
american movieverse

will write how i get the response

white_poison · Filmes
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17 Chs

bad boys 2

Marcus Burnett's Perspective

It all started with the news of an influx of ecstasy into Miami. Mike and I were tasked with shutting down the operation, a mission that quickly turned into a rollercoaster of action and danger. I could sense the tension in the air; something big was about to go down, and I wasn't sure if we were ready for it.

Our first major lead came when we discovered a Cuban drug cartel was behind the operation, led by the ruthless Johnny Tapia. Mike and I went undercover to infiltrate one of Tapia's nightclubs. We managed to blend in, but just barely. The nightclub was a den of illegal activity, with drugs and money changing hands in every corner. I couldn't help but feel a pang of worry, not just for myself, but for my sister Syd. She was deep undercover with the DEA, and I knew she was in way over her head.

Mike and I barely escaped the nightclub after a shootout, but we did get valuable intel that led us to a Haitian gang working for Tapia. This gang was our next target. We raided their hideout, and it turned into an all-out war. Bullets flew, and chaos reigned. I tried to keep my cool, but inside, I was a mess. All I could think about was Syd and the danger she was in.

We soon learned that Syd was not just undercover; she was also running a money laundering sting operation on Tapia's organization. This made her a prime target, and my fears only grew. Mike and I had to step up our game to keep her safe, but it felt like we were always one step behind.

Our investigation led us to a morgue where Tapia's men were using corpses to smuggle drugs. It was a gruesome discovery, and the stench of death was overpowering. We fought our way through, gathering more evidence and taking down more of Tapia's men, but it was becoming clear that we were running out of time.

Then it happened. Syd was captured by Tapia. My worst nightmare had come true. The news hit me like a ton of bricks. Mike and I were desperate. We had to get her back, no matter the cost.


The DEA office, tension is high as Marcus argues with Captain Howard about the fate of his sister, Syd, who has been kidnapped and taken to Cuba. The air is thick with anxiety and desperation.

Marcus: (angrily) Captain, I can't just sit here and watch my sister die! We have to go in now!

Captain Howard: (sternly) Marcus, I understand how you feel, but this is a suicide mission. I can't let you throw your life away.

Marcus: (fists clenched) You don't get it, Captain. This is my sister we're talking about. I'm not asking for permission. I'm telling you I'm going.

Mike: (stepping in) Captain, we need a solution. We can't just sit on our hands.

Captain Howard: (sighing) Look, I've been in talks with the CIA. They're working on a rescue operation. We need to give them a chance.

Marcus: (frustrated) This is a family matter, Captain. I want my cousin, who works in the CIA, to be involved.

Marcus steps out to call his cousin, Kevin, who has been with the CIA for some time.

Marcus: (on the phone) Kevin, it's Marcus. Syd has been in a dia operation and has been kidnapped and taken to cuba by tapia. I need your help.

Kevin: DAMN! Marcus, my man this is serious. of course i will help you just listen to me , You need to ask for Agent GHOST.

Marcus: (confused) Who is GHOST?

Kevin: (hesitant) I've already said too much. Trust me, this is the way to solve your problem.

Marcus: (desperate) Kevin, they kidnapped my little sister give me more detail . This is family.

Kevin: (firmly) And that's why I'm giving you this name. Trust me, Marcus. Ask for GHOST.

Marcus: (resolute) Okay, I will.

Marcus returns to the room where Captain Howard is waiting.

Captain Howard: (seriously) Marcus, the CIA has agreed to help. They'll arrange two Delta teams to extract your sister.

Marcus: (shaking his head) Captain, scratch that. I want you to ask for Agent GHOST to rescue my sister.

Captain Howard: (bewildered) Who? You're asking for a guy in exchange for a team of Delta operators? Marcus, I know you're stressed, but—

Mike: (interrupting) Captain, either you arrange that, or we go ourselves.

The rest of the narcotics team enters the room, backing Marcus and Mike.

Team: (in unison) Yes.

Captain Howard: (sighing) I'll see what I can arrange.

Captain Howard contacts the head of the DIA in conference call and tells him about Marcus's demand. The DIA head is in discussions with a CIA representative.

CIA Representative: (calmly) There's no one named GHOST in our records. You may have received false information, sir.

DIA Head: (firmly) Don't take me for a fool. I'll use my contacts to arrange for it.

CIA Representative: (resigned) You can proceed, sir. and disconnect from the call .

The DIA head calls his CIA contact, ex-Deputy Director McCaffrey, explaining the situation.

McCaffrey: (suspiciously) Where did you get that name?

DIA Head: (frustrated) So he does exist? Do me a favor and get that agent on this case.

McCaffrey: (cautiously) I can't confirm or deny, but I'll forward you to someone who might have a chance to get the agent involved. Remember, I'm retired now.

DIA Head: (understanding) I understand.

As the call is forwarded, Captain Howard talks to the DIA head.

Captain Howard: (curious) Wherever we look, either he doesn't exist, or they won't utter his name. Who is this guy?

DIA Head: (thoughtfully) Whenever people at this level don't talk about a person, it means we've got the right guy.

The call is picked up, and the screen shows ex-Deputy Director of the CIA, Irene Kennedy, with various analysts working in the background.

Irene Kennedy: (calmly) This is Irene Kennedy. How can I assist you?

Captain Howard: (determined) We need Agent GHOST for a high-priority extraction mission in Cuba. It's a family matter for one of our top operatives.

Irene Kennedy: (pausing) GHOST is a sensitive asset. What's the situation?

DIA Head: (explaining) Marcus Burnett's sister dia operative on mission has been kidnapped. We need GHOST to lead the rescue operation.

Irene Kennedy: (considering) I'll see what can be arranged. GHOST is not easily deployed, but I understand the urgency. I'll contact you shortly with an update.

The screen goes dark. Marcus, Mike, and Captain Howard wait anxiously, hoping for positive news.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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