carriage so long as he asked first; and Harry could clear out the students to the other end while Colin took the photographs.

The photographs he took ended up published in the Quibbler in a special Christmas article about the founders. They joined photographs he had taken of the modified owners' suites in the castle. There was even one of Harry sitting at his desk in his office in the old Slytherin suite potions lab, with Daphne perched on the edge of the desk.

Harry asked for, and received, a 5"x7" copy of the photograph. He kept it in a gold frame on the same desk shown in the photograph.

Yes, the newlyweds - as that was what they still considered themselves to be - spent Christmas at Potter Manor. However, that was just their 'home base' for the extra-long Christmas break. The two spent time at Greengrass Estate, the Black House - which Sirius now preferred to be his home, rather than the re-acquired Black Manor - a night at Dagworth-Granger Manor, and visits with the Davises, the Boneses, and the Longbottoms. Luna joined them overnight twice; and the twins, once.

The two 'blew off' the Ministry Yule Ball, and Harry was scolded for it in his own paper. He grumbled about it, but couldn't smack them down for it as it was the truth, without spin.

"You know this means we'll have to go next year, right?" he asked Daphne, after reading the article to her over breakfast.

She sighed and said, "I know." Perking up a bit, she said, "Maybe we'll get lucky and something'll happen that'll get it cancelled."

With a snort, Harry said, "It would have to be something really big, to do that. They still held the annual Yule Balls during the war with Voldemort."

Finally, the break ended and, on the 12th of January, they were once more on the Hogwarts Express steaming back to southern Scotland.

This time - with Daphne's suggestion - they brought with them Monty Wordsworth. They were using the trip to give him a long interview of the current life of one Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, the Young-Man-Who-Conquered, Basilisk-Slayer, Lord of four Noble and Ancient Houses, doting husband. It was the last 'title' he was most proud of.

From Monty he also learned why the Ministry was most unhappy with him. On the night, they had wanted to award him the Order of Merlin, First Class, for his defeat of Riddle/Voldemort.

"I do not believe I would have accepted it," he said, when told. "I believe my mother should have been awarded it due to her actions on the night of the 31st of October 1981. She killed Riddle that night, not me. She well and truly earned one, even if it would have been posthumously.

"And, to top it off, they awarded a Third Class to Pettigrew, supposedly posthumously, for just supposedly being there? The one later proven to have been their betrayer? No, I think I would have refused it. There are others in the queue, before me, who haven't been awarded theirs, yet. Let them be awarded first; then the Minister can come and talk to me about it - instead of trying to 'surprise' me with it."

"And how are you handling your myriad of duties?" asked Monty. "Four Lordships, overall management of Hogwarts, studying for your OWLs, and recently married makes for a very busy schedule."

"I have a loving family, understanding and assisting friends, a very understanding and knowledgeable Headmaster, and a wife who is my partner in all things," he said. "Plus, I have a clever and hardworking Master Account Keeper in Gringotts, and a very smart lawyer to look after a lot of the financials."

"About Hogwarts; you sacked the school board and replaced them with people of your own choosing."

"The School Board of Governors, once I took up my Slytherin and Gryffindor Lordships, became superfluous - redundant. With me taking the helm, there was no longer a need for governors, so I shut down the board," he replied. "However, I felt I still needed advisors. So, I appointed my lawyer, Mister Dewey Skroohem to my board of advisors as legal counsel; my main proxy on the Wizengamot, Dowager Lady Augusta Longbottom, for her depth of knowledge in the legislative field and in managing the affairs of an Ancient House; Lady Isabel Greengrass, for her knowledge and experience in dealing with the muggle world; and the goblin, Bloodfang, for his understanding and expertise in finance for dealing with the financial situation of the school. There's also a fifth individual I'm hoping can make himself available, but I've not heard back from him his decision, yet."

"That second last one created a ruckus," said Monty. "Many didn't like the idea of you having a goblin on your board of advisors."

"Tough!" snapped Harry. "While others might have an idiotic view of whom and what is best, you cannot go past the goblins for having the best financial advisors there are. Master Bloodfang is doing such a fantastic job of overseeing the financials of the school; we may soon be able to consider dropping fees for students. And that's after I've already spent over a hundred thousand Galleons modernising books, equipment and plantlife within the school. No other financial advisor has accomplished that before him. Of course, if people actually want to pay more in school fees - I'll be happy to accommodate them."

"As for the financials, the school's coffers were in a deplorable state. And they got that way under the guardianship of the governors and previous headmasters. From my own funds, almost the very first thing I did was pour a significant amount of money into the funds for Hogwarts. This has allowed the Headmaster to replace the dangerous school brooms, replace worn out furniture and fittings, repopulate the greenhouses, hire more staff, provide better pay for all staff, provide opportunities for staff to further their own learning, purchase more and up-to-date books for the school library, and quite a few other things."

The interview went almost for the entire trip. Monty left directly for the offices of the Daily Prophet from Hogsmeade station with reams of parchment filled out by a dicta-quill. If not for Frosty keeping them supplied with tea and butterbeers, Harry's voice would have been reduced to a croak by the time they were finished.




Back into studying and Harry was finding his days filled with study, teaching, study, admin for his Houses, admin for the school, study, the odd staff meetings, working on assignments, and study.

Things had degenerated to the point where he was cutting classes short, or not attending them at all. He just thanked God for his eidetic memory. He knew he'd not pass his OWLs without it. Or, at least not get his usually high grades.

It was Neville who finally dragged him aside about it.

"Harry, mate," he began. "You cannot keep going like this."

"What else am I supposed to do, Nev?" he asked back, a little short.

"Some things have to go," said the other boy. "Hand over the financials of the Houses to Dewey. He can work with Bloodfang on your behalf. And, now that you've got yourself a great team of advisors - instead of that corrupt school board - stop directly managing them, and let them be somewhat autonomous in dealing with the financials of the school. Just ask for a report from them once in a while.

"I'd also suggest you give up being an Adjunct Professor in DADA; but, I can see how much you actually enjoy that. So, keep that and just your studies. Everything else must go."

Harry put his quill down and leaned back in his chair. He raised both hands and let his fingers scratch through his scalp while he thought.

Finally, he rocked back forward again. With a sigh, he said, "You're right, Nev; you're right."

"I know," smiled the other boy. "I just hoped you'd see I was."

Harry blew him a raspberry.

"Alright," he said, "how do we go about this?"

"Arrange a meeting with Dewey, but tell him what you want to do in advance," Nev replied. "Next, call a meeting of the advisors, ask the Headmaster to attend and stay only long enough to inform them of what you're doing. Easy-Peasy."

"Yeah, it really is that simple, isn't it?" he said.

And it's precisely what he did. Only a week later the majority of his work disappeared from his needed attention. He was able to spend more time with Daphne and his friends. And he was able to attend his classes - with the exception of those he was occasionally teaching.

As an apology to Daphne for not paying as much attention to her as he thought he should, he took her to Come and Go Room for a romantic dinner for two. This time, it was as a scene from a top floor restaurant looking across Sydney Harbour, the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House completely lit up.

After Harry had apologised yet again, Daphne said, "I keep telling you, Harry; you've nothing to apologise for. It's not as if you were slacking off, or anything; you were working hard for our future.

"I'm just glad Neville was able to get through to you that you needed to step back from managing so many things, at once. You were beginning to get quite short-tempered."

"I'm sorr..."

"Hush!" she snapped. "Things are better now. Now you just have to keep it that way."

He nodded in response, afraid she'd just shut him up again.

After a few minutes, she asked, "Did you know both Hermione and Susan now have boyfriends?"

Harry looked up a little startled. "No - umm - no, I didn't."

She nodded and said, "Hermione's seeing a boy in our year, a Justin Finch-Fletchley."

"Oh," said Harry, instantly recalling what he knew of the boy. "He was one of the first petrified by the Basilisk. We shared workstations for Potions, third year. He was also down for Eton - pretty posh private school that - when he received his Hogwarts letter. By the way he talks, and the 'posh' inflection of his voice, and how his parents were dressed when they visited him in the infirmary were he was unpetrified, it looks like his family's well-to-do."

Daphne nodded. "According to Hermione, they are. His grandfather is supposed to be an earl, or something."

"But, what's he like as a person, away from classes?" asked Harry.

"From the few times I've met him, he's quite nice. He's a gentleman with Hermione and us other ladies. And he's helped us out with the etiquette club."

"Okay, cool," said Harry. "And who's Susan seeing?"

"Eddie Carmichael in Ravenclaw." Harry looked up, a little startled. "Really?" he almost squeaked.

"Really," she smirked.

"Huh!" said Harry, settling back. "I would have thought she'd take up with someone like Diggory, or Michael Corner.

Giving her head a little shake she said, "No. Diggory's back to seeing Cho, even though he'ds now graduated; and Corner's dating Ginny Weasley."

"Well, if both girls are still dating them, once finish our OWLs, I'll have to tell them both to invite their boyfriends into the owners' carriage."

"I was hoping you'd say that," she smiled. "Because I've already told both of them exactly that."

"So, if things work out for them, that leaves Luna as the only one single," shrugged Harry. "Alright, then."




As they headed towards their actual OWL exams, Harry was finally able to finish the 'squib' wand he was working on. With Filch's assistance, he finally got it working. It took many more wands before he eventually got a good enough match; but, it worked.

As he'd promised to let the old caretaker keep the wand, Filch even demonstrated using it in the Ancient Runes class before Professor Babbling. And promised to demonstrate it during Harry's OWL practical for the subject.

His career advice talk in early May with the 'nest mother' - as they'd come to call the Ravenclaw Head of House, Madam Smithson - was quick. Harry's career would be supporting his wife, and taking a more active interest in the Wizengamot and administering Hogwarts.

Both Potters also took apparition classes when Wilkie Twycross came to the school. Both passed and sat their 'exam' at the Ministry to get their apparition licences. While Harry hated side-along apparition, he felt apparating himself didn't feel so bad. He thought it might have something to do with how he was in control.

What was surprising for others, but Harry already suspected was the case, was that he and Daphne were both able to apparate within the school and through the school wards.

The OWLs were as difficult as Harry expected them to be. However, he was able to answer all the questions, and went for the bonuses in every subject.

In Ancient Runes, Filch demonstrated the wand, and Harry described how and why it worked; in Arithmancy, he described how seven was supposedly a magical number and demonstrated what he thought were improvements on the initial theory; in Charms, he not only made legs appear on a teacup, he had it performing a softshoe shuffle and a tap dance. Then, he followed it up with his overpowered patronus.

However, when he entered for his practical for DADA, the examiners took on look at him and said, "Forget it, Lord Potter. You took out a dark lord a year ago; and you're currently teaching in the subject. Should your theory work be up to snuff - and we daresay we know it will be - we're giving you an O+ for the subject. You may leave."

Exams finally finished on Thursday, the 18th of June. From then on, until they caught the Hogwarts Express back to London on the Sunday, their time was their own. Arranged in advance, the group had a party to celebrate in the living room area of the suites.

The next morning, Harry came down from his and Daphne's master bedroom to find Justin and Eddie sleeping on two couches down in the living room area. But, where were Neville and Blaise?

Then, his eyes widened. Tracey had her own room down on the bottom level. He suspected the twin rooms were where he'd find Hermione and Susan.

Looking at the ceiling, he thought Luna might be in one of the ex-kitchen bedrooms and Hannah in the other - with Neville?"

Grinning, he dashed into his office and ducked across to the Map. Looking about it, he found what he was looking for. Yes, Blaise was in with Tracey lying side-by-side; Luna was in with... Susan? With Hermione in the other bed.

That meant... Neville and Hannah were in separate rooms in the ex-kitchen bedrooms.

'So, the only ones getting up to any hanky-panky last night, was Tracey and Blaise,' he thought.

Chuckling to himself, he went back up to the kitchen and had Maisey prepare him something. A couple of minutes after he sat down, Daphne joined him just as Hedwig came flying in through the window.

A kiss for the wife and couple of pieces of bacon for the familiar - plus a couple of soft strokes of her feathers - and he was reading the Prophet.

Now that the two had taken up residence in the suites, both Hedwig and Midnight - Daphne's cat - had also taken up residence. Harry would sometimes enjoy a late night snack and he'd often have Midnight wanting up onto his lap, or jumping onto the arm of his chair, in the expectation he'd share with her. The old softy he was, he would.

However, Midnight would often prove to be a pain in the bum when he was trying to work at his desk. She'd always want up on the desk and, as soon as she was, she'd want to play with his quill feather.

He'd eventually trained her to snuggle down into a cat basket on the ledge of the window, in the warm rays of the sun, where she could watch him and be patted, to save on destroyed quills.

Hedwig's stand was close by for the same reason.

"I noticed Eddie and Justin crashed on the couches, out there," she said. "Who spent the night here?

"Everyone," Harry smirked.

He watched her frown as she got that look she adopted when she was thinking hard about something and trying to solve a problem or puzzle.

When he saw her eyes open wide, he snickered.

"Neville and Hannah..." she asked.

"Nope," he replied. "Neville and Hannah are in separate beds in the two new bedrooms directly above us."

"Tracey and Blaise?" she asked.

"Yep. Together. In her bed," he replied with a smirk.

"Okay," she mused. "That just leaves the twin bedroom of Salazaar's old master bedroom. That would mean - Susan, Hermione and Luna are in those two beds."

"Correct," he said with a grin.

She gave a snort. "As Susan went to bed first, and Hermione second, I'd say Luna just walked in and jumped into bed with Susan. Luna knows that Susan and Hannah used to cuddle up together, so wouldn't have hesitated to cuddle up to Sue."

With another snort she said, "Sue's going to be ever so surprised. Luna likes to sleep in the nude."

"I know," he sniggered, "she told me. We need more rooms. With the break effectively starting tomorrow, I'm going to come back sometime early next week and see if I can find the entrance to the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw suites.

"I have a feeling they're probably right alongside the entrances to Gryffindor and Slytherin. And, if they are, I'm going to see if I can get the elves to link them through like I've done with these two."




People started rising and making their way to where Daphne and Harry were sitting at the dining table in the kitchen eating their breakfasts.

As each came in, they were greeted with a "good morning," but, generally ignored.

Maisey and Frosty enjoyed serving them all.

When Blaise and Tracey turned up, Harry smirked at them. "Have fun, you two?"

Tracey blushed while Blaise puffed up a little and said, "I had a most pleasant evening, yes."

"Glad to hear it," smiled Harry. "Just remember the shovel."

"The - shovel?" asked Blaise.

Harry grinned. "Allow me to give the shovel talk..."

"Har-ry..." growled Daphne.

"Anyways," said Harry, quick to change the subject. "The twins didn't stay long. As they've now finished their education, they're not even staying for the train ride back to London. They walked out the front gate and apparated directly to their new business premises."

"Eager to get started?" asked Hannah.

"Definitely," replied Harry. "From their market research they know that the two periods they'll make most of their profit is during the summer break; and during the lead up to Christmas."

Daphne cut in, "So, they've gone to get everything set up as quick as they can in the few days they've got before the train heads back to London. Once students are back home, their store is going to get real crowded real fast."

"Good luck to them," said Blaise.




With the school year over, and another trip home of the Hogwarts Express, Harry and Daphne apparated from the platform to Potter Manor.

Of course, the house elves were ecstatic to have them home.

After a couple of days sorting out any problems, both then apparated into the owners' suite back at Hogwarts. "That is just so cool," he chuckled.

Daphne just gave him an amused smirk. "At least you don't 'face plant' anymore."

"Hey!" he mock-pouted. "I told you. The floo system and portkeys hate me."

They exited out through the gryffin portrait and had a better look at the full corridor in which they stood.

"Alright," he said. Pointing, he indicated, "Up there is the Gryffindor living room. Directly above us is the Gryffindor master bedroom." Moving along to where the Slytherin door was he indicated again. "Down there is the Slytherin family room level; which, if my personal measurements are reasonably accurate, means my office and the armoury is under the Gryffindor kitchen and half bathroom. And, the Slytherin master and guest bedroom is directly under out feet. Is that what you think?"

Nodding, Daphne said, "That's about what I worked out, too."

"Good. I also think we should find the Ravenclaw suite next in a similar layout to the Gryffindor suites; then the Hufflepuff suites in a similar layout to Slytherin," he explained, indicating the whole way. "Or, Hufflepuff will be next to Gryffindor; and then Ravenclaw next to Hufflepuff."

Looking at the length of the corridor, and thinking about what of the layout they already knew, Daphne said, "There's a third option. One I think is more likely."

"Hmm?" he asked.

"There's really insufficient space for them both to be, as we're standing, to the right of Slytherin," she explained. "The same for them to be to the left of Gryffindor.

"Further, Hufflepuff would want to be closest to the infirmary. So, I think we'll find Hufflepuff to the left of Gryffindor; and Ravenclaw to the right of Slytherin."

Nodding, Harry said, "Then, let's check."

Both headed to the area of wall left of Gryffindor and found a portrait of a close-up scene of a forest. The frame went almost to the floor. "Definitely Hufflepuff," muttered Harry.

He looked further along for any sign Ravenclaw's chambers would be there, but couldn't find anything.

Walking back down the corridor, they passed by Slytherin's door and began their search. Sure enough, they found a small alcove with an eagle similar to the one that guarded the Ravenclaw tower entrance.

"Well, you're right," he said. "The third option looks like the winner."

Uh-hmm," she said. "But, how do we get into them?"

He smiled at her and said, "By the same way we now bypass the Slytherin entrance. An inner connecting passage."

Understanding, her eyes lit up, "Oh; of course."

Re-entering the Gryffindor 'living room' Harry called Frosty.

"Yes, my Lord?" asked the elf, popping in.

"Hiya," he said, "Am I correct in believing the Hufflepuff suite is next to us, here?"

"Yes, my Lord," replied the elf.

"Excellent. Can you create a passage similar to the one that goes from here to the Slytherin suite; but, have it go from here to the Hufflepuff suite?"

"Yes, my Lord," replied Frosty. "If you wish."

"I do," said Harry. "Make it happen, please."

"Very well, my Lord," the elf replied before seeming to stare off into the distance a bit.

Harry and Daphne, both, heard - felt - that sub-audible groan and another door appeared matching the one to the Slytherin suite.

"Let's go check it out, shall we?" he smiled at Daphne.

Together, they descended the inter-connecting stairs to the Hufflepuff suite.

As expected, as soon as they stepped into the living room, a house elf appeared. "My Lord?" it asked. "Why is you here?"

"With no current rightful Heir for Hufflepuff; and, as I'm the only recognised owner of Hogwarts; I'll be making use of this suite until a rightful Heir of the Hufflepuff line presents themself. At that time, the suite will be returned to them."

The elf appeared to consider that for a moment before she said, "Then, welcome, my Lord and Lady. I am Whispy. I am responsible for this suite."

"Hello, then, Whispy," replied Harry. "As you know, I am Lord Gryffindor and Slytherin." Gesturing to Daphne he said, "And this is Lady Gryffindor and Slytherin.

"How about you show us around and we'll see what we can do to modernise this place, hmm?"

Whispy showed them through the suite. As expected, it was very similar to the layout of the Slytherin suite. The main differences were the extra large potions lab and much smaller armoury. And only one bedroom similar in size to the Gryffindor master. However, things were switched about. The potions lab and armoury were on the right, and the kitchen was on the left. The stairs leading down to the bedroom were also on the other side of the stairs leading back up to the corridor.

Back in the living room, Harry looked at the back wall of the small armoury and asked Whispy, "Is the Slytherin armoury on the other side of this wall?"

"Oh, yes, my Lord," she said.

"Well, well," said Harry, turning to Daphne. "That's going to make it easier."

You're thinking of putting a door through there, aren't you?" she asked.

"Yeah," he said. The connecting stairs go through to the Gryffindor suite. A door through here will go through to the Slytherin suite, into the storage room there. They're both on the same level.

"And, I'm pretty sure we'll find the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw suites on the same level one floor up. They're just off-set from being directly atop each other."

"Except the 'master' bedrooms of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw next to each other directly above the outside corridor; and Hufflepuff and Slytherin next to each other directly below the outside corridor," said Daphne. "That's actually quite a clever design."

"Yeah," said Harry. "Now we just have to confirm it by going to the Slytherin suite and asking for internal stairs leading up to the Ravenclaw suite. Shall we?"

Smirking, Daphne replied, "We shall."




The two went up the new internal stairs back to the Gryffindor suite before taking the first internal stairs down to the Slytherin suite.

In the living room, Harry called Frosty, again.

"My Lord?" asked the elf, popping in.

"Frosty, I think the Ravenclaw suite is next along the line; is it not?" asked Harry.

"It is, my Lord," the elf replied.

"Then, same thing as last time, please," instructed Harry. "An internal connection between here and the Ravenclaw suite, if you would."

"At once, my Lord," replied the elf. Another short period where the elf looked to be staring off into the distance, another sub-audible groan, and another appearing door.

Grinning, this time Daphne led Harry up the flight of stairs into the Ravenclaw suite.

The house elf in this suite introduced himself as Puddles.

This time, the suite mimicked the Gryffindor suite but was also flipped so that the back walls of the potions labs and armouries backed onto one another. However, Ravenclaw already had a library where the armoury was in Gryffindor. So, it was not going to be much to have an inter-connecting door through the back wall, there. It meant the two libraries would be connected. Which made things a lot easier.

Now, the two needed to decide what they were going to do with all the extra room.




Back at Potter Manor, Harry had been thinking off and on for the past couple of days what to do with all the extra room opening the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw suites allowed them.

They had two years remaining of their studies within the castle. But, did they actually need all that extra room for what was only a short period of time? No.

Once he had a fair idea in his mind, he started to work it onto parchment. Working from left to right.

The Hufflepuff kitchen was superfluous. They didn't need that whole side of the combined suites. So, the Hufflepuff kitchen would be closed off. The potions lab was huge and could be used for a lab, if they needed a lab other than for potions. Harry wasn't interested in a career in that field, nor did he think Daphne would seek that career path.

The bedroom might come in handy, though, with it's own bathroom. But the storage area was little more than a wide dead end corridor. He could use it to connect it through to the Slytherin suite, but that would mean losing the storage area in the Slytherin suites, as it currently stood.

The Ravenclaw suite was a whole different option.

Harry thought it might be best to use Ravenclaw as their 'private' suite and turn Gryffindor more fully over to the group. After all, Gryffindor was their preferred access, and their study area was in the suite living room.

The stuff currently stored in the Slytherin storage area could be moved into the Ravenclaw potions lab, which was smaller. - No; move his office to the Ravenclaw potions lab, and use the old office as storage. Better.

And the new library in Gryffindor could be linked into the Ravenclaw library with that combined room now being an even bigger library.

No need to keep the Ravenclaw kitchen, either. It could be left alone, for now. So, they didn't need a half bathroom on that floor either. So that end of the Ravenclaw suite could be shut off the same as the Hufflepuff suite.

Effectively, they gained two extra 'master' bedrooms and two living rooms with room to expand. It worked.

A quick trip to Hogwarts and back and he had all four elves on their way to making the changes he required. They'd be ready in plenty of time for the next school year.

When he returned, Daphne asked, "So, we move into the Ravenclaw master suite, then?"

Harry nodded and said, "Yes. That way we can close off our 'private' area within the suites, leaving the rest to the group. Plus, we still have access direct through to Gryffindor and Slytherin "

"I like," she said.

"I've left the kitchen, in place, and have asked the elves to modernise it. But, I don't know if we'll ever use it. And, I'm moving my office from Slytherin to Ravenclaw so I don't have as far to travel."

"It'll be wonderful, darling; I'm sure," she said, coming up behind him and wrapping her arms about him for a hug.




Once again this is not my work. Original work is written by Sinyk on fanfic.net

H3llhound2dea1hcreators' thoughts