
Ancient Doomsday In MHA (HIATUS)

The story of a young man who wished to be Doomsday !!!NO HAREM!!! --------------------------------------------------------- Tristram Torres who had been alone all his life due to his Physical deformities, and dedication to his studies dies and gets the chance to meet God (Not a God of any earthly religion). He is allowed to make three wishes, after which God sends him on a Mission to a World of his (MC's) choosing. ---Wishes Below--- --------------------------------------------------------- 1- To always have the properties of Doomsday (The original Kryptonian one) but to also be able to change into him in order to access his other Powers(Massive superhuman strength, speed, stamina and agility Nigh Invulnerability, Regeneration, Reactive adaptation, Self-evolution, Immortality, Razor-sharp claws, teeth, and bony spurs) 2-To have control over Kinetic Energy 3-To be able to get stronger infinitely by absorbing any kind of radiation Multiverse? You might be asking. YES Multiverse. Not in the early stages of this novel but yes. After all, theres not really a challenge for Doomsday in MHA is there? But then again, is there one anywhere? Worlds: MHA Marvel (MCU) -open- This is just something im working on out of boredom so dont expect much from the upload time. Im not really an avid comic reader so correct me if im wrong about anything regarding Doomsdays Powers. Im doing this cause theres not really a fanfic for Doomsday so yeah. --------------------------------------------------------- I'll do my best to update every friday starting the 3rd(June), after which I'll update as much as possible during the summer holiday :) --------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I own... well nothing and all credit goes to the respective owners or whatever idk I didn't study law. But yeah I don't own any of the characters :)

KeiJu · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


~1224 Words~


I haven't really made much progress lately. After training my control over Kinetic energy to make it what it is today, I haven't really thought of what else I could do to improve it. I've already mentioned this before, but there isnt much training I have to do with my body. I've been extremely bored in the past couple of months, so I decided on designing a weapon and hero costume for myself before coming to the crushing realisation that both of those are completely useless to me. Theres nothing stronger than my own fists, so a weapon would just be unnecessary, and a hero costume would just get ripped everytime I transform. There are probably materials out there that could withstand that, but even then a costume would just hinder me from getting stronger since it could intercept some attacks I could use to become stronger. With that, I had come to the conclusion that my hero costume will just be a pair of virtually indestructable and readjustable shorts that cover my privates when I transform.

((Pretty much like in the cover))

After realising that designing a weapon and costume would be useless, I decided on what to do in order to release my boredom. I'm going to kill (or cripple) as many villains as I find! I'll of course do this in my Doomsday form during the night, since I don't want to end up on the Villain's raidar while I go to school. Anyways, after deciding on what to do, I went outside and transformed into my other form, which I still find quite impressive to be honest (I'm not a narcissist). I have the muscles of a Bodybuilder that basically lives in the gym and consumes nothing but protine bar's and powder, that are covered in aproximately 3cm thick greyish skin. I have a bunch of bone spurs all around my body with most of them being situated on my back and arms. There are also a bunch of smaller bone spurs on my face which resemble a beard, and I have white hair that seems to be tied together on the back of my head. The tips of those are also bone like. My eyes are a ruby kind of red and I have small blades on the side of my forearms, that look like those of a mantis. Thats pretty much it for my outer appearance, which I personally find to be quite badass (again, not a narcissist).

Now that I'm done talking about my appearance, I guess I can go into my hunt. It was pretty deep into the night, and I started the hunt of by jumping off the roof of my mansion, into a certain direction, where Villain activity has been reported. You know, drug dealing and human trafficing and such, the usual. (No the MC will not pick up some slaves from there). Anyways, I decided to walk/run the last couple of hundred meters before meeting the first victim. It was a pretty normal looking man from behind, but you could see his red hands if you looked closely at him. I didn't know anything about his, or anyone elses Quirk here and honestly didn't care about it either, since I had full confidence about my power. I decided to confront him face to face, in order to make it entertaining but got a bit nervous when I started to approach him, since I've never actually felt pain in this world and dont know if I can even feel pain.

"Who are you!? Identify yourself!" Shouted the man, when he saw me approaching hi. I decided not to answer him and just continued to walk towards him, throwing all hesitation behind me and regaining the full confidence I had before, while a small smile crept into my face. This however, must've looked absolutely terrifying to him, due to the razor sharp teeth in my face, and he decided not to wait any longer and attacked me.

His Quirk allowed him to shoot fire out of his hands, which didnt really surprise me since I had already seen his hands, but I was excited nontheless. I watched as the flames made their way towards me. Anyone else would've been terrified, but I was rather thrilled to see what would happen. I braced my self for impact before a loud explosion could be heard from hundreds of meters away, withc me being in the middle of it.

"Hah. Shouldn't have messed with me, thats what you get you monster" Were his last coherent words, before he realised that I was completely fine, and also completely disappointed. 'That flame did absolutely nothing' I thought, before quickly running towards him, and punching him right in his stomach, causing him to fly against the next tree. I was quite impressed when I found him there, still kind of breathing. I wanted to just put him out of his missery right then and there, but was stopped by someone else's screaming.

"Hey! Stop, do you even know where you are!?" Said the man, while aiming his gun at me. Following behind him were another 20 or so people, all armed with guns.

"He attacked me first." I said in my deep voice, which caused them to shudder a bit.

"Leave now or we'll open fire!"

"No. I don't think I will" Is what I said, right before running at the closest group member. What would you do, if a 415kg Giant came running at you at almost the speed of sound? Nothing. You couldn't do anything. Because you'd be dead before forming a single thought. That's exactly what happened to this guy. He exploded into a lot of tiny pieces the moment I came into contact with him.

"Open fire!" Said the one, who I assumed to be the group leader.

They tried to shoot, but failed to do so since I removed all kinetic energy from their triggers, making it immovable. I didn't have to do this, but the dispair in their face made it worth it. You can imagine what happened after that. Complete massacre. They all got folded like clean laundry, one by one, before there was only one left, their leader.

"Wait! Please stop, I'll give you whatever you want! Money? Drugs? Slaves? What do you want!?"

I didn't want to listen to this guy speak anymore, so I took good care of him, before calling the police to take care of the mess.

---Police Officer POV---

"What happened here? Who could've done this?" I wonder while walking through the mess of human body parts. There are no witnesses, and everyone was killed. Everyone in the police force knew what was going on in these parts, but were ordered not to intervene due to some higher ups, so we weren't surprised when we found the drugs and slaves, but what was most baffeling to us, was how there were no bullets anywhere. Like they didn't even have time to shoot this person before being completely destroyed. There are no traces of gunpowder, and the onnly thing that hints towards an actualy fight is a ring of fire, most likely caused by a Quirk. What to do...

---End of POV---

After that event, I went back home, straight into my room to go to bed.

Honestly not too proud of this, since I'm pretty bad at writing fighting scenes but tell me what you think regardless :)

Question again. Should the next chapter be a timeskip straight to the age of 14? I dont really want to be caught up in his childhood the whole time so im kinda leaninng towards that but comment and tell me your opinion :) And point out any mistakes if you can be bothered to, I'll correct them as fast as possible. Thanks for reading :)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

KeiJucreators' thoughts