
Chapter 179

Louis shook his head to dispel the cloudiness in his head, wondering if he should just go straight to bed after all. He had gotten to the second floor and was currently going down the hallway that his dorm room was on.

He sighed in relief when he finally got to his room, opening the door as quietly as he could, hoping that Dio was fast asleep. He had no such luck... immediately he opened the door, his boyfriend was already standing on the other side. He had heard the doorknob turn and wanted to personally welcome Louis.

Which was a terrible idea... the fog in Louis' head was flammable because the moment he caught a whiff of Dio's familiar scent, his entire body was set aflame. He immediately shrunk back against the door, panic in his eyes, he had been about to jump Dio.

Dio noticed this right away and immediately hurried closer much to Louis' horror. "Lou? What's wrong? Why do you smell like-"