
Camp assault

Reku along with his small band of twenty orcs were seen moving and crouching through thick foilage of grass and forestry.

Their destination?... the Traku clan's camp.

Reku was currently at the front of the column, taking the lead as he led his band of orcs towards the Traku's camp.

Behind him was none other than Bous who went scouting with him yesterday.

As they traversed through the slopy and forestry terrain, Reku turned his head back and caught a glimpse of the orcs who were following him, not only were they all armed with their bladed weapons, each of them carried a throwing spear which were built by Molk under the instructions of Reku himself.

Turning his head back at the front, they countinued on their way towards their destination as quietly as possible.

Though they tried to be discreet and quiet the whole time, the occasional rustling of leaves and the snapping of branches can not be prevented, and as such, Reku could only sigh in irritation as he along with his band of orcs traversed through the slopy forestry terrain.

After half an hour of crouching and moving through the thick forestry, Reku suddenly heard rustling in the near distance just north of them.

"Shit" Reku immediately cursed under his breath as he quickly raised his right hand and closed his palm, signalling the orc column to halt on their tracks.

"What happen-" But before Bous could finish his question, Reku suddenly shut him up.

"Quiet" he muttered angrily under his breath, causing Bous to nod his head and close his mouth in silence.

After a few minutes of waiting, the rustling is becoming more louder along with the sounds of footsteps that even Bous and the rest of Reku's company of orcs heard the noise and understood why reku stopped them in the first place.

A few seconds has already passed and finally five large figures resembling orcs which they really were appeared behind large foilages of bushes and trees in front of them.

They appeared to be Traku orcs and seemingly in the middle of looking something, no doubt trying to locate their missing hunting party.

As they strolled aimlessly in the middle of the woods, unaware of Reku and his band of orc's presence, during this time, Reku is already conversing with Jan about his plans on how to proceed dispatching the five group of Traku orcs in front of them.

"On my signal, I want all spears flying towards them, understood?" Reku ordered Jan with a stern expression on his face.

Jan upon hearing Reku's plan and order, wasted no time and immediately carried it out by relaying the order to the rest of the orcs in their group.

After all of them was informed, Reku took a deep breath before immediately shouting his command.

"Now!" the five Traku orcs were immediately startled by this and quickly turned their heads towards Reku who was by now grinning towards them.

But just as they were about to unsheath their blades, twenty spears immediately rained upon them, killing the five Traku orcs insantly.

As their corpses lie on the ground below with multiple spears still protruding from their body, Reku and his band of orcs silently emerged from the foilage they were hiding in and began to make their way towards the dead Traku corpses.

Upon arriving, the orcs began to pull out the spears stuck within the unmoving corpses belonging to the Trakus.

Reku who was watching the orcs do their work, immediately spotted Molk within the group collecting the weapons that belonged to the Traku warriors.

'It seems he took part in the slaughter.' Reku thought with a smile on his face as he observed the scene in front of him.

After they were all done with their work, Reku quickly gathered his band of orcs and once again embarked on their small journey towards the Traku camp which is now located a kilometer away from their position.

After minutes of traversing slopy forestry, they finally came upon an open area where the Traku camp is currently located.

As he observed the camp in front of him, Reku noticed there were only a dozen or so Traku warriors outside the camp going about their daily lives.

'The others must be inside the tents or huts.' Reku thought as he witnessed a Traku orc come out from one of the tents before yawning and stretching his limbs as if he has just awoken up from a deep sleep.

'And as for the others...' as Reku thought of this, he couldn't help but smile cruelly as he remembered the fate of their two parties they sent out today and yesterday.

Turning his head around, Reku then motioned Jan towards him.

After Jan was finally beside him did Reku finally spoke.

"I want half of our orcs positioned north of their camp, after we rain our spears unto them, we will immediately charged towards their camp and pincer them from two sides, understood?" Reku stated.

After hearing Reku's plan, Jan immediately agreed on it and nodded his head in agreement.

"Alright." Jan said before motioning ten orc warriors and leading them around the camp towards their designated positions.

After Jan and half of their orcs were gone, Reku turned his head and informed the rest of the orcs with his plan.

"After Jan and half of our forces arrive in their designated positions, we will throw our spears on the camp in front of us before charging towards it, understood?" there weren't any objections as all of the orcs nodded their heads in approval.

"Good, now let's wait." Reku said before turning his head towards the camp.

After half an hour of waiting, Reku finally deemed it's time to launch the attack since he already gave enough time for Jan and half of his forces to reach their designated positions.

"Now!" hearing Reku's command, ten spears immediately flew from their position and down towards the Traku camp.

Jan, who was by the time now has already reached their position and was patiently waiting for Reku's signal, finally gave his order upon seeing ten spears flew directly in the sky and began dropping unto the enemy's camp.

"Now!" And just like that, another ten spears flew from the position opposite from Reku's direction, unto the enemy's camp.

Sounds of screams of pain immediately erupted as the volley of spears fell upon the surprised and vulnerable Traku warriors who were lazing about outside their huts and tents.

Unfortunately, only a few hit their marks as most of the spears fell on the ground, missing most of the Traku warriors outside the camp, some even landed on top of the tents and huts, thus slightly damaging it.

After the volley, Reku's band of orcs who were positioned north and south from the Traku clan's camp, immediately charged towards the camp.

"Raaagh!" Reku screamed at the top of his lungs as he along with ten orc warriors charged at the still-shocked Traku warriors.

Though some managed to get into formation, the confusion the spear volley caused were very effective as some of the Traku warriors were still in the middle of going outside their tents and arming themselves.

It meant they were not so well prepared at the surprised attack initiated by Reku and his band of orcs.

the Trakus split themselves into two groups, one of the groups will form a defensive position in the northern camp to recieve Jan and his forces while the other one will form up on the southern camp to receive Reku and his forces.

With shields and blades up, the Traku warriors watched with fear as Reku and his ten orc warriors charged towards them in a very fast manner, causing some to slightly panic even more.

As Reku and his warriors were about to collide against the Traku shield wall, Jan and his warriors meanwhile were already in the middle of the clash against the Traku warriors sent to defend against them.

Due to their panicked and confused states, Jan and his warriors were immediately able to breach the frail Traku warriors shield wall and plowed right through them like wheat and sickle.

Limbs and other body parts flew in the air as Jan and his vengeance driven warriors rampage their way on the Traku camp, killing every Traku warriors they came in contact to.

Just as Jan was finished in killing his third opponent, he immediately heard a loud crashing sound in the distance, followed by the clashing of steel and cries of pain.

Turning his head towards the noise, Jan quickly witnessed Reku and his warriors destroy the Traku warriors shield wall in front of them like wave against sand.

At the sight of Reku going berserk and killing several Traku warriors in each swing of his sword, Jan couldn't help but grin wickedly at the scene before him.



