
American History 1988

``` Debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies, anti-government, freedom. At the end of the 1980s, a wave of change encompassed a country boy from the Rust Belt. As the gate for upward mobility was on the verge of closing, he struggled to move forward. College, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship; HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become part of the 1%, or even 0.1%, he sacrificed a lot, but also gained a lot. ```

Quiet thoughts · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
385 Chs

Chapter 345: Gold Rush

"Although Netscape's webmail service boasts tens of millions of users, this is far from the end."

"But currently, the entire American internet user base is only around twenty million, and Netscape accounts for almost half of the market.

According to the IT industry's 6:2:1:1 rule, Netscape's share will continue to grow, while the remaining market size offers limited profit."

Thomas was puzzled by Dean's insistence on entering the webmail sector because its market size was already capped.

The so-called 6:2:1:1 rule is a market share distribution pattern applicable to the IT industry.

Usually, the leader of a specific segment alone commands 60% of the market share.

The runner-up can only secure 20%, which is almost a steep decline compared to the leader.

Meanwhile, the third place's 10% is not too far behind the second; as for the remaining 10%, it is divided among other smaller companies.