There's a world out there that's vastly different then ours called Remnant. A place where the creatures of Grimm roam free and Huntsmen hunt them down. Ryder Falcone, a human from Earth, is thrown into this fantastical world from unknown circumstances. what could possibly go wrong?
Over the skies of Vale, Atlas Military Airships are seen approaching Beacon Academy. A few dropships and the larger Warship Type Airship. These larger Military Airships are 300 to 400 meters (about the height of the Empire State Building) in length. From his office, Ozpin and his assistant Glynda were watching the Atlas Military's sudden arrival. This adds on to the preparations for the Vytal Festival being under way. Decorations had started during the weekend, the same weekend where Team RWBY turned the docks into a battle zone with Roman Torchwick and the White Fang. Ozpin and Glynda watch as The Atlesian Airships make a landing at Beacon Academy with troops onboard. Both of them didn't look too pleased.
"Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels." Glynda comments.
"Well, running an academy and military makes him a busy man. But yes, those are a bit of an eyesore." Ozpin adds.
Following this, a chirping beeping sound comes from Ozpin's desk. Ozpin turns around to see a holographic message popping up saying "Access Requested" signaling that someone was here to meet him.
"Come in." Ozpin said as he turns away from the window and walks towards the newcomer.
From the elevator walks in General James Ironwood. Ironwood is both the Headmaster of Atlas Academy and the General of the entire Atlas Military. Ozpin stopped about halfway in his office as Ironwood walked into the room.
"Ozpin!" Ironwood greets loudly.
"Hello, General." Ozpin said as Ironwood got closer.
"Please, drop the formalities." Ironwood said as he and Ozpin shake hands with Glynda walking closer. "It's been too long."
Ironwood takes notice of Glynda and seems glad to see her.
"And Glynda! It certainly has been too long since we last met." Ironwood said.
"Oh, James." Glynda said giving a personable wave before she dropped the pleasantries. "I'll be outside."
Glynda then walks towards the elevator and enters it. Ironwood seems amused.
"Well, she hasn't changed a bit." Ironwood comments.
"So, what in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas?" Ozpin asked as he turned around and walked to his desk.
Ozpin grabbed a cup and a kettle before he began pouring a drink from the kettle.
"Headmasters don't typically travel with their students for the Vytal Festival." Ozpin states.
Ozpin then hands Ironwood the cup. The General grabs the cup before pulling out a canteen to pour some of its contents into the cup.
"Well, you know how much I love Vale this time of year." Ironwood said. "Besides, with you hosting. I thought that this might be a good opportunity for us to catch up."
While he talked, Ozpin made his way around his desk and sat down before pouring himself a drink from the kettle.
"While I can certainly appreciate the quality time between friends, however, a small fleet outside my window has me concerned." Ozpin said.
"Concern is what brought them here." Ironwood defends.
"I understand that travel between Kingdoms has become increasingly difficult." Ozpin adds.
"Oz. You and I both know why I brought those men." Ironwood said, his tone dropping the former delight he had.
"We are in a time of peace. Shows of power like this are just going to give off the wrong impression." Ozpin explains.
"But if what Qrow said is true-" Ironwood starts but is interrupted.
"If what Qrow said is true then we will handle it tactically. It's the Vytal Festival. A time to celebrate unity and peace. So, I suggest that you not scare people by transporting hundreds of soldier's halfway across the continent." Ozpin explained calmly.
"I'm just being cautious." Ironwood defends once more.
"As am I. which is why we will continue to train the best Huntsmen and Huntresses we can, and i believe that two of them will prove vital to our battles."
Ironwood gained a look of interest. He put his cup down on Ozpin's desk.
"Who?" Ironwood asks.
"Ryder Falcone and Kairos Hawthorne. They both possess Evolutionary Semblances and are both growing at promising rates." Ozpin said.
Ironwood's eyes widen.
"Two Evolutionary Semblances? At once?" Ironwood asks.
"Indeed." Ozpin answers.
"Oz. Do you have any idea how rare this is? How much this changes everything?" Ironwood asks.
"I am aware." Ozpin said, before taking a sip from his drink.
"There hasn't been an Evolutionary Semblance in decades. Yet two people now possess them." Ironwood said. "How's there training going?"
"Mr. Hawthorne is training with Glynda whenever he can. But Mr. Falcone seems to be training almost every day. Sadly, he doesn't have a training partner which means his progress will not be swift." Ozpin explains.
"Do they know?" Ironwood asks.
"Not yet. While I know we can trust Kairos, I'm not too sure about Ryder. While he most certainly trusts me, I need further deliberation to confirm that he's trustworthy. Once I have, we will tell them both the truth." Ozpin explained.
Ryder was in a training room within Beacon Academy. Ryder stood in front of a device that would help gauge his power. How it works is he punches it, and it calculates your strength. Ryder had been using this device to help figure out how much his Semblance amplifies his abilities. He figured out when he first used it that it boasts him by 2X, then he did it again and saw it was 4X later on. So now he's wondering how much he's grown throughout his training. He punches the device's targeted zone and watches the numbers climb. He waits for the numbers to stop. He then does the math in his head and this time it's still a 4X power increase. He then tries something. He attempts to lower the amount of power he's putting out before he punches it again. After the numbers stopped and he did the math, he managed to lower the multiplier to 3X. This helps him a lot.
It means that his Semblance lets him choose a set multiplier to boast his power. He's now wondering how far he can go. It's hard to get stronger without a good training partner. He's been thinking about potential training partners. Only one that comes to mind is Yang since she's a martial artist like him, but he's not sure. Maybe he should train with Kairos and Glynda. Though, maybe he shouldn't. Back to square one he supposes. He hasn't lost hope on finding a training partner, just has to be patient. His mind then moves to a different topic. The recently discovered Dragon Balls. He realizes that finding them won't be easy. They weren't easy to find in Dragon Ball so he doubts it'll be easy in this world. He'll need something similar to the Dragon Radar to locate them. Unless he can just magically sense them. Speaking of magic, he's been wondering how he managed to fly in the Forever Fall Forest. He still hasn't figured it out. He doesn't know if it's apart of his Semblance or something else. He'll figure it out eventually.