There's a world out there that's vastly different then ours called Remnant. A place where the creatures of Grimm roam free and Huntsmen hunt them down. Ryder Falcone, a human from Earth, is thrown into this fantastical world from unknown circumstances. what could possibly go wrong?
The Grimm Warden that fought Ryder in the Forever Fall Forest was flying through the sky before it dove down and goes into land in the middle of a forest on the outskirts of Vale. When it lands, it looks at the cracks on its armor and growls. It halts its growl as it heard loud footsteps. In the darkness of the forest, a figure that was taller than the Warden was walking. It sported similar white armor and the typical red decals that the Grimm had. The wounded Warden stepped back as a larger version emerged from the forest. This larger version of the Warden had more prominent shoulders and two sets of wings instead of 1. The larger Warden growled lowly which caused the Wounded Warden to bow to it. The Larger Warden stepped aside as a woman in a red dress walked past it. This woman noticed the damage on the Warden's body.
"Well, this certainly is an interesting development. Someone managed to damage you." The woman said.
The Warden lets out a low growl. The woman has a look of disappointment yet concern.
"Whoever did this to you must be extremely strong, and they could be a thorn in our plans." The Woman said.
She then turns to the Larger Warden.
"Dispose of him." the Woman orders.
The Larger Warden nods before it stomps closer to the wounded Warden. With one mighty punch, the entire face plate of the Wounded Warden shatters. The bone-like armor shattering like glass. The Wounded Warden screeches out in pain before letting out a sonic wave at the Larger Warden who countered with its own Sonic wave that was much more powerful. So powerful that it cracked the ground in front of it. The intense sonic waves cause the Wounded Warden's armor to shatter like glass all over it's body revealing the body underneath. It was as black as night. The Wounded Warden lays on the ground in pain before the Larger Warden stomps on its chest. Gathering flames, the Larger Warden shoots fire from its mouth and kills the Wounded Warden. The woman watching this unfold.
Two people walk up to the woman. One with green hair the other with silver colored hair, as silver as steel.
"Cinder." The woman with green hair said.
The woman in the red dress, now named Cinder, turns to them.
"Emerald" Cinder acknowledges.
"So, this is that new Grimm you talked about?" the steel-colored haired boy asks.
"Yes, Mercury. It is. But they're not important right now, they'll come in handy later. Right now, we need to pay Roman Torchwick a visit." Cinder said.
[Meanwhile, Beacon Academy]
It had been a day or so since Ryder told Ozpin about the Dragon Balls. During the Weekend, Team RWBY got into some shenanigans that resulted in the docks being the sight of a battle. Apparently Roman Torchwick and the White Fang were trying to steal some Dust and Blake went to stop them. Why did she do this? Well according to Ruby, Blake is a Faunus, a Cat Faunus to be specific, and was once in the White Fang. When Ryder heard this, he didn't know what to think. He grew concerned about Blake being a former terrorist, but he trusted Ruby and Yang. He also still believes in Second chances and according to Blake, she wasn't always onboard with the White Fang's actions. After seeing her genuine desire to change herself, Ryder's worries were at ease. Blake is his friend, and he can tell that she's genuine in her desire for redemption for her actions in the White Fang.
Ryder and Kairos were walking down the halls of Beacon Academy. They were on their way to the cafeteria, and they reached the topic of training. Kairos had told Ryder how his training with Glynda is going well, he's getting a better grasp on his Semblance and his fighting style.
"What about you?" Kairos asks.
"I'm just working on improving my Semblance. Trying to figure out how it works and all that." Ryder said.
"Have you tried looking for a training partner?" Kairos asks.
"Thought about it, but don't know who to choose. Maybe Yang. She and i are Martial Artists so it would make sense." Ryder said.
"I'm kind of a Martial Artist and I train with Professor Goodwitch." Kairos mentions.
"Good point." Ryder said.
The two reach the cafeteria but run into two new people. One of them was a blonde-haired monkey Faunus and the other was a blue haired boy in a red jacket. These two boys notice Ryder and Kairos and turn to greet them.
"Hey, how's it going?" The monkey Faunus boy asks.
"Uh. Good. Who are you?" Ryder asks.
"I'm Sun. Sun Wukong." The monkey Faunus boy said. "This is my best friend Neptune."
The blue haired boy, now named Neptune, waves at the two. Hearing the name lets Ryder remember something that Ruby had said back when she explained the situation with Blake and the events at the docks. Sun Wukong was the Faunus that helped Blake at the docks and aided her in trying to discover the White Fang's sinister actions.
"Aren't you the one who helped Blake Belladonna at the docks?" Ryder asks.
"Yep! That's me." Sun said.
Before Ryder could say anything, a loud bang sound was heard from within the cafeteria. All four boys looked at it with wide eyes. They then looked at each other before entering the room. As they walked in, Neptune got splashed with purple soda which caused Sun to hold in a laugh. Ryder and Kairos meanwhile were occupied with the literal Food War going on. Team RWBY and JNPR were fighting each other with food as their weapons and arsenal.
"What.... the fuck?" Kairos asks.
As they watched this food war go on, the doors to the cafeteria burst open as an angry Glynda storms into the room. Kairos and Ryder step aside for her. Glynda then uses her Semblance, which is Telekinesis, to fix the cafeteria and reverse the damage caused by this Food Fight. She also is not happy, at all.
"Children, please. Do not play with your food!" Glynda scolds.
Nora then burps loudly as the rest of the battle's participants try to recompose themselves, failing to in the process. A screaming Yang comes crashing down after having been previously launched earlier in the battle. She lands on a table and breaks it before standing up like nothing happened. She then smiled and gave a thumbs up. Ryder facepalms. Ozpin walks into the room calmly.
"Let it go." Ozpin said.
"They're supposed to be the defenders of the world." Glynda argues.
"And they will be, but right now they're still children. So why not let them play the part? After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever." Ozpin explained.
Neptune looks at his arms which are covered in soda, and he grunts in disgust.
[Old Warehouse, Somewhere in Vale]
Roman Torchwick stood in an old warehouse while he paces in front of a map of the City of Vale. White Fang Members are moving crates or are on guard. Roman then hears someone approaching and turns to see Emerald and Mercury. His face lit up with fake joy.
"Oh look! She sent the kids again! This is turning out just like the divorce." Roman joked.
Roman approaches the two and pulls them in for a group hug. In retaliation, both Emerald and Mercury push him away.
"Spare us the thought of you procreating." Emerald said.
"That was a joke, and this... just might tell me where you two have been all day." Roman said while holding up a piece of paper.
Emerald's eyes widen as she searches her pockets.
"What!? Ugh!" Emerald said before glaring at Roman.
Roman merely smiles before looking at the piece of paper. He then looked at the two.
"Why do you have this address?" Roman asks.
"Wouldn't you like to know." Emerald barked back.
"Yeah, I would. Now, where have you been all day?" Roman asks.
"Cleaning up your problems. One of them at least." Mercury said.
"I had that under control." Roman said while tossing the piece of paper aside.
"Two packed bags and a ticket out of Vale said otherwise." Mercury remarks.
"Listen here you little punk, if it were up to me, then i would take you and your little street rat friend here and..." Roman is stopped by a voice.
"Do what, Roman?" a voice asks.
Roman looked behind Emerald and Mercury to see Cinder walking towards them. Roman gets nervous.
"I'd uh... not kill them?" Roman said.
"Cinder!" Emerald said joyfully.
"I thought i made it clear that you would eliminate the would-be runaway." Cinder said, not satisfied with the events that transpired.
"I was going to..." Roman said but was once again interrupted.
"He was going to escape to Vacuo!" Emerald butts in. "Mercury and i decided to take it upon ourselves and kill that rat!"
"I think he was some sort of cat Faunus actually." Mercury corrects.
"What, like a Puma?" Emerald asks.
"Yeah, there ya go." Mercury.
"Quiet." Cinder ordered. "Did I not specifically instruct you two to keep your hands clean while in Vale?"
Roman taunts both Emerald and Mercury for the fun of it.
"I just thought." Emerald said but paused.
"Don't think... obey." Cinder said.
"Yes ma'am." Emerald said, in shame.
Cinder then turns to Roman with a less than pleased took.
"And you. Why wasn't this job done sooner?" Cinder asks.
"Uh?" Roman gestures to the tons of cargo around them. "Sorry if I've been busy stealing every speck of Dust in the Kingdom!"
A growl is heard as loud footsteps follow. Roman sees a towering figure walking up behind Cinder. It was the Larger Warden or just the Greater Warden due to its superior abilities compared to most other Warden's.
"What the hell is that?!" Roman asks.
"Not important." Cinder said. "What is important is that we're done with collecting Dust."
"Okay. Then what now?" Roman asks.
"We're moving. Have the White Fang clear out this building. I'll send you details and coordinates tonight." Cinder said.
"Coordinates?" Roman asks.
"We're proceeding to phase two." Cinder said.
Cinder then turns and walks away. Emerald and Mercury follow before the Greater Warden follows, giving one last snarl to Roman.