
An Eldritch Legacy: Sacrilegious Darkness

Creation just has too much light! Or so it seems. Will it be up to the Dak Ones to bring balance to creation and existence, or drive them to fall to their knees? -------- Kean Cletus is an Eldritch child who is on the search for his mother. But it is proving to be difficult, her Light has been scattered, and she has become warped and twisted. A husk of her former self. He knows that there something wrong with her, but the Light of Creation does not welcome him, and so he has to be reborn in a form that will be accepted in Creation's Light. ------- "Awaken your Honored Legacy my child.....the times to come are not for those faint of heart." "The fight for your mother will prove harder than anything you have ever known my child" The Eldritch Heavens await the rise of The Bottomless Depth! Will Kean be worthy of The Throne, The Crown, The Wings and the Legacy of His Sacrilegious Ichor.

DarkOceanRage · Fantasia
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30 Chs

The Terror Named Elvyra*......

This cottage though mostly contained books in its entirety, there were two other rooms that did not contain books. These were a locked room and a bedroom. Apart from that, basically everything else were shelves upon shelves of books, the whole cottage was filled with an old paper scent. 

Inside the bedroom muffled sounds rang out from within and the closer one got to it the louder they became, looking inside one could see the moving silhouette of a heavenly woman.

Her moans were like a cadence of jiggly silver glass bells or the flow of a crystal stream. They were so soul stirring that just from her voice her alone, one would find themselves lost in euphoria of satisfaction.

An untold desire you would take hold of your soul putting it in a sort of captivity that could not be understood. It tamed the soul pulling it in a trance of obedience, lighting a fire in any man's loins.

But her voice seemed to lose out in front of her form, even when one could only see her back. Her skin had a sort of paleness to it that made it seem translucent from far away, almost to the point of looking transparent. 

And when her skin glowed softly in the darkness of the room one would get lost in all sorts of imaginative thoughts.

Her small back was slender with a deep groove traversing it like a valley, all the way from her neck down to her hips which were covered with a robe made of white furs hiding the rest of her body, leaving a lot to be desired. And yet even when hidden, her hidden body seemed to only illicit more desire.

One would notice the small beads of perspiration that littered her skin like ambrosia. They crawled on the faint but present muscles that held her back in a firmness only seen on a fit woman. Moving up her back one would notice that from her backside parts of her supple flesh could be seen jiggling slightly in tandem with her movements and moans.

Her hair that floated like clouds of color was a sight that none could forget. It looked weightless and dreamy as it floated in the air, it was colored light given form in clouds.

It composed of ribbons of emerald green intertwined with streaks of sapphire blue and a larger part consisting of crimson that shined like rubies and sparkling amethyst shimmering like celestial rivers.

And while it was a sight for wonders, a prolonged gaze at it would make one lose their senses for a fraction of time, plunging yourself into a realm of endless fantasies that did not make neither rhyme nor reason. And should you persist, you would forfeit your life.

It seemed to have a resemblance to the phenomenon that graced the mountain tops of Origin Soil. But not many dared to even look at it so even fewer would be able to make a connection to the Enigma that was the Aurora Australis.

But this did not have anything to do with her at the moment as she rocked her hips back and forth in a rhythmic manner. It was truly a sight to behold, added to her movements were moans that tantalized the soul. Smacking of flesh could be heard as the being underneath her made an effort to thrust into her, seeking to fill her up, with an occasional grunt accompanied by the occasional thrust. 

The thrusting reached a fervor as the woman started to yelp in pain and satisfaction, a pair of strong and large muscled hands held her hips, securing her body tightly onto his torso and after a few more almost violent thrusts, the being underneath the woman trembled violently as his hands lost their strength and fell powerlessly onto the floor, loosening the woman's hips.

The woman who seemed to not have noticed the state of the one beneath her, she rocked a few times more until she realized that there was not response the person below her.

She sighed and spoke. "Ahhh....Malakai, this is a bit disappointing, I used to think people of your kind would surely have more stamina than this. The books spoke so gallantly about your kind's stamina, but you are doing well to ruin their so good name. It seems 'they' overrated people of your kind a bit too much. If it was not for the fact that we needed your kind's essence maybe...."

The slippery tone of her heavenly voice echoed in the room seemingly turning it a notch brighter than it was, but the words that were spoken did not seem to fit well with the voice. One would expect only the purest and holiest of women to have such a voice that could illicit worship in mortal minds. 

And yet the one who these words were meant for did not seem to care, for he did not bother to retort maybe one would say that he surely was guilty in this sense, but he could tell you otherwise.

Speaking of the being, Malakai had his back laid flat on the cold floor, the biting cold pressed against his skin seeking to devour any warmth he produced, and the woman's weight on top of him seemed to just add onto his troubles, for though she looked petite and almost weightless, he would tell you that was an error in judgement. She weighed just as much as the mountain they were on right now, but luckily, he was no a pushover. 

He could handle her weight just as well though it was troublesome. But luckily for him, in the next moment she stood up from his torso while quivering in delight as his member slid out from her delicate folds bringing with it the orgasm she was looking for, it seemed that he was not so far off, timing was just that bad...

Chuckling to himself in his mind, he attempted to stand up, with a muffled groan, he rolled to his side planting his left hand firmly on the floor, using some effort he shifted his weight and tucked his feet beneath his knees and rose steadily until he was kneeling in front of the woman who was still reeling from the ecstasy.

The ceiling above seemed to spin with unnatural speed for a moment, taking a deep breath, he cleared his head.

Malakai's age was hard to tell, he looked young but at the same time one could not deny the mature feeling he gave off.

He had dark obsidian skin littered with beautiful silver patterned tattoos, littering the entirety of his naked body with a sort of gracefulness that did not seem to match the ominous aura that hang around his being.

Under the gentle light from the candles that lined the walls of the seeming large bedroom that had an equally large bed, which they had decided to not seemingly use. One would notice the densely packed muscle that glided underneath his dark skin.

He was handsome beyond measure, but not the kind that was charming, his was the kind that made one feel dread, a beauty that spoke of danger, a danger that led you in with allure and desire, an allure that was demonic and tainted, an allure that was impossible to resist and ignore, and allure that brought out the worst desires in you. 

Even as he knelt on the floor, he still managed to be two heads taller than the woman who stood before him, a monstrosity of a man, surely. If he stood at full height, he could easily stand at 10ft approximately 305centimteres. 

On his back they were a great pair of large black feathered wings that would have stretched out for a kilometer if they were spread apart, but they seemed to have been bound by something as they folded over themselves unnaturally. But even then, they still seemed larger than the whole room put together. 

In intervals the wings would shine with a dark light from in-between the equally feathers, but this sight would go unnoticed most of the times. They seemed to have an effect of absorbing the light from within the room.

The wings hid an inscription in between them, an inscription that would be hard for any to decipher. Written beautiful silver it started all the way from the base of his neck up to the back end of his spine. Which ended with a long tail extending out from the other end, a literal extension of his spine.

The tail was long, slim, muscular and black like his skin but with an extra metallic nature to it, etched with the same silver tattoos that littered his body. It ended with two even darker bladelike structures. And it would swish dangerously from side to side as it sought to curl around his body like a snake, twisting and turning almost like as if it had a mind of its own.

He had crimson purple hair that hung loosely on his shoulders and the gentle light from the candles made it shine with a feral beauty, this hair seemed to cover four demon horns that grew from his head, they twisted along his form in defiance to the skies above them. The first pair horns like that of a ram, as they twisted out from his scalp twisting and expanding until they directly formed a large bone guard in front of him, they were black and grooved with silver runes etched deeply into their surface forming a decrypt but ominous text.

And though ominous they added to the deathly charm that he exuded, the second pair was smaller than the first, but they still extended from in front his head and bent over it extending all the way to the back. 

But though handsome and a thing of both dreams and nightmares, he had a thick black chain wrapped tightly around his neck.

And after it left his neck, it passed through his wings binding them tightly together causing their unnatural appearance, then after it left his wings, it disappeared with its links into the floor of the room, in some mystical way.

And just like his neck his feet also had chains around them, restraining his legs like anchors and they too similarly disappeared into the floor. 

Though it looked like he was heavily restrained, the chains did not seem to limit his movements for anyone moment. And he seemed to have gotten used to their presence that he did not even give them a single glance as they rattled with his movements.

instead, he tried to sound an argument at the womans runts, but all that came out of his mouth were mere grunts. Looking to where his mouth was, one would see that it had been sewn shut by blinding silver threads that glowed more ominously than the chains that bound his body.

Seeing no success, he glared at the woman with his black orbs for eyes, but he found her not paying any attention to him and was instead staring intently at his large member with a very hungry and lustful gaze.

Seeing his reaction she grunted and commented, " What is the use of you having something so large .... yet it cannot seem to impregnate my pitiful body."

"Do you know what it means for me to have to deal with such a 'large thing' at my size and then do that for every other day for a hundred years straight?... " She sounded extremely annoyed and yet it did not show on her face, all one could see was hunger in her eyes as she evaluated his rod.

"Those insane freaks keep asking me to quicken up things, and I am speechless sometimes. If this continues on for another few more years, then i don't think we will survive their ire." This time there was a trace of worry in her voice.

"And so, for the next period or two we shall go at it, with every free moment we have when we are not exhausted. Ill suck you dry of your entire essence until I leave you empty surely this time things will work out and ill will finally have a son in my womb." she tried to encourage herself with those words.

"Humphh... you better be not withholding anything back from me otherwise ill make you pay." she growled at him.

if he could, Malakai would be laughing right now at her antics, clearly, he was not the one the one with the problem, and this he could be sure of, because of the fluids that slid from her folds and onto her thighs sliding out like an overflowing stream, and yet she dared to say that he was the one with the problem.

His essence was enough to sire a set of seven children each in the wombs of thousands of women, even if she was born with a closed womb, he could swear on his origin that she would wake up pregnant the next day after he was done with her. Not that he had much experience, but it was an instinct he as a man had in his being, call it confidence.

She was just an abnormality that he happened to be stuck with for more than a century and yet there was nothing to show for his hard work. Sometimes he asked himself why he had to put up with this, but he then remembers the terrifying nature of those insane freaks, every time such thoughts creep into his mind, and he would swiftly shut them down.

He could see the madness and dark obsession that was creeping in into her psyche the longer they spent in this situation. But he could do nothing about it, sometimes he wondered if he had fallen for this crazy wench that he had started to feel sympathy for her. Having intercourse day in and day out had clearly driven her mad.

For a woman who once held immense pride, pride that was as tall as the heavens themselves, one could understand how far she would fall after realizing that she had a problem with what should be the pride of every female being in existence, but here she was, childless even after hundreds of years of trying everything.

If it were not for the circumstances, they were in she would have resorted to more drastic means but whether by luck or chance, she did not have those options. 

Malakai did not seem to care about her creeping madness and instead stood up from his kneeling position but due to how close the woman was, his member hit her in her in the face which caused no end of satisfaction for Malakai upon seeing her furious face.

But he ignored her and moved his naked body out of the bedroom, dragging the chains across the floor as they clanked against each other, in a twisted symphony. 

The woman was furious, and she wished she could lash out at him, but she knew better than to anger that being too much, she was already treading on thin ice. Choosing to ignore him, she pulled up her furs to cover her mesmerizing body, ridding the world of her heavenly beauty.

Also moving out of the bedroom she went to one of the numerous bookshelves that occupied the cottage and picked a specific book, that she had come to like quite recently.

Taking that book in her hands she approached the chair that was directly next to the fireplace. Seating down she opened the book and was immediately entranced with the book, almost like as if everything and all her worries meant nothing before it.

If anyone could see her face right now one would agree that her beauty even became more enchanting the moment she touched a book and there is no way the woman before and the one right now could be related in any way.

The orange glow of the fire fell on her face illuminating an enchanting sight, a sight that could make the surroundings lose their luster and their light, making everything around her lose their beauty with only her as the center of everything, nothing seemed to match her beauty by any margin, she had already transcended all forms and meanings of beauty, becoming something entirely different a realm she alone could own.

Her skin was like jaded glass shining like a prism, and no, this was not an expression, her skin was literally made of glass, causing her face to glow under the light from the fire and with it giving off its own light made things more stunning, every movement of hers was a study of grace and poise. Her eyes were like her hair.

For the most part they were dark like space, but ribbons of color would glide through, swimming like sentient beings.

With her eyes hiding an edge of darkness that her hair did not have, made her more deadly than most could imagine, her presence would occasionally shift between different realities or fantasies depending on who was looking, her regal aura could not be suppressed in the slightest.

Her name was one mortals had forgotten for a longtime now, she was Elvyra Australis, daughter of the Aurora Australis. a terror many did not know existed, she herself had forgotten what a terror she was, but who cares, she had a child to conceive.

And unknown to her nor anyone in existence, an entity had observing her.

It said to itself "You will do well; your womb shall nurture me"

"My second rebirth shall be through you...and what an interesting bloodline you have there."

" Your ichor will ease most of my burdens and considering 'that being' as this vessels father would certainly make things more interesting."

" I wonder if I should thank whichever foolish Eldritch god dared to give out its embryo and essence, but no matter, I'll be reaping all the benefits." 

"Thought I can see the complications that will arise. If it comes down to it, ill just use Father's name as a deterrence...Now then, ill seal any memory I have, hopefully this time the vessel can handle my existence if I seal my awareness."


Not knowing of the entity's plans, she felt a sudden her feeling come from her womb for the first time in her life.

Shocked by the sudden change she lost her bearing for a moment in confusion, but suddenly ecstasy rolled onto her face, and she suddenly shouted excitedly, " Malakai...Malakai....Ma-, we have a child...WE HAVE A CHILD....we are going to be parents"

She screamed on the top of her voice that the mountain rumbled and quaked under her power. a rumble that went throughout the whole of Origin Soil. This was a day the Universe changed.

Chunky chapter...but a very important one, as it holds a great many things.

And if you have not noticed, the entity speaking is Kean. Who recently left the broken world and searched for a suitable vessle that could hold his existence and landed on a desperate Elvyra.

DarkOceanRagecreators' thoughts