
Continuing Forward

It's pitch black. I look down at my body.

"Where am I?" I thought.

"Foster," says a female voice.

"Huh?" I try to say but nothing comes out of my mouth. I look around trying to find who is calling my name. I spot someone in the distance.

"Foster," she says.

I try to shout but nothing.

My vision goes hazy. I blink and suddenly find myself in bed.

I feel someone holding my hands. I look down to see that it was Glenn fast asleep.

"Hey," I said weakly.

Glenn slowly wakes up. She looks at me still sleepy.

Her face quickly brightened up crying out, "Foster!"

She hugs me tightly.

"What happened?" I said.

"What happened," says the Doctor as she walks in with the maids. Glenn stops hugging me. "You took some of the most lethal doses ever from that poison."

I look at my arm to see it bandaged up. The purple was still there but now it had stopped growing.

I begin to feel lightheaded.

"I recommend you rest," says the Doctor. "To be honest, I didn't think you were going to live."

"Oh ya?" I said. "It's hard to kill me." I look at Glenn, "You and Ralf all better?"

"Ya," she says smiling. "Thanks to you."

I look out the window, "How long was I knocked out for?"

"Around two days," says Kathrine.

"Two days!" I shouted. I immediately jumped out of bed. I collapse to the ground.

"I said to rest!" shouts the Doctor. "You are in no condition to travel!"

"I need to catch that thief with my wand!" I shouted back. I stand up, steadying myself against the wall. "Let's go."

Glenn places her hand on my shoulder, "You should rest."

I turn to Glenn. Her blue eyes filled with worry.

I shake my head, "We have to catch up. Ralf!"

I hear scrambling from inside the house.

Ralf slams open the door saying, "Foster! You're alive!"

"Help me out here."

I lean against Ralf and begin walking to the carriage.

"You know," says Isabell as we walked out the door. "I wouldn't recommend adventuring out either."

"I don't care," I said as we reached the carriage. "I need to get back that wand fast."


"Please!" I shouted. Everyone stares at me in shock. "Please…"

After a few seconds of silence, Isabell says, "Fine."

"What?" says Glenn.

I sigh with relief, "Thanks."

"I only agreed because you saved Glenn," says Isabell as she sits in the driver's seat.

Kathrine stares at me until she rolls her eyes, "Fine. Only because you saved us."

Glenn and Ralf turn to each other. They sigh and enter the carriage.

"We got you," says Ralf.

"Ya," says Glenn. "This time we'll protect you."

I nod. I turned to the Doctor, "Thank you for curing us."

"Don't thank me," says the Doctor. "You brought the cure to me. All I did was create it."

"You still saved us, I can't thank you enough. What is your name?"

She looks at me for a couple of seconds before saying, "You can call me Mell. Doctor Mell."

"Doc Mell it is then. I don't have any money on me to pay you."

"It's fine," she says. "You dispatched all of the thieves in the forest. That makes my job easier."

The carriage moves forward. I wave, "Until next time Doc Mell."

She waves back as she blows a strand of hair away from her face.

As we continue out of the village Kathrine says, "Hey Foster."

"Ya," I responded.

"We couldn't get back your staff."

"That's fine," says Ralf excitedly. "He's about to do something awesome!" He turns to me saying quickly, "Come on! Do the thing!"

I stare at Ralf and then at Glenn. Glenn grins and nods.

I turn out the window and stick my hand out.

"What are you doing?" says Isabell.

After thirty seconds, Kathrine says, "Something is headed straight for us!"

My staff lands in my hand, "Don't worry. It's just my staff."

Ralf cheers.

"Huh," says Isabell. "So you can recall your staff."

I shorten my staff and put it away.

I suddenly remember my dream of a lady calling my name.

I turned to Glenn, "Were you calling my name when I was asleep."

She shakes her head, "No I wasn't."

"Weird. Anyways, what's our next destination?"

Glenn takes out the map, "Mmm, it looks like we're going to have to cross the great canyon."