
An Alpha and His Beauty

[MATURE 18+] After being sold off to be charming yet menacing Alpha Rhy's human mate, Melanie finds herself in a new strange land away from her home and from other humans, Melanie learns that being the alpha's fated mate comes with intimate situations that Melanie could not not phantom. One of them being at the whims of Alpha Rhy's who to make her his and only his in the land of the beasts. Determined, to reunite with her sister back home, Melanie needs to find a way to escape the land of beasts and return home, but that won't be easy for her because Alpha Rhy's has his eyes on her at all times. Glinting with desire for his fated beauty.

RoseDuarte · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Growing Love

"Not like that Melanie."

I sit in the corner of the room, frustration bubbling within me as the servant scrutinizes my feeble attempts at embroidery. Her critical eyes scan my work, and she shakes her head disapprovingly.I bite my lip, trying to contain my annoyance. It's clear now why the Alpha had spoken with this woman earlier in the morning. He wanted me to be occupied here, engaged in menial tasks, while he went out hunting with his pack. As if I were incapable of doing anything else but play with pins and needles.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes, reminding myself that patience is key. But the nagging feeling of being underestimated lingers within me. Does the Alpha see me as a simpleton, believing that I possess no skills beyond embroidery?

Memories of my sister, Nesa, flood my mind. She was the one who excelled at needlework. Whenever I had a hole in my dress, Nesa would swiftly stitch it back up with intricate designs. I can still picture the playful patches she crafted, adorned with whimsical mushrooms, bunnies, and heart-shaped motifs. She made my dresses come alive with her creativity.

I stitch the red thread into the same hole again and the servant stops me. "I know." I cut the thread again.

"Embroidering is not that easy. You'll get a hang of it with more practice."

"This is so stupid. I should be going with them to the woods, but I'm here threading flowers on a cloth."

"The alpha expects you to do this in your quiet time. He thinks it's best to tame that impatience of yours."

I scoff. "This is too funny."

"I am quite flattered you think of me as a comedian."

"No I mean, you're werewolves. I'd expect life for you to be different in the human world but here you all are, living the same rigid lives as us."

The servant sits next to me. She taps my thigh. "Let me tell you something young lady, the female species are always meant to be below the male. Sure, we are strong but they are stronger. That is the nature of life."

"Mother Nature sucks then."

"Continue your work, Melanie. I will be preparing food for the Alpha before he returns."

Once the servant left me to be in the room. I quickly spring to my feet. I grab a sack and add a few supplies I need for my grand escape. The alpha is not coming back until hours so that should give me some time. I open the door and slink right out the bedroom. Most of the cottage is extremely quiet. Most of the villagers are either busy with their daily chores or even notice I am gone.

I hid from wall to wall until I made it outside. The sun is still shining bright as the morning time, which is good in my own part. Outside the cottage is extremely bare. Only the sound of nature sings songs from the very woods I am trying to escape to.

The tallness of the tree covers me when I step into the woods. I almost want to turn back from the overwhelming feeling of leaving a safe zone behind, but then I think of my sister who misses me dearly. I venture deeper into the woods. The greenery taking over my senses. Still, I push through the thick leaves and muddy ground now standing my shoes.

It feels like hours of me walking in the woods. I don't have a map with me but I follow my instinct to lead me to an open road, or a place where I can rest and hide at night until I continue my journey again.


I hear a low vibrating noise echoing behind me.

My heart drops, setting eyes on a black furred creature. It had a nuzzle and sharp jagged teeth. It flares its nose at me. It was no wolf, feline animal or deer. It was some that doesn't exist in the human realm, and judging by its deadly eyes trained on me it wants to strike.

But I don't run. Most wild animals will persecute you as a threat if you make a move or intimidate it. If I made a move it will kill me—

The creature starts bounding toward me. And I start to run for my life. I carry my feet as fast as I can, but I can feel the creature catching up to me.My eyes almost flash behind my eyes going blurry from the threat of death inching closer and closer to me. I close my eyes and accept my faith.Something whizzed by my cheek. It was so fast that I didn't even see it. I hear whimpering from being followed by a heavy thud.

I don't dare look behind me. My mind is still trying to process what just happened. Second, I hear deer tubing toward me. Several faces surround me. All knitted with fear and worry. I only recognize one face.

The Alpha.

"What the hell Melanie." He growls. His booming voice snaps me out of it.

"W-what just happened?"

"That's what happened."

I look over my shoulder where the alpha gestures to. The creature is completely still, only an arrow longed right into its heart.

"If it weren't for Oscar you'd be dead."

"Thank you," is all that can come out of my mouth.

"Why are you out here? I was sure you were inside."

"I…I wanted to join."

The alpha sighs. "You are going to make me age faster if you keep this up." The Alpha pauses. "What happened to embroidering?"

"No offense, but I hate it. I want to hunt."

The Alpha doesn't say a w rod but sighs. "If you want to join us you can but I'm not sure if you can keep up with us."

"I'll show that I can keep us with you boys." I shoot him a wide confident grin.


My lungs burn trying to keep up with the pack members. I almost forgot the men are gifted with immense stamina and strength to allow them to go further than a human. I trail behind the pack, my senses heightened and my heart pounding with anticipation.

We move swiftly through the dense woods, a combination of wolves and men, seamlessly transitioning between their primal and human forms. It's a sight that both exhilarates and unnerves me, yet I am determined to keep up, no matter the challenges that lie ahead.

Alpha Rhys, leading the way with his commanding presence, suddenly comes to a halt. The rest of the pack follows suit, their bodies tensed and alert. I quickly take cover, finding a hidden spot where I can catch my breath without drawing attention.

I clutch my bow tightly, fingers wrapped around the cool wood and arrow poised to strike. The adrenaline courses through my veins, fueling my determination and sharpening my focus. I am an outsider in this world, but I refuse to let that hinder my ability to contribute and prove my worth.

Silently, I observe the pack as they gather, their senses attuned to the environment around them. Their movements are fluid, their eyes keenly scanning the surrounding foliage. They are a force to be reckoned with, a harmonious blend of strength and instinct.

As I catch my breath, I take a moment to steady my racing heart. My mind races, thoughts intertwining with the sounds of nature and the tension in the air. This is a test of my resilience, my ability to adapt and thrive in a world that is both unfamiliar and dangerous. I see a shadow under me and I look up and it's the Alpha.


"No, I'm good."

The Alpha sets his hand on my back. "You're breathing hard"

"I said I'm fine."

Rhys gestures to the other pack members. "Listen up boys. It's getting late, so let us split up into late and look for that deer. The loser has to shave their fur."

The bots groan as if it's a bad thing. They are extremely hairy and I think it might do some favor for them.

Alpha Rhy's turn to me. "You're my partner."

"Oh I wouldn't have guessed."

"I could make Devin your partner.

My eyes widened. "Youre saying that just to be mean."

He laughs. "Come along. We don't have much time."

I catch the reminder of my breath and continue on. It's not like I'm complaining that I am alone with the alpha. The further away I am from the others will be better. I can somehow distract Rhys and make my grand escape.

I take the arrow strapped in the alphas back when he is too busy searching for deer tracks. "You should use the arrow," I tell him. "In case you find the deer."

"I prefer to kill my prey with my bare hands."

"Sure you do." I get a feel of the bow and arrow. "It's been a while since I've held this."

"You don't know how to use that."

"I told you I hunt."

"Because you say it doesn't mean it's true."

"You want to bet on it?"

"Oh, so you want to bet?" The alpha eyes twinkle as I regret it already. The alpha stands under a tree. He put his hands over his head "I dare you to hit this spot without impaling me."

"That's too easy." I think about purposely impaling him but I don't not want to risk it. I'd be branded as a criminal and killed for my offense.

I ready the arrow, closing my eyes as I point the tip on the alpha. I take a shot and the arrow lands into the spot, not even scrapping the Alpha's skin.

"Not bad. Not bad." The Alphas saunter back to me. "I was thinking I'd get to tell you what I want you to miss."

"You'll be dead if I miss you." My lips splay into a cheeky grin.

The alphas look up at the sky starting to darken. "We should get going."

"What about the trail?"

"What, you want to continue?"

I nod.

"Okay." The Alpha reaches his hands to me, and I hesitate for a moment. I then take his hand and we both continue deeper to the woods. As I walk alongside Alpha Rhys deep in the woods, I can't help but feel the weight of his gaze upon me. I steal a quick glance at him, his intense eyes locked on my face. I look away, but the lingering sensation of his eyes remains, sending a shiver down my spine.

"What?" I finally ask, unable to bear the silence any longer. His scrutiny makes me uneasy, unsure of what might be going through his mind.

"I'm just thinking about how you managed to leave the cottage without being noticed," he responds, his voice tinged with curiosity. His hand tightens around mine, a subtle sign of tension.

I offer a small smile, trying to ease the unease that hangs between us. "I'm very good at escaping," I reply, hoping to inject a touch of lightheartedness into the conversation.

His grip on my hand tightens further, his eyes searching mine. "Back at home, I was kind of restricted," I continue, hoping to shift the topic away from my evasion skills. "So I always found my way into the woods to seek freedom, to feel connected to something greater."

He seems to consider my words for a moment, his expression softening. "Both of us are alike," he says, his voice low and filled with understanding. "We both seem to have a connection to nature, a yearning for the wild."

I feel a spark of connection in his words, a recognition of a shared experience. It's as if, in that moment, we find common ground amidst the unknown. The tension between us lessens, replaced by a quiet understanding.

Curiosity piqued, I asked him, "Why did you leave Huntsville?"

A fleeting look of contemplation crosses his face, a mix of emotions I can't quite decipher. "Well, my father was Alpha," he begins, his voice carrying a tinge of nostalgia, "and then I ended up earning the title after him."

I sense a deeper story beneath his words, a weight he carries. It's a reminder that even Alphas have their own trials and tribulations, their own burdens to bear. I offer him a supportive nod, silently acknowledging the complexities of his past.

I hear a cracking sound and I freeze in place with the Alpha.

"What was that?"

"I think it's the deer."

"What are we waiting for? Let;s get them before the others do." I strap my arrow with me.

Alpha Rhy's takes my hand then he scoops me up in his arms. He starts to run with me while I hand him, and cover myself from the harsh winds blowing on us. The woods around us seem to grow quieter, as if nature itself is eavesdropping on our conversation. A bond, fragile yet budding, begins to form between us. It's a connection woven through shared experiences, vulnerabilities, and the unspoken longing for something more.