
An Alpha and His Beauty

[MATURE 18+] After being sold off to be charming yet menacing Alpha Rhy's human mate, Melanie finds herself in a new strange land away from her home and from other humans, Melanie learns that being the alpha's fated mate comes with intimate situations that Melanie could not not phantom. One of them being at the whims of Alpha Rhy's who to make her his and only his in the land of the beasts. Determined, to reunite with her sister back home, Melanie needs to find a way to escape the land of beasts and return home, but that won't be easy for her because Alpha Rhy's has his eyes on her at all times. Glinting with desire for his fated beauty.

RoseDuarte · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Made of Love (Mature)

Alpha Rhy's puts me down when we arrive in another part of the woods. Something feels different. The surroundings have changed, and I find myself in a part of the woods that I've never seen before. It's as if I've stepped into a hidden realm, a place of enchantment and tranquility.

The air is filled with a sweet fragrance, carried by a gentle breeze that rustles the leaves above. Sunlight filters through the dense canopy, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. The colors around me seem to come alive, vibrant and ethereal, as if touched by magic.

The trees in this part of the woods stand tall and majestic, their branches reaching skyward as if in a dance with the wind. Their trunks are adorned with moss and delicate vines, creating a tapestry of greenery that adds to the enchanting atmosphere.

But it's not just the flora that captivates me; it's the fauna as well. Butterflies of every hue flutter gracefully through the air, their delicate wings carrying them from one flower to another. Their presence adds a touch of ethereal beauty to the scene, as if the very essence of nature's grace is embodied in their fragile bodies.

As I gaze around, I catch glimpses of tiny creatures darting among the undergrowth. Fairies, with their iridescent wings and mischievous smiles, flit between the ferns and flowers. Their laughter echoes through the forest, a musical symphony that fills the air with joy.

"What are we doing here?"

"What do you mean? We are here to look for the deer."

"Yes, but it looks too nice."

"Even preys look to seek refuge in a calm place."

I look back at the woods and feel a sense of calm wash over me, a respite from the chaos of the outside world. In these ethereal woods, all worries and burdens seem to fade away. It's a place where the natural world and the mystical converge, creating a sanctuary for the weary soul.

Yet, amidst this enchanting paradise, I can't help but feel a pang of sadness. The earlier conversation with Alpha Rhys replays in my mind, his cutting remarks lingering like a bitter taste. It's a reminder that even in the midst of beauty, there can be moments of pain.

But as I take in the serenity of this hidden haven, I find solace. The ethereal woods remind me that there is more to life than the hurtful words of others. It's a gentle reminder to embrace the beauty and magic that still exists, to find strength in the tranquil moments that offer respite from the harsh realities of the world.

Alpha Rhys holds my hand. "Come. I want to show you something."

He leads me through the foliage, I can't help but feel a mix of curiosity and anticipation. Where is he taking me? The forest opens up, revealing a breathtaking sight—a tranquil pond nestled amidst a vibrant tapestry of flowers. Frogs leap from lily pad to lily pad, and colorful fish glide through the crystal-clear water. The sun's golden rays illuminate the scene, causing the grass to shimmer like a carpet of emeralds.

I'm in awe. This place is like a hidden oasis, a sanctuary untouched by the troubles of the world. It's as if nature itself has conspired to create a paradise of tranquility and beauty. I take a step closer to the edge of the pond, feeling the soft grass beneath my feet.

Alpha Rhys stands beside me, his presence comforting and strong. He speaks, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "This is one of my favorite spots in Huntsville. I used to come here when the weight of my responsibilities as Alpha became too overwhelming. It was my refuge, a place where I could find solace and reconnect with the simplicity of nature."

"Why don't you come here as often anymore?"

His touch is gentle as he rubs his thumb against the back of my hand. He brushes a strand of hair away from my face, his gaze lingering on my features. "Because, my dear, you are my beautiful garden. You bring me joy in life."

His words catch me off guard, and for a moment, I'm at a loss for words. But as I look into his eyes, I see sincerity and a depth of feeling that resonates within me. Then I feel a mix of emotions—embarrassment, love, and a tinge of frustration.

"Why are you being so gushy?" I ask, my voice now devoid of warmth. "We have a deer to kill."

"Mel," he says softly, his voice tinged with a mixture of exasperation and sincerity.

"Why do you hate me?"

His question catches me off guard. I pause, gathering my thoughts before responding. "I don't hate you," I say, my tone firm but filled with a hint of vulnerability. "I hate what you have done."

A sigh escapes him, and I can see a flicker of weariness in his eyes. "Not this again," he mutters, as if my words have touched a sensitive chord within him. He attempts to steer the conversation away, to revert to the lightheartedness we had experienced just moments ago. "We are having a good time."

I meet his gaze unwaveringly, unwilling to let the weight of our past be brushed aside so easily. "We can start having a good time when we find a deer to kill," I assert, my voice steady and resolute.

There is a brief silence between us, the weight of unspoken truths hanging in the air. Alpha Rhy's suddenly nears me, and he is really close to my face– nose to nose. He cranes his neck to the side. Following the veins that lead to my neck. I let out a small whimper from the sudden graze of his nose on my neck then to my ear. I take heavy breaths. "I know you had a dream about me. How much you want me inside of you."


" I can hear your heartbeat. I can hear the little whimpers coming from your mouth, and," he puts his lips to my ear. "I can smell your wetness.

"You're lying," I say despite his words being very true.

The Alpha's pulls away and meets me. "Just say that you want me and I'll make myself yours."

A heartbeast later, I am still standing, deciding on what to say. The Alpha's aura is too hard to ignore. I break away from his gaze, placing one hand on his chest, and the Alpha takes that as an opportunity and snakes his hands down my back. I could feel the warmth from his body. Feeling every bump on his skin. Seeing my own reflection in his eyes. His eyes are now roaming at different areas of my body. Shivers run down from my neck to ear as his lips graze my hot ear.

I let out a soft whimper from him planting a kiss on my sensitive neck. The Alpha's lips trace lines across my neck until they find their way to my ear turning red from his touch. He sucks my lips and bites them until they become unbearably pleasurable. I can feel the rough of his pants through my thin underwear. My nails dug into the skin of his back, my own arching in desperation. I breathed out against his swollen lips.

I whimper when his fingers grasp my thighs, moving me back until my back hits a tree. Before I could protest, I realized his next move. Rhy's lick his large finger, put his hand in between us, slipped lace to the side, and inserted the wet digits into me. He sucked on my neck, at my lips, and at the swell of my breasts. His hand worked wonders, fingers curling and rubbing, pushing, circling, and pumping. "Fuck, right there," I moan when he hooks them to a beloved spot.

He chuckles lowly. His face filled my view. Rhy's voice was the audible epitome of sultry, "Right here, babe?" was his rhetorical question as the two fingers massaged my sweet spot.

Instead of a verbal reply, I bit his lower lip and tugged. That had him groaning. Reciprocating, I trail kisses all over his jaw down to his neck, the thin stubble tickling my lips. He shifted above me and I finally got a good glimpse of his body. His fingers worked me until my moans grew constant. Rhy's head fell to the curve of my neck and kept it there as he aided my throbbing sex with his hand. When I tug on his hair, he dips a second finger inside. I touched the bulge in his pants, fingers unsteady when I fiddled his zipper one-handed.

My legs started shaking as my orgasm neared. Rhy's lips coaxed mine, quietly urging me to let go. After another minute, I did. The noise I was about to make was muffled by his mouth against mine. His fingers kept moving as my hips bucked forward, chasing the residual rains of pleasure down below.

Rhy's hands grab at my behind and pull mu butt cheeks apart. He spoke against my lips, "Do you think the others are looking at us?" he asks, but my only concern was the deer watching us in the shadows.

I started tugging his pants off, "I don't give a shit," and kissed him again. Rhy's hand dove into his boxers and I came in contact with something hard and something warm. Thick and lengthy.

"Mel," he held my wrists in place.

We made out again. I gripped his erection and offered a slow, pleasurable torture. My other hand let its fingertips graze the brown-skinned bumps on his abdomen. Rhy's takes one of my breasts, and took a nipple into his mouth, sucking and nibbling at the bud and around it–

I hear a rustle coming from the woods. Rhys pull away once he senses what I hear. I hate the fact that Alpha's Rhy's pulls his body away from me. I want to feel his warmth all over me right here and right now.

"Get dressed," he says, tucking his member into his pants.

I put on my underwear and fix my dress as I watch Alpha Rhy's look around the woods.

"What is it?"

"Shh, I think it's the deer."

"How lucky of us." I take my arrow with me.

I follow Rhy's down the path leading to another area. I can't help but to keep my eyes off him instead of looking out for the deer. I can't believe we almost did it in the woods out of all places here. I'm kinda glad we stopped at that. I cannot come to think of how my heart will handle me finally giving all of myself to a man like him.

Alpha Rhy's pauses and I do too. Moments later, I hear a gurgling noise. He starts to move and I also move with him. Behind the bush, we spot something dark brown on the ground. It's a male deer and it's dead. I look along its skin and see Jagged mark's slashes on its abdomen.

"We lost." I frown.

Rhy's doesn't say a word. Instead, he keeps looking at the deer. I place my hand on his shoulder but he still doest even look at me.

Alpha Rhy's looks along the trees. He then takes my hand. "It's not safe here. We should leave—"

He groans and drops to the ground, breathing heavily. I watched him in shock. I don't understand what is happening to him until I see the blood pooling at his shirt, and the same slash mark across his shirt. How? I think to myself. I didn't see anyone or anything attack him right now.

Alpha Rhy's reaches out to me. His hands are bloody and they are trembling, signaling that he may lose consciousness soon.


I stand there watching him call for help, asking for help.

All I do is run.