
The Great Canyon

After a week of traveling, the grass started to grow less and less until it was only orange rock. We arrived at the canyon. The canyon itself was one large crack in the earth that led down to complete darkness. The other side of the canyon was way too far to jump.

"What now?" says Ralf.

"Hmm," I said looking around.

I look down the canyon and spot a bridge being connected by one large pillar in the middle of the canyon.

"We'll use that bridge."

Our carriage goes to the entrance of the bridge. Just by the looks of it, I could tell that it was pretty old.

The carriage walks onto the bridge. It begins to creak and groan.

We slowly start to make our way to the middle.

"Are we there yet?" says Ralf nervously.

"Why?" says Glenn. She grins, "Are you afraid of heights?"

"Not particularly," he says as gulps. "I am afraid of falling into the depths of the earth."

"That's not going to happen," I said.

We reach the middle and stroll on the pillar.

"See," I said. "We made it halfway."

We approach the second bridge. We begin to make our way across.

Once we were halfway, Ralf suddenly says with a cold sweat, "Guys… I have that bad feeling again."

Without a second to think I immediately begin to look around.

"Ralf is never wrong on this," I thought. "Where is the danger!"

"Everyone," says Isabell. "There's someone on the other end of the bridge."

I look ahead to see the same little girl from before. I get on top of the carriage.

"Hand over the wand!" I shouted to the girl.

She shakes her head, "I'm so sorry mister."

All of sudden the bridge begins to shake violently. I look down to see that one of the support beams is destroyed.

I look back up to see the little girl running away.

"AFTER HER!" I shouted.

Isabell whips the horse to go forward. The bridge begins to break and bend.

Just as the bridge breaks, the carriage begins to float. I turn to Kathrine as she's carrying everyone with her magic. Her hands begin to shake.

"We are too far!" shouts Kathrine.

Glenn jumps onto the top of the carriage. She closes her eyes as she begins to concentrate.

She creates an ice platform connecting to the other side. We land on the ice and cross safely and soundly.

"Nice job!" I said.

Glenn gives me a thumbs-up.

I look ahead. I spot the little girl now gliding in the air using the wind to her advantage.

"Follow her!" I shouted.

We try our best to follow but she was slowly starting to fly away.

"What do I do?" I thought.

I turn to Kathrine, "Launch me up there!"

"I don't know if you'll make it there!" says Kathrine.

"Don't worry," I said as I turned to Glenn. "Glenn will blast me up there as well."

Glenn stares at me surprised but nods in agreement.

"Alright," I said. "On go! Three. Two. One. Go!"

I'm suddenly catapulted into the air. I can feel the wind blowing into my face. I just grab onto the little girl's foot.

She looks down at me scared, "Let go!"

"Never!" I shouted. "Just give me the wand!"

"I already told you I can't!" she shouts as she rolls to the left.

"And I said, we'll help you rescue your family!"

She looks down at me. She looks at me with teary eyes, "No one can save my family."

She kicks me in the face causing me to let go. I fall down to the ground looking up at the little girl.

I look down to see the ground rapidly approaching. The carriage was too far away for Kathrine to save me. All of a sudden, I see Ralf suddenly launch straight for me screaming.

I grabbed him.

He creates a barrier underneath us.

"Thanks for the save," I said.

"Never. Do that. Again!" says Ralf breathing heavily.

I look up and watch as the little girl heads to the huge mountains ahead with snow.

We land softly on the ground.

The carriage catches up to us.

"Did you get it?" Glenn says.

I shake my head, "No."

"I don't feel like that matters," says Isabell.

"Why?" says Glenn.

"Because those mountains over there are the border that separates the Comid and former country Gripan. Otherwise known as…"

"The captured lands," I said, finishing her sentence.

We decided to camp on the outskirts of the captured lands. For all we know, this might be the last time we get a decent sleep.

We all sit next to the fire. Isabell sipping tea, Glenn eating a sandwich, and everyone else relaxing.

"Ralf," says Isabell. "I've noticed the two times that we were in trouble, you always called it out right before it happened. Why is that?"

"Oh that," says Ralf softly. "I'll be honest, I don't know. Whenever something dangerous is about to happen, I suddenly have this bad feeling. Maybe it's because of my magic being able to create barriers."

"What was your parents' magic?"

Ralf stays quiet.

"He... doesn't know," says Glenn slowly. "He never met them."

"So you're an orphan," says Kathrine.

Isabell elbows her in the stomach, "I'm sorry for saying that question."

"It's fine," says Ralf with a slight laugh.

No one says anything for the next few seconds. The only sound we hear is the fire cackling and cracking.

"Alright," says Kathrine. "Who wants to hear embarrassing stories about Glenn!"

"What!" says Glenn as she chokes on her sandwich.

"I do!" says Ralf.

"Alright then!" says Kathrine. "When Lady Glenn was around 5 years old, she actually got lost in the forest alone! She came back late at night really dirty."

"That's not how it happened," I said.

They all turn to me. Isabell continues to sip her tea relaxed.

"Right," says Kathrine. "It's not as if you were there."

"I was," I said, crossing my arms. "She never actually went to the forest. She actually was in a fight with some neighborhood kids."

"Hey!" says Glenn embarrassed. "I thought we agreed to never talk about it!"

"She won."

"Oh really," says Kathrine. "She never told that to me."

"Maybe it's because I know her better."

"You?" says Kathrine snickering. "You're saying that you know Lady Glenn better?"

"I am."

We lock eyes with each other.

Ralf looks back and forth trying to find a way to defuse the situation.

Kathrine grins, "Oh ya? How about she confesses to you already?"

Everyone grows quiet.

"Um Kathrine," says Glenn. "I already did."

Isabell stops sipping her tea. They both turn to her surprised.

"What?!" says Kathrine. "Then did he?"

"I haven't given her a straight answer," I said.

"What do you mean by a straight answer?!" says Kathrine furiously. "It's a yes or no question!"

"I don't know how to respond to her," I said slowly.

"IT'S SIMPLE!" shouts Kathrine. "Do you like her, yes or no?"

I stare at Glenn. Her blue eyes shimmered from the light of the fire. My heart begins to quicken its pace.

"I…" I turn to Ralf, "I…" I turn to the maids. "I…"

Before I can answer, Isabell cuts in saying, "I think we should leave it at that."

"But!" says Kathrine.

"We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

I look at Glenn.

I look away, "Ya, I agree."

Just like that, we all went to sleep.