What happens when a dictator of a country in a 21st century earth gets killed... only to end up reincarnating in a body of a creature in another world known by it's brutality and their warlike personalities. Well? let's find out..!
Reku gazed at the scene in front of him with a smile on his face, the Trakus who inhabit their camp are finally dead, it's survivors mercilessly executed while Reku's orcs plundered the whole camp for all of it's worth.
Not only that, they miraculously didn't suffer even a single casualty or death during the battle aside from a few cuts and bruises.
Kneeling before him were a group of female orcs and cubs belonging to the now deceased Trakus who previously live in this camp.
They were all found huddled up in the corner of one of the huts in the camp, they numbered a total of 40 orcs, with 15 adult females and 25 cubs.
'Now look do we have here.' Reku thought with a grin as he eyed each one of them, though faced with the prospect of captivity, all the females seemed to accept their fate with stoic expressions, however the cubs were more defiant to their new masters, often glaring at their captors when given the chance.
One particular cub was glaring intensely at Reku, like he knew that it was him that caused their camp's demise, which is actually true.
As Reku returned his glare, he couldn't help but switch his previous grin into a frown.
'I can't let these little devils grow up with the seeds of vengeance now planted in their hearts.' Reku thought before turning his gaze towards one of the orcs who was standing guard nearby.
"You there." hearing Reku call out to him, the orc quickly strolled towards him before inquiring the reason for calling him.
"Yes Reku, do you need anything?" the orc asked, unaware of Reku's malicious intentions towards the Traku cubs.
Turning towards the kneeling captives in front of him once more, Reku caught his gaze towards a very young cub, her age barely even two.
Due to their bodies nature, orcs were very much different from the humans when it comes to reproduction and life spans.
In pregnancy, while it takes 9 months for a female human to give birth to a child, in female orcs however it only takes 3 months for her to give birth to multiple cubs.
Yes multiple cubs, the likelihood of a female orc giving birth to a single cub is very slim, thus when giving birth, a female orc would probably yield multiple cubs with a minimum of four and a maximum of ten.
Due to this, even with the constant warfare happening in the lands inhabited by multiple orc races, they never seem to run out of any numbers.
Though it sounds very outrageous, Alexandro's new body provided him with memories that contained evidences that proves this information true.
Moving on to the next last information regarding the two major differences between humans and orcs, in life spans, humans have an average lifespan of 60 years, while orcs has 80 years.
Though orcs has severe advantage when it comes to natural growth and population, humans however surpass them in regards to intelligence and technology
In battle, if orcs tries to defeat a human army with only their sheer numbers and basic tactics, then they would eventually be countered by tactics involving complex maneuvers and troops armed with superior weapons than them.
As Reku eyed the 2 year old female cub who seems utterly unaware of what was about to happen to them, he suddenly had a change of heart.
'Well, nothing could go wrong in raising cubs that held no grudges towards you, right?" Reku then shifted his gaze towards another cub who looks barely 1 year old and too young to understand what's happening around him, before continuing his thoughts.
'Let's just make sure today's scene doesn't exist in their memories from now on.' Reku thought with a smile on his face before turning his gaze towards the orc that was waiting in front of him.
"Make sure to separate the 8 years-old below cubs from the older ones." Upon hearing this, some of the female orcs began to trash about as they tried to stop Reku's orcs from dragging the younger orcs away from them.
Clearly, they were mothers of the said younger orcs.
Upon seeing the nearby ruckus, Jan and a small contingent of orcs began to make their way towards the struggling female captives and began restraining them.
"No! my daughter!" one of the female orcs tried to resist only for a club to land on her head, effectively knocking her out.
Another one tried to bite her teeth on one of the orc's shoulder only for the orc to bash her petty skull with his massive fist, knocking most of her teeth out.
After a few minutes has passed did the younger cubs were fully segregated from the older cubs and their wailing mothers.
"So what now?" Jan suddenly inquired about Reku's next orders.
"Kill the older cubs except for the females." Reku said while showing off a sad smile on his face.
Upon hearing this, Jan was slightly surprised but never even dared to voice his thoughts aloud, and as such, he merely nodded his head before asking the next question on his mind.
"And what to do with the females?" Jan askes, his voice filled with curiosity and a sense of eagerness.
"Marry and breed them off, we're going to need a much larger population in the future." Reku said before turning his back on Jan and began walking towards somewhere.
While confused at such prospects, Jan never did bother to ask Reku about it and thus only nodded his head enthusiastically at the new order given to them before running off to tell the rest of the orcs about it.
And as for Reku, he was headed towards a certain group of orcs that were currently huddled up around a campfire.
As he moved closer towards the group of orcs, Reku noticed they were currently in the middle of eating something, probably some sausages cooked by Wuka for them.
Not only that, as he closed the distance between them, Reku finally noticed the orc's rough appearances, as if they were starved to the point of turning them into skeletons, in addition, they were all dressed in filthy rags, and their bodies and faces are full of bruises and scars.
Upon arriving, all of the orcs stood up from whatever they were doing and faced towards Reku.
One particular orc, an old one, went in front of Reku before bowing his head.
"Are you the leader of these orcs?" he asked, his voice slightly dry as he pointed his finger towards one of the orcs standing guard nearby.
Reku nodded his head, causing the old orc to slightly smile before kneeling and bowing his head in front of Reku.
"Then as a sign of our gratefulness and thanks towards the one who freed us from captivity and suffering." the old orc paused, cleared his throat, before continuing.
"Then I Grogor, alongside with my orc companions who suffered and endured with me together during our time of captivity in the Traku's hands, pledge allegiance to the orc in front of me, may we serve him faithfully in perpetuity." as the old orc now known as 'Grogor' recited his chant of allegiance towards Reku, the rest of the orcs that were huddled up around the camfire all stood up and began to kneel in front of Reku.
Reku smiled as he witnessed the scene in front of him, he already expected this to happen and thus he couldn't help but feel excited about the prospect of him becoming a leader of a much larger group of orcs, his sense of ambition growing wildly inside of him.
"Oh right, I've forgotten something." Reku paused, before continuing, "My name is Reku, and from now on, I'm going to be your chieftain, I promise I will not disappoint all of you." Reku said to Grogor before patting him in the head.
Grogor smiled at this before standing up, he was then all followed by his companions as they also stood up from their previous kneeling positions.
"I'm glad to hear it, I must say, these sausages that you invented really taste good." Grogor said with a smile as he began rubbing his slightly bloated belly.
Reku immediately chuckled at this before motioning the orc that was standing nearby towards him.
Upon arriving, the orc immediately inquired why was he called.
"Reku, what do you need?" the orc asked, his voice full of curiousity.
"Tell Molk to hand over half of the loot we acquired in here to our new companions." Reku ordered.
Upon hearing this, the orc then turned his head towards Grogor and his followers, and with a delighted smile, immediately nodded his head before running off to carry out his order.
"Thank you very much my chieftain, we will surely take care of these gifts you've given to us." Grogor immediately responded, bowing his head as low as he can.
Seeing this, Reku deeply sighed as his mind began drifting off somewhere.
'Now that Grogor and his orcs have joined my band, we now number 40 orcs strong, this is enough numbers to declare myself chieftain in my nameless clan's settlement.' Reku thought with a cruel smile on his face, which did not go unnoticed by Grogor and his companions.