
American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

[[[Hello Guys I am your fellow reader ,as for this fic it is not my work the real author is "You Mu Burn Rope" I am just posting here so that my fellow readers can also enjoy this wonderful piece of Art . I Swear as experience reader this fic will not disappoint you . I am telling you You would have never seen anything like this.Just give it a try and you won't regret it.]]] Once crossing through, Schiller became Batman’s teacher, a professor of psychology at Gotham University. On the first day, Bruce Wayne entered the psychiatric clinic. Schiller had to open the Universal chat system and posted the first post: Batman asked me the meaning of life, how should I answer? It’s a hurry to wait online. Thanos: It is recommended to kill directly. Professor X: Don’t listen to the upstairs, I’ll use my mind-reading skills… Schiller Andel Rodriguez, a world-class master of criminal psychology, the most famous psychology professor at Gotham University, his students are both superheroes and super criminals, but he does not belong to any of them, bat "Batman" likes to call him “Professor”, Joker calls him “the coolest lunatic”, Scarecrow calls him “Arkham slipper”, and Nick Fury thinks he’s a “Money Grabber.” Be Batman’s teacher, Spider’s godfather, Iron Man’s psychiatrist, Schiller’s journey to American comics, starting with Batman at the beginning. Comprehensive comics (including the movie universe), DC Marvel and other comics, do not abuse the main character, and the supporting roles do not lose their wisdom.

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69 Chs

Chapter 20 Spiderman And Daredevil

Peter woke up again and found himself in a cramped and dimly lit house. He saw a man in a red tights turning his back and sorting out his equipment.

Peter was still in pain all over his body, but because of his extraordinary self-healing ability, most of the wounds had healed. The man turned his head and said, "Boy, you're lucky, they just gave you some laxatives and anesthesia. Use something more powerful, or you won't wake up now."

Spider-Man's mutation ability does not reach its peak at the beginning, but requires a series of training and stimulation. The later Spider-Man, whether it is strength, speed or self-healing ability, is several times stronger than the current Peter. ten times.

And although Peter has acquired the mutation ability for a while, he has to deal with ordinary people. Now that his ability is much stronger than ordinary people, he certainly doesn't think about how to improve his ability.

Because of this, his physical function has not yet reached the level where he can be completely immune to drugs. The boss of the underground boxing stadium gave him a lot of laxatives, and combined with some anesthetics, he let him go.

Peter said, "I remember you. You saved me, right?"

"It's your own destiny, boy, and it seems that you have some abilities that are different from ordinary people, otherwise you would be dead now."

Peter is also in a cold sweat. You can't expect a high school student to be very wary of people. Peter lives in a place where people are simple and friendly, and the neighborhood is kind. The same is true for Uncle Ben. He has always focused on positive education. Peter has never seen any sinister people. , he said with lingering fear: "I thought..."

Then he slammed the bed hard and said angrily, "I'm going to go back and teach that boss a lesson! How dare he give me medicine!"

"You don't really expect that there will be fair judges like in the World Championships, right?" Daredevil asked.

"Okay, I think your injury is almost healed. Hurry up and get out of here, little brat, Hell's Kitchen is not the place you should be."

"I'm not a little kid." Peter said, "I'm Spider-Man."

"You're still a long way off." Daredevil said, and Peter was about to retort when a crutch stopped beside his neck with a gust of wind.

And the spider sensor didn't respond, or didn't have time to respond at all.

Peter's cold sweat dripped down his forehead, and Daredevil's movements were so fast that his extraordinary vision couldn't catch it.

What Matt learned from the old man was not some triangular cat kung fu martial arts. Although he is just an ordinary person, his data had almost reached the limit that an ordinary person could achieve. Combined with thousands of martial arts, even It is even stronger than the little spider who awakened the spider power.

Peter was just a fledgling boy. He swallowed and said, "Your trick so amazing man, Did you used this trick to save me?".

Speaking of Peter making a boxing stance with his hands swaying from side to side, Daredevil put away his crutches and said, "If you really want to be Spider-Man, there is still a lot to learn, if you are interested in this, you can come here to find me."

Daredevil is not a bad guy either. He is a very decisive hero in the Marvel universe. He saved Peter not only out of sympathy, but partly because of his memory of his father's death. Hope someone else die like this in the underground ring.

But for the other part, he also planned to find an assistant for himself. He was assassinated and injured that day, which made him realize that he could not be split in half by himself, and he could not seek justice while avoiding the pursuit of the enemy. Having an assistant makes things a lot easier.

The little spider met his expectations very well. He was very capable and talented, but he was very young and didn't understand anything.

In this way, Peter began to come to Daredevil every once in a while, and he also realized that although he was very powerful, his skills were too poor, and he had too little experience in all aspects of dealing with people, otherwise why would he go underground to make money? Woolen cloth? With such a martial art, how much money is not easy to capture.

Out of the desire to use his abilities to improve his life, and the envy of a young man for Daredevil's cool martial arts, Peter soon became more and more familiar with Daredevil, and also understood what he was doing.

Although Peter admired him very much, he felt it was unnecessary. How much could he do alone? He couldn't kill the criminals in Hell's Kitchen alone. With this kind of perseverance and perseverance, if he had done something else, he would have started a family and a happy life long ago.

But soon, as Spider-Man and Daredevil became more and more familiar, he even stayed at Daredevil's quarters for several nights during the vacation. He had seen Daredevil bandaging his wounds alone countless times. His attitude It's starting to falter more and more.

Daredevil is really just an ordinary person, he has no super self-healing ability, and unfortunately, he is more sensitive to the experience of pain than ordinary people, so every time he was injured and bandaged the wound alone at the station, Peter always It could be seen that he was about to faint from the pain, but the next day, he went out to fight criminals as usual.

Although Hell's Kitchen is not as dangerous as Gotham, I want to do justice here. The injuries may be too great. Sometimes I get hit by stray bullets in the fire of the gang, and sometimes I jump from several floors to avoid the pursuit. , and also suffered a close fight, leaving a large bruise. Every time the spider saw these wounds, he had a complicated emotion.

He already regarded Matt as a friend in his heart. Of course he didn't want his friend to get hurt, but how could he dissuade Daredevil?

Discourage him from seeking justice? Don't fight criminals? But Peter is very smart. He understands that even these unbearable wounds can't dissuade Matt. How can he stop him with a few words of lightness?

Finally one day, Matt was once again shot by the ninja who was chasing him and shot him in the calf. Peter helped him to take the bullet out. Peter had never seen such a wound, the pungent smell of blood, It made his brain dizzy, and the torn muscles were even deep into the bones, and Peter's uncomfortable hands were shaking.

He is not the Spider-Man who has been tempered with iron and blood and become a real hero. No high school student will be any better than him when he sees such a scene.

With a dry voice from his throat, he said, "Why on earth are you doing this? Is it really worth it?"

"I thought you would ask me earlier."

Daredevil leaned against the wall, he changed his position, his voice trembled a little because of the pain, he said, "It can be seen that although your family situation is ordinary, you should have an elder who loves you, I have a pretty happy family, and I have lived a very stable life since I was a child..."

"It may be unsatisfactory at school, but most of the time it is safe. I can see that you are complaining about the lack of money, but you know that? You are really lucky enough..."

In the dimly lit hut, Daredevil murmured intermittently like a dreamer: "Actually, I was also very lucky, I was born in Hell's Kitchen, but my father was not a gambler or a drug addict, he tried his best to protect me and let me I have a chance to get out of this hellish place and go outside to read..."

"He is a great father. In order to support me and get me out of here, he chose to become a boxer in illegal boxing ring."

"Yes, your end should have been the same as him. He refused to play fake matches when I went to watch him fight, so he was killed by the bosses who opened the boxing ring."

Peter's psychological and physical distress made him almost unaware that he was crying. Daredevil's already painful consciousness was a little sluggish, but he continued to chant:

"You and I are very lucky, and some people are unfortunate. When their mothers were pregnant with them, they either drank or took drugs. They were born with drug addiction. In order to survive, they either went to work for gangsters or went to work Some of the more dangerous, dehumanizing jobs where they continue to be addicted to drugs and alcohol because their lives are so miserable, and their children are repeating their lives…"

"...This is Hell's Kitchen."

"Yeah... I am very lucky to have the opportunity to leave here to receive higher education and practice martial arts. Since I am more fortunate than them, I have gained more and have greater abilities than them..."

"...Then why don't I do this?"

Daredevil often calls Hell's Kitchen "this hellish place", and Peter has heard them scolding those people countless times, cursing everyone in this **** place to go to **** quickly.

But for the first time, he knew that Daredevil really wanted to save this place. He really had a firm determination to bring Hell's Kitchen out of hell.

Peter really couldn't imagine that he was already in this kind of environment, how could he still think about saving this kind of place, it's simply impossible.

But Daredevil still had to do it.

Peter was silent. When he took out the bullet with his hand, Daredevil let out a scream of near-death. Soon, he passed out with a pale face.

Peter stood in the middle of the room, he looked at this somewhat shabby room, where even anesthetics and bandages could not be found, Matt's wounds could only be wrapped with strips of clothing.

Peter developed a kind of anger, which was more violent and deep than when he complained about not having money. He felt that Matt should not be in this situation. He was clearly firm, persistent and persevering.

And he is a good man, and a good man should be rewarded.

Why do the bosses and shareholders of the underground boxing ring live so well, and even the drunkards who are drunk in their seats can get a good night's sleep.

But a good person like Daredevil could only endure great pain, falling asleep painfully in this dark and cramped room.

Based on Peter's experience, he still couldn't understand these questions, and these emotions stirred in his chest.

He left Daredevil's quarters and ran in Hell's Kitchen late at night.

Using his spider powers, he leaps on the top of the building, shuttles through the night sky of New York, and the neon lights of the casinos and nightclubs in the distance stay all night, and in contrast, these dark alleys are like never ending. It will be like dawn, and it will be pitch black.