
Alpha Logan

Amora Kirk never thought she would find her mate the way she did. And she knew that when she did, it would be an issue for not only her, but for the entire pack as per a few certain people in her pack didn't like her and the next Alpha in line, Logan Sullivan, being mates. "Your so-called mate will never find you, you kitsune, You think anyone will miss you after we dispose of you?" The guy asks her. Amora looks up at him and smirks as she growls a bit. "Oh I know everyone will and if anything happens to me, you'll definitely hear it." Amora says before leaning her head back and howling very loudly for her mate to hear.

CORPSEWife99 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 5

Amora's POV

I walk out of my room with my phone in my hand, closing the door behind myself. I got done doing my homework and also got done having.... me time let's call it. Don't judge me I'm sure you do it too. I blush at the thought in my head while sliding my phone in my pocket, walking down the hallway. I walk down the stairs and over to the hallway on the left. I walk down the hallway, heading to the kitchen while hearing everyone else in the dining room, chatting. I walk in and watch Theo get hit with the wooden spoon that Mom was using to mix the potato salad. "Theodore Marcus Kirk. I already hit you once before to stop taking out of the potato salad and you keep doing it. Next time I'm hitting your head." Mom says as she glares at Theo. "Mom I'm hungry and it smells good. Everyone else is waiting for us at the table. Can't I just have a bite of how it tastes now?" Theodore replies as he whines like a kid. Mom shakes her head as I walk over to the cabinet where the plates and bowls are. "Theo if Mom says no then it's no. You need to stop asking her." I say as I grab 13 plates. "Shut up, Amora. Don't think Logan will date you because he won't. He won't date you because of the way you act and how you are." Theo snaps at me as he storms out of the kitchen, making me tense and grip the plates. "THEODORE MARCUS KIRK! YOU GO BACK TO THE KITCHEN AND APOLOGIZE TO YOUR SISTER!" I hear Dad yell out from the dining room. I look at the plates before bringing them over to Mom. "I'm sorry, sweetie. You know Theo didn't mean that." Mom says as she puts a hand on my arm. "It's fine. May I eat in my room? I still have homework to get done. I'm not done yet." I ask her, lying. I just don't want to see Logan. I want to read more about mates. That and I definitely don't want to go in the dining room after what Theo said. I think he's right. Why would Logan want me as a mate? "Sure sweetie. Let me fix you a plate." Mom replies as she kisses my head before grabbing a plate and walking over to the stove. I leave the plates next to the large bowl of potato salad as Mom walks back over to me. She adds potato salad next to the BBQ ribs before smiling at me. "If you want a soda there's cans in the fridge. Hunter wants us to finish the cans of soda before he gets more." Mom tells me as she hands me the plate. I nod and kiss her cheek before grabbing a fork from the dishrack and walking away from Mom. I walk out of the kitchen and back down the hallway only to stop when I hear Dad call my name out. I sigh as I turn back around, walking over to the dining room.

Everyone looks at me as I walk in, looking at Dad. "Yes Dad?" I ask him as I raise an eyebrow. "Is everything okay? Why aren't you eating with everyone else?" Dad asks me as Logan looks away. I look down at the plate before back at Dad. "I still have homework to do and I'd like to get it done as soon as I can. I don't like waiting last minute or doing it in class before the teacher asks for it." I tell him. "I'm sure the homework can wait. Come and have dinner with us." Desmond says as he smiles at me. I sigh as I walk over to my spot. This is how the table is.

             Alpha Hunter

Riley                            Logan

Vivian                         Me

Carson                      Theo

Dad                             Mom

Desmond                   Londyn

Martin                        Ember

I put my plate and soda down before sitting next to Logan, making Logan look at me. I keep my gaze on my plate before getting up when I realize Mom is putting the plates together but doesn't have help with serving. "What's wrong, Amy?" Alpha Hunter asks me, making me look at him. "I need to help my Mother. She doesn't have any help serving the plates." I tell him. Alpha Hunter nods as he looks at Logan. Please don't ask him. "Logan, why don't you go ahead and help Amy help her mother?" Alpha Hunter asks him. Logan looks at his father before nodding as he gets up as well. I walk out of the dining room, hearing Logan follow behind me. The two of us walk over to the kitchen before I run over to Mom when she's close to dropping a plate in her hands. "Mom, we came to help. Take two, Logan will take two, and I'll take two. We can get this in two easy trips instead of you hurting yourself." I say as she looks at me. She smiles at me as Logan grabs two plates and I grab the two from her forearms. Mom used to be a waitress before she had Theo and me so she was going to act like a waitress and bring them in like she normally does. The three of us walk out of the kitchen and over to the dining room, heading to the table. I put the two plates down in front of Riley and Alpha Hunter, Logan puts the two plates in front of Vivian and Carson, and Mom puts the two plates in front of Dad and Desmond. "I must say, Gianna, this looks amazing." Riley says as she smiles at Mom. Mom giggles and smiles back at Riley before the three of us walk out the dining room. We walk back to the kitchen and walk to the counter. We grab the last 7 plates before heading back into the dining room.

We walk back in and I notice Theo is there staring at Vivian, Vivian staring right back at Theo. Shit. Seems like he already found his mate. Hopefully Logan doesn't freak out when he finds out that his baby sister is my baby brother's mate. We walk to the table and I put the two plates I have in front of Desmond and Martin, Mom puts the three plates in front of Ember, Martin's wife, Londyn, Desmond's wife, and her spot while Logan puts the last two plates in front of Theo and himself. Mom, Logan, and I sit down and the conversations go back as if nothing happened earlier. 'Amy, are you okay?' I hear Logan privately mindlink me, making me look at him. Logan has the ability to privately mindlink someone even though he isn't Alpha yet. The party is on Saturday, May 16 for Logan and myself to make it official. 'Yeah, I'm fine.' I say as I look away, looking back down at my plate. I jump when I feel Logan's hand on my thigh under the table, making the sparks going from my thigh to all over my body. I bite my lip as I keep my eyes on my plate, hoping I'm not blushing. 'Amy, you know you can talk to me, right? I don't want you to stop doing that even if we're mates. I just want you to know that you don't have to be afraid of me rejecting you because I'm your mate.' Logan says in the mindlink, making me look at him while biting my lip. Logan looks down at my lips before looking back at me, his eyes going from green apple to a dark forest green as they fill with lust and something else. 'Logan, do you think we can talk about this after dinner?' I ask him as I put my hand over his on my thigh under the table. Logan smiles at me and nods as he slowly entwines out hands. I smile back before we let go, eating our food Mom made for everyone. What are we supposed to talk about and how are we supposed to talk about this if I don't even know what to do as his mate and future Luna to the pack?

*Little did I know that Alpha Hunter, his wife Riley, Mom, and Dad saw what we were doing before going back to their conversations as if nothing had happened.*