
Alpha Logan

Amora Kirk never thought she would find her mate the way she did. And she knew that when she did, it would be an issue for not only her, but for the entire pack as per a few certain people in her pack didn't like her and the next Alpha in line, Logan Sullivan, being mates. "Your so-called mate will never find you, you kitsune, You think anyone will miss you after we dispose of you?" The guy asks her. Amora looks up at him and smirks as she growls a bit. "Oh I know everyone will and if anything happens to me, you'll definitely hear it." Amora says before leaning her head back and howling very loudly for her mate to hear.

CORPSEWife99 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 6

After dinner (because I'm too lazy to type what happens during dinner)

I finish washing the last plate before handing it to Logan who was helping me by drying the dishes and putting them on the counter. Logan picks them up and walks to the cabinet as I turn the water off, drying my hands with the rag. I put the rag back over the sink before leaning against the counter as Logan walks back over to me. "So, what did you want to talk about exactly?" I ask him as he walks over to me, leaning against the island in the kitchen. "Well, I wanted to talk to you about you being my mate and me being your mate. There's more want to talk to you about but I feel like that is what we should talk about more." Logan replies, making me blush. Logan chuckles as he walks closer to me, making me look at him. "What's so funny?" I ask him. Logan chuckles as he looks at me, sliding his hands in his pockets. "The fact that you're blushing when I didn't even say anything." Logan replies, making me roll my eyes and push him back playfully. Logan chuckles again as he looks at me. "What happened to us, Logan? We were best friends back in elementary school and the first two years in high school." I ask him, making him furrow his eyebrows and look at me. "I think we parted ways without knowing because of me. I became popular and left you in the shadows. You were getting better while I was becoming a d**k. Then Sawyer came into the picture and it just made everything worse between us." Logan explains. I think about it before slowly nodding. Logan's right. We did part ways because I remember every time I asked him to hang out after school during our freshmen year he would tell me that he was busy with his new so called friends from a different pack. So, I ended up walking home by myself. And then during our sophomore year, he dated Sawyer and that was when she first started to beat me up worse than she did freshmen year. And when Logan broke up with her, she started making it a daily thing. It's been going on for a while and I never told anyone about it. I kept it to myself.

I snap my head up as I feel sparks erupt on my arm, not noticing that Logan was directly in front of me and if I had moved, we would be chest to chest. "Amy, did you hear anything I said?" Logan asks me. I blush and shake my head. "No, sorry. I was realizing that you were right. That was the reason why we stopped being best friends. I was just too stubborn to see it." I tell him. Logan chuckles and puts his other hand on my side, making me blush. "So, do I have to repeat myself?" Logan asks me. I nod, my cheeks turning a darker shade of red. Logan chuckles as he smirks at me. "Amora Susan Kirk, would you do me the honor of being my Luna?" Logan asks me, making me look at him with wide eyes. Shit, he's serious. "Yes I'm serious. I want to prove to you that I'm not with Sawyer. I want to prove myself to you as both a future Alpha and your mate. If you let me, that is." Logan replies. "I said that out loud, didn't I?" I ask him. Logan chuckles and nods. "Yes you did. What is your answer, Amy?" Logan asks me. I grab the collar of his shirt, making him raise an eyebrow only to pull him closer, our lips brushing against one another. I stare into his green orbs before smirking. "I would love to be your mate. But I'm not kissing you until you have proved yourself worthy." I whisper to him before moving from under his arm. I walk out of the kitchen before squealing when I am suddenly picked up. I am then pinned against the wall, biting my lip in the process while leaning my head against the wall. I look at Logan, biting my lip more when he moves closer to me, our chests touching. "You think it's okay to tease me like that, Amy? Do you like seeing me worked up and getting turned on thinking you were going to kiss me only for you not to kiss me and walk away?" Logan says as he leans closer to me, our noses brushing against one another. I giggle and bite my lip before taking a hand out from his wrist. I put a hand on his cheek, making him nuzzle his cheek into my hand.

I move closer to him before biting my lip. "Do you have any idea how many times I have m*********d to the thought of you making love to me? The amount of times I have to hold back from screaming your name out when I have an o****m? You say I'm being a tease when you tease me everyday without knowing it." I whisper to him, making him snap his eyes open to look at me while watching his eyes go from green to bright yellow. "You think I mean to tease you? The way you walk and have every guys' eyes on you makes me want to just grab you and show them who you belong to." Logan whispers back, brushing his lips against mine. I hear my wolf whine, making his wolf whine in return. Logan smirks while I bite my lip more, his hands moving from my arms to my hips, pulling my body flush against his. I wrap my arms around his neck as he picks me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist and being pinned back against the wall. "How about we just skip the whole 'I want to wait until you prove yourself' crap and you just say you're mine that way I don't have to punch a locker in school tomorrow." Logan says, making me giggle and put my hands on his cheeks. "How about you ask me properly and I'll consider it? Because I still want you to prove yourself to me." I tell him, making him chuckle. Logan kisses my nose before setting me down on my feet. I unwrap my arms from around his neck as he gets down on one knee, making me raise an eyebrow while getting confused. Logan takes my hand in his and kisses my hand before looking at me. "Amora Susan Kirk, would you do me, Logan Jamie Sullivan, the honor of being my girlfriend, my mate, and my future Luna?" Logan asks me, making me blush. Logan gives me his signature smile, making me nod while blushing more. "I would love to, Logan." I say, making him smile even more. Logan gets up and kisses my hand again before hugging me. "I'll deem myself worthy of being yours, Amy. Just you wait." Logan says, making me blush and hug him back. I squeal once more when I am suddenly thrown over his shoulder. "Logan, what are you doing?" I say before grabbing his shirt when he walks out of the kitchen, heading down the hallway. "You think I'm letting you go to your room by yourself? No. You're sleeping in my room tonight. I'm not letting you go tonight. Like I said I want to redeem myself to you. And I'm starting it by having you sleep in my room." Logan replies as he walks out the hallway and to another hallway. I giggle and blush before slapping his a**, squeaking when he slaps mine in return. "I'm sure you don't want me to do it again. Because I'm definitely loving the sight I have next to me." Logan says, making me blush and hide my face in his back as he laughs while walking into his room.