

Ambition A strong desire to do or to achieve something. In this world, it can be dangerous. It could be twisted. Yuuko Ito is a 19 year old boy who's dream is to be a famous musician. yet, he is not an ordinary collage boy. One day, he met a man that claims to be searching for a saxophone player for his friend bar. But the man was actually a member of a famous organization that is known to be dangerous. Hidden in his desire, Yuuko unlocks memories of his past and finds out who he actually is with a new found power. "Hey you fine?" I whip my head around. Franticly searching for the voice owner and standing there i found a man. Said man was wearing a dark blue coat, covering a cream colour button up shirt with a brown turtle neck, black ribbons tied up in his neck connecting trought the button up shirt. He have black long pants with dark brown shoes. His brown hair was short–it looks fluffy and straight at the same time. The bangs look poorly cutted as the one is longer than the other. His brown eyes look sharp and mytical yet despite his beauty, the dirty background alley ruin the picture. I quickly rub my eye after observing the man. My white sweater sleeve immidietly was wet in tears and snot. "Um....who are you?" I say, trying to sound softly and un-crying like. "I just heard you crying, are you ok ma'am?" 'Ma'am? Is he talking to someone else?' I look around and saw noone is in the alley except me and him. 'Of course, no lady will be in this dirty alley anyway' "...did he think i was a girl?" I talk outloud. I quickly put my palm in my mouth looking at him, his face change into a gapping idiot after he heard what i just said. "Um...your...a...guy?" The man say, his face look embarress. I just nod looking at him–i relizes there was a scar in his cheeks. It was distracting, the scar trails trought his right eye covering his white skin. "Um...anyway–are you okay....man?" "Yeah.....im okay....uh thanks...stranger...." i answer awkwardly. I was still wearing my uniform and hat. I probably look stupid right now "Did you get fired?" The man quickly say. I flinch back as he was near me–closer than before. "Um...yeah..." i fidget my finger and step back a little looking at the side. "Well there is this bar that need someone to play the trumphet or sexaphone, can you play any of those?" Chapters get changes sometimes so reread every once in awhile!! story settings -in the 2000's contain sensitive topics : suicide, abuse, self harm, drugs, SA *** hello. this is my very first story that i actually put effort on, some chapters have bad grammar, theres might be spelling mistake english isnt really my first language and its my first time making a book(that i actually didnt write stuff and make plans), so ill change something in a chapter once in awhile so it will follow the plot to the next chapter. review,comments, anything really. is appreciated enjoy! from hell studio

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24 Chs


2 weeks after I train with Karl, 2 weeks my body is sore all over.

it's getting better now, now I don't groan and wince every time I move.

but that doesn't mean it's still not sore

"hisss...." I hiss, itoshi looks beside me munching on a cheap dumpling we bought

"ywu owkay tweach?" he says between munches, I nod with a weak smile.

itoshi swallows his food and then continues talking "I gotta go now teach! Thanks for today!" he says as he left

I wave back with a smile that drops as his figure disappears at a turn.

Ring Ring!

I pulled up the flip phone, answered it

"Hello, yo–umm... fujita here—"

"go to division 1 after you did" Kaede cut the line immediately after saying that

I sigh, 'What a pain in the ass...' Wait why did Kaede ask me to go to division 1? 'OH SHIT DID I SKIP ANY TRAINING? I SWEAR I DIDN'T! OH SHIT OH SH—' my mind was filled with cursing as I ran into the black car that always picks me up after I finish the day.


the car ride was always uneventful, the window was tainted black that you can't even observe the surrounding on the inside.

I try to remember the route by looking at the steering wheel, but now and then, they took an unusual turn and the ride was sometimes long sometimes only taking a few minutes

but today I feel nervous, did I do something? probably not

'right?' I gulp as I glance upfront.

the window is tainted pitch black too, I wonder how the driver can see

"nervous?" the driver, Kolzak Baranov, whose name I just learn, says.

his eye was overcast with his bangs, but the familiar small pale patches instantly made me recognize him.

he was the guy that lead me to the boss's office.

"...mhm" I nod, Kolzak chuckle, his Russian accent still thick as ever even in his small airy chuckle.

"no need, Kaede is like that, he never likes phone calls" Even after Kolzak's words of reassurance, I still feel nervous.

we stop and Kolzak turns his head behind. I already know what he's gonna say

"we arrive" I nod, I exited the car.

the sight was... okay–I still wasn't used to it.

it was a bank.

we walk inside, entering a secret passway.

at first, I thought 'Hey, this bank is easy to find! It's a bank after all!' but no, the all-seeing headquarters isn't that easy to find.

there are multiple passways to the hq, it could be a supermarket, a newspaper studio, heck one time it's a club.

every time it's a different location, it confused me.

I try to ask Kolzak but he refused to give me the answer as its 'top secret, only the boss and chosen members can know', his words.

I gave up asking him after a couple of attempts.

'it has been 5 weeks since I joined a.s' My mind wanders as a gunman leads me to Division 1

'yet I still don't remember the building layout' I sigh at the thought.

I thought ill slowly remember the ways in this big-ass hq, but no I didn't.

'I don't know why but it's harder than remembering chords' I think as I pulled the hair tie in my hair.

'I really wanna change my clothe...the school uniform is so itchy' and I still am not used to the school teacher uniform.

"we are here" the gunman bowed. with a small smile, I bow a little and enter Division 1 nervously.

as I walk, I brace myself when I see Kaede's figure comes into view.

he slowly turns around to look at me, I almost freeze on the spot if it's not the person next to Kaede.

'Isn't that the kid that called me old man?!' his insult now echoed in my mind

as we made eye contact. Kaede glanced at the both of us and left

I guess he thought we already know each other.

'wait why he is in here anyway?' I turn around to Kaede

"Sir Kaede! What am I supposed to do with him?" I shouted, why am I shouting?

he looks through the cracks of his hair "he is a new member in the special division. hat boy aint being responsible and the other captain has other matters to attend to, I need to check my bar." so basically, he is lazy to do his job and now pass it on to me?!

'you can check your bar another time!'

"you guys are students and teachers, go...train with him or something." Kaede finally say and left.

I look at the kid. we both awkwardly stare at each other.

until he broke the silence "yo teach, never expect you to be here" he spoke in an unmannered way,

"Uhuh..." Uneasiness suddenly washes over me as I agree with him, I don't know why tho.

"so um... what's your name?" I ask in an attempt to small talk.

"wow you're a teacher but don't know the student's name?" he says sarcastically.

I wanted to rip his red hair.

my annoyance was probably shown on my face as he instantly put up a small awkward smile while swinging his hand "joking~"

"it's Nishioka Masaaki"

"cool" I simply say, I walk to go to the training field.

I expect him to follow me as he was new, but he instead just stand there

I was gonna remind him but stop myself, it'll be his fault anyway if he gets yelled at for skipping.

'I don't care about him anyway' I left to go training, leaving Nishioka


Nishioka's hand dropped, the once from his back now straightened beside him.

he tsk's, looking around Division 1, checking if there are any members.

he presses a piece of the device in his ear "All clear"

a small whisper of a static voice rang in Nishioka's ear

"and began" The air suddenly feels suffocating in division 1, the gunman all drop to their knees coughing.

Nishioka looks down on them with no expression, why should he pity them?

the gunman struggles to breathe and then abruptly stops.

they stand up again as if nothing happens, the only thing changing is their behavior seems to not like human anymore.

Nishioka taps one of the gunman's shoulders, the gunman quickly stop and turns they're head around almost robotically

"Lead me to the boss's office" the gunman obeyed. they look to the front and start walking, Nishioka follows the gunman.

as they walk, Nishioka Lets out a heavy breath brainwashing the gunmen.

his guard never faltered, checking if they're any members or captains.

but today seem to be his lucky day as he didn't encounter any member or captain.

the brainwashed gunman lead Nishioka to an elevator.

as the gunman pushes a button and the elevator closed, Nishioka grabs the gunman's head harshly and looks into their eyes which seem to have a soul struggling to break from his control.

"Forget that this ever happen, and I have an important thing to ask the boss" The gunman's breath become heavier at his command, and blood gushed from the gunman's head as they stumbled.

a flash of sadness was on Nishioka's face, but he quickly mask it.

the elevator door opens, and the gunman then passes out.

Nishioka was about to walk when he saw someone standing by the meeting door, he have bangs covering his face and pale patches all over him

he seem to already know that Nishioka was gonna be there, he curse internally as he felt their gaze locked.

"And what is your business with the boss?" the man asks in a heavy Russian accent. Nishioka's eyes look around the man's clothes, trying to find a bow or a tie.

"it's useless. I don't have any rankings" The person cut Nishioka's searches

'shit! there isn't any information for someone who is unranked!' Nishioka curses

he tightened his grip as the person asked again "What's your business with the boss?" the eerie silence that came was enough reason for Kolzak to dash and collided his hands with Nishioka.

Nishioka stumbles as he tries to match up his strength with Kolzak.

"you seem young, who hires you?" Kolzak asks as he catches the incoming fist from Nishioka

"None of your business!" Nishioka let out a heavy breath.

Kolzak groans as he feels something lingering in his ears, mouth, and nose.

"ah...so you can brainwash people huh?"

I hope you enjoy today's chapters! Make sure to follow our social media platforms!

Instagram: @hell.studio

See you there~

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