
Hunted Down

The next day we are up bright and early.

I push the plane onto the road.

I sat in my seat saying, “Ready everyone?”

Ralf and Glenn give me a thumbs up. Glenn is the one who decides to fuel the plane as the motor roars to life. We take off and out of the canyon.

For the next few hours, we fly with the sun beating us with its heat. I can feel my sweat roll down my neck.

“First it stormed and now we’re being burnt by the sun,” I thought.

I look up ahead to see waves as the horizon is distorted.

“Foster,” says Ralf. “I feel like we’re in danger right now.”

All of a sudden we’re covered by shade.

“Finally a cloud to cover us,” I said.

“Uh Foster,” says Ralf. “That’s not a cloud.”

I look up to see large birds flying high above us.

All of a sudden they slowly begin to dive towards.

“They can’t be after us right?” I thought.

They’re not changing their directions.