

I wake up gasping for air. I open my eyes to see Glenn staring down at me with teary eyes.

She hugs me tightly, "You idiot!"

"How did you find me?" I said weakly.

"Doctor Mell told me," she says crying. "I went looking for you in the woods and found you racing here with a map. You were too fast for me to catch up." She stops hugging me and looks me in the eyes, "I arrived at this cave entrance filled with water. I blasted the wall to find you floating nearly dead!"

She sniffs as she tries to stop crying.

I place my hand on her head, "Thank you for saving me."

"Don't mention it," she says hiccuping.

I reach into my satchel and take out the artifact. Her eyes light up, "Is that?"

"Yes," I said. "The lost artifact."

"Why do you even want it?"

I gently hold her hand and place the artifact, "For the village."

She stares at the sphere, "You listened to what I said. I thought of something way smaller than this. Not something to risk your life over!"

I laugh, "Well I have it now. I can't really return it now can I?"

She looks at me and laughs, "You're such an idiot."

We arrive at the entrance of the city. The doors open letting us inside.

Everyone stares at us making sure to stay out of my way. Sulton runs up to us.

"Glenn!" he shouts ignoring me. "Where did you go!" She takes out the artifact. Before she can say something he says, "What is that?" As soon as he touches the artifact it begins to glow and suddenly a ball of light rises out of it. It slowly rises high into the sky and expands covering the entire town with a barrier.

"Woah," he says. "You brought an artifact to keep the town safe."

"It wasn't me," Glenn says but is ignored.

"Give it up for Glenn!" he shouts excitedly and claps. Everyone joins in cheering.

"It wasn't me!" shouts Glenn but isn't heard.

"Now then," says Sulton. He turns to me with an intense look, "Now that we have the barrier we no longer need you anymore."

There's silence.

"What are you implying?" I said slowly.

"I'm afraid you're going to have to leave. Someone as dangerous can't live with us."

Soldiers surround me ready to escort me.

"What!" shouts Glenn.

The soldiers slowly approach me. Suddenly, Ralf appears out of the crowd and lands right next to me, raising a barrier.

Sulton turns to her, "He's no longer needed. He has the abilities of the Dark Lord. Who knows if he'll become the next Dark Lord? It's only reasonable for him to leave."

"But he!"

I interrupt Glenn, "It's alright Glenn."

She shakes her head, "If you're leaving I'm leaving!"

"Don't," I said slowly. "You have a place here. You've done so much "

"He's right," says Sulton. He kneels in front of Glenn.

Glenn stares at Sulton confused, "What are you doing?"

"Ever since we arrived here," he says softly. "You volunteered to help us citizens of Gripan in reconstruction. We are forever in your debt. I would like for you to be an honorary Gripan citizen." He takes out a tiny box and opens it revealing a ring, "Following Gripan customs, will you Glenn, marry me?"

People gasp.

My body freezes.

Glenn stares at the ring.

A moment of silence passes.

She slowly raises her hand and slaps him, leaving Sulton in shock.

"Why?" he says slowly.

"I only love one person!" she cries out. She points at me, "I love Foster!"

I stare at her in shock.

She places her hand on her chest, "I wasn't the one that brought the artifact! It was Foster!" People begin to whisper, "He brought the artifact to town to show everyone that he really is harmless!"

Everyone turns to me in amazement. Some rushed out of the crowd. It was little Sofia. Ralf lowers the shield as she runs up to me crying, "Don't leave white cloud!"

Everyone turns back and forth at each other. I weakly smile and pat her head.

Sulton all of a sudden says, "Lower your weapons men."

He walks up to me, "I'm so sorry. I was blinded by the fear of your abilities too similar to the Dark Lord. We all were."

He sits down and bows. Everyone else does the same and bows.

I stare with my jaw open.

"Am I allowed to stay then?"

Everyone looks up.

Sulton stands up, "Yes, you're free to live here."

Ralf and Glenn jump with joy as they tackle me to the ground.

We stand up.

Someone suddenly cheers. I look to see that it's Sofia's mother. Everyone soon begins to cheer along with her. I slowly smile as everyone continues cheering.

I turn to Glenn.

She notices my gaze, "Come on! Cheer!"

"I have something I've been meaning to do."

"Huh?" she says confused.

I lean in and kiss her on the lips. Glenn's eyes grow wide in surprise.

I step back, "I love you, Glenn."

Ralf stares in shock as well.

She stares at me still taken aback. She cries out with joy and embraces me. She leans in and kisses me. Everyone cheers widely.

I embrace her.