

Ambition A strong desire to do or to achieve something. In this world, it can be dangerous. It could be twisted. Yuuko Ito is a 19 year old boy who's dream is to be a famous musician. yet, he is not an ordinary collage boy. One day, he met a man that claims to be searching for a saxophone player for his friend bar. But the man was actually a member of a famous organization that is known to be dangerous. Hidden in his desire, Yuuko unlocks memories of his past and finds out who he actually is with a new found power. "Hey you fine?" I whip my head around. Franticly searching for the voice owner and standing there i found a man. Said man was wearing a dark blue coat, covering a cream colour button up shirt with a brown turtle neck, black ribbons tied up in his neck connecting trought the button up shirt. He have black long pants with dark brown shoes. His brown hair was short–it looks fluffy and straight at the same time. The bangs look poorly cutted as the one is longer than the other. His brown eyes look sharp and mytical yet despite his beauty, the dirty background alley ruin the picture. I quickly rub my eye after observing the man. My white sweater sleeve immidietly was wet in tears and snot. "Um....who are you?" I say, trying to sound softly and un-crying like. "I just heard you crying, are you ok ma'am?" 'Ma'am? Is he talking to someone else?' I look around and saw noone is in the alley except me and him. 'Of course, no lady will be in this dirty alley anyway' "...did he think i was a girl?" I talk outloud. I quickly put my palm in my mouth looking at him, his face change into a gapping idiot after he heard what i just said. "Um...your...a...guy?" The man say, his face look embarress. I just nod looking at him–i relizes there was a scar in his cheeks. It was distracting, the scar trails trought his right eye covering his white skin. "Um...anyway–are you okay....man?" "Yeah.....im okay....uh thanks...stranger...." i answer awkwardly. I was still wearing my uniform and hat. I probably look stupid right now "Did you get fired?" The man quickly say. I flinch back as he was near me–closer than before. "Um...yeah..." i fidget my finger and step back a little looking at the side. "Well there is this bar that need someone to play the trumphet or sexaphone, can you play any of those?" Chapters get changes sometimes so reread every once in awhile!! story settings -in the 2000's contain sensitive topics : suicide, abuse, self harm, drugs, SA *** hello. this is my very first story that i actually put effort on, some chapters have bad grammar, theres might be spelling mistake english isnt really my first language and its my first time making a book(that i actually didnt write stuff and make plans), so ill change something in a chapter once in awhile so it will follow the plot to the next chapter. review,comments, anything really. is appreciated enjoy! from hell studio

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24 Chs

observe and learn

"haha weakling!" Kaito taunts us while eating chips.

'try doing 10 laps around the training field asshole!' I bark in my mind.

my body feels sticky from sweat, and every little movement that I've made now makes my vision blacken

"That's enough! let us take a break!" Karl exclaims he didn't look half dead like me or Goda

I sat down tiredly 'Speaking of her where is she–' Goda was flat on her back breathing heavily.

'I can hardly hear her sit down...' I think, sitting down myself.

"so what do you guys feel?" Karl asks with a smile

"Tired" me and Goda say in unison.

"hah? Ito–chan you only do 10 laps and only do 57 push-ups! and you do it barely too!" Karl says in disapproval.

I gulp and look down

"Sorry Karl–san"

"It's fine! just pointing it out!" he answers with a clap

'ill do better if it weren't for the headache I've been getting for the past few days...' As it was a que, I can feel a headache rising.

I wince as I clutch the tip of my hair harshly

Karl explains as he stretches "Over-using your power will cause mental exhaustion, and that will be a big problem if you're in the middle of a fight. There are many side effects too, like dizziness, throwing up, and your body will feel weak."

'so these past migraine is normal? do I have to experience this pain every day?' I shiver at the thought

"So try not to use your power too much as it takes strong emotion, and there is a chance you can't feel emotion permanently." Karl says this in a serious tone like he is reminding himself instead of explaining it.

"If you can't feel any emotion at all, then you can't use your power making you useless, worthless, and a waste of space in here all-knowing." he emphasizes the 'useless, worthless, and a waste' part. as he said that, I can see a dangerous glint showing for a mere second on his eyes making me trail my scar unconsciously

"So that's why people who are very emotional is powerful in here, but the ones who are good at hiding or masking their emotion is more powerful" Kaeru, kaito, and unexpectedly Kaede appears in my mind

Kaeru was a very angry person, she is protective of her frogs and takes pride in controlling millions of them, my first impression of her was that she is impulsive in such a way and loud.

if we base on personality to determine strength, kaeru is surely stronger than Kaito, since even if he is more annoying and loud, kaeru is older than him. 'experience is important too, kaeru probably join earlier than Kaito

Kaede was calm and childish. yet I see him as an 'emotional' person, when I see him playing with the sand unbothered by others judging he seems to let his childish side enjoy.

'and Karl too' I think as I glance at him.

that one glance was already the evidence I need to know that he is indeed a person full of emotion, 'he must be the same level as kaeru–' my thought was cut short by a headache, I hold down my wince

"Karl–san...is headache a normal thing for a burst survivor?" I ask, hoping for a 'No it's not haha I was just joking!' even tho he already explain it

"Yup, it's normal! get used to it bud~" his mouth lifted to a devilish grin

"Since we have a few minutes to spare, ill show you guys why we should get buff!" Karl exclaim excitedly

"kaitoo~" Karl called with a monotone voice, kaito was busy spacing off.

Karl approaches him, leans close to his ears, and blows

"WHAT THE FU—" he pushes his finger to Kaito's lips

"spar, ill surely win this time" Karl challenge him with a smirk

kaito anger was already gone and now turn into a challenging grin "Sure, sure.."

'it's that easy to get Kaito railed up?' I wipe the sweat off my forehead with my hands

"goda–kun ito–chan, observe and learn~," he says with a wink

as they both stretch, the land they were standing on began to shake.

a metal platform emerges from the sands and make-shift railings pop out of the platform

'so this is how it appears...I thought it was just there, to begin with'

goda raises one arm "One," she says, Kaito and Karl's eyes stare intently

"two," she glance at both, even when she is just sitting beside me her presence feels big —like she is the one in control— with just a simple movement of a raised arm and mumbled numbers

"three" Goda fastly drop her arm and they two began to fight

Karl was the first to strike, he takes a step and immediately kick Kaito. the kick sends a breeze wind, even if it's just a small breeze the bruise on the arms that block it thinks otherwise

kaito hands move flexibly, he hooks the legs fastly and with his other hand went in for a punch

his punch miss, and Karl arches his body down missing a breath. my breath hold as I continue to observe their fast and quick movement.

the hook legs easily slip away from the hold, Karl uses his other leg to send a kick to the shin as he flips.

Kaito looks up fastly creating an opening, Karl without missing a beat remove his fingerless glove, and a tiny purple crystal slip from the entrance

it moves fast as lightning, eye set straight through Kaito's neck

it instead drop halfway flying as Karl feels a soft weight on his head, he felt his mind filled with chips

kaito surprised Karl with a punch to his face, the distracted chips-filled-mind Karl chokes on saliva before regaining his composure, he hold Kaito's wrist, letting a small crystal that was hidden in his fingerless glove crawl like a bug and heavied Kaito's arm.

he stumbles upfront, Kaito's hands were heavy, forcing himself to kneel

Karl smirk "Finally kneeling?" he teases

"you fucker–" Kaito only curse in return

'is Karl gonna win?' I gulp nervously, unexpectedly Kaito uses this momentum to do a one-hand stand and step on Karl's face

"Ugh!" Karl chokes on his saliva, accidentally releasing the crystal from Kaito's hands. I can see a grin on his face.

as the crystal shattered, Kaito hooked both of his legs to Karl's neck and strangled him.

kaito create a small hat on the back and quickly put it on Karl.

"I win!" Kaito says devilishly, my mouth agape at the result.

"the winner is captain kaito Tanaka" Goda announces,

'Kaito win? I thought Karl gonna win!' I think, still shocked.

a wind blew the hat away, and Karl collapsed his body with a loud sigh. kaito followed after him rolling off him.

"almost fell" Kaito mumbled, annoyed.

"Hehe sorry Kaito" Karl answer with a half-assed apology, I can see the disappointment in his eye.

"Honestly, that frog-obsessed girl is stronger than you"

Karl chuckled, "Duh, she can control millions of frogs without getting a massive headache. She is trained that way"

"who trains her anyway...." Kaito curiously asked, but he knows he won't tell him.

"welp! That's all for today's training!" Karl sat up, ignoring the question.

"it's already 9 pm, make sure to rest!" I turn around to say goodbye to Goda, but she already walking far away

I stand up with a groan and say goodbye to Karl and Kaito, 'Kaede already left?' I thought as I look around while walking.

I exited the training fields and special division, taking a turn and trying to remember where's my dorm.

'left... I think' but it was the division 5 members bedroom.

I walk straight past the division 5 bedroom and somehow, I was at the division 3 member bedroom now.

"...shit" I curse.

it took me 4 hours to find my bedroom. that night I only get 5 hours of sleep as I need to wake up at 6 am.

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