
Alpha’s Forceful desires

He hated his sister after she caused the death of his mate…until he started to feel desires for her that he didn’t want to feel.

Oluwakemi_Deborah · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter Four

Chapter Four

Mia's POV

"That will be end of today's class, see you guys next time " The lecturer said before the class came to an end.

"Ready?" I asked Miley excitedly

"Yeah, I guess" She replied unenthusiastically. We left class and were headed to the coffee shop.

I texted Anaya and she said she was at the building in front of the coffee shop. In less than ten minutes, we were already with Anaya.

"So what next?" Anaya asked

"We spy, see what she is really like and use it in our favor" I replied

"Lame" she taunted and I gave her the 'really?' look.

"I say you should go talk to her" she said

"I agree" Miley added

"What? No way. I don't want her to think I am desperate "

"But you are" Miley stated

"Of course I am but I don't want her to think so"

"Just go talk to her Mia and try to hide your crazy side. You will do good" Anaya encouraged me.

"Fine, I will go if you guys come with" I offered

"Heck no" Anaya said

"Count me out too" Miley added

"Come on guys pleasssseeee" I begged

"Arrrggghhhh Fine" Anaya grumbled

"Thank you! Thank you !! You are the best" i said happily before giving Miley the puppy dog eyes

"I am only coming along because I don't want to be alone" Miley said and I gave her an appreciative smile.

As we were trying to go across the road, I watched Alexa Aniston wave at someone. I glanced at the person and immediately stopped dead in my tracks. It was Austin. Do they know eachother ? What are they doing together? I turned around and walked back.

"What's wrong" Miley asked surprised that I walked back.

"Um guys you know what, I think we should just spy on her from here " I said halfheartedly

"Why?" Anaya asked.

She looked at the coffee shop and I watched her eyes widen before they were back on me.

"No Mia, let's go" She said


"No buts, let's go " She said whilst giving me an encouraging look.

"Fine" I said

"Let's go"

We walked across the street and Miley followed behind even though she looked clueless. I respect the fact that she is not forcing us to say anything to her.

As I opened the door to the shop, my steps slowed. I don't know if I can face him and act like myself because when I am with him, I am a completely different person. I felt Anaya squeezed my hand and it gave me courage to walk up to them.

"Hi guys" I said with a chirped voice and they raised their heads and looked at me.

"Oh my gosh" I heard miley whisper but I paid no mind to it.

"Can I help you?" Alexa asked as she scrutinized me from head to toe, her eyes lasting longer on my Chanel bag.

Probably wandering if it's fake or not.

I glanced at Austin and he gave me a tired look and I quickly averted my eyes.

"I am Mia…." Before I could finish introducing myself, Austin cut me off

"What do you want Mia?" He asked with anger evident in his voice and everybody's eyes moved to his face.

"Do you know her?" Alexa asked as she placed her hand on his arm as if claiming ownership.

Okay I no longer like her. My eyes stared sharply on her hands as if my eyes could burn them. How much I want to shove it away.

"Yeah , she is my sister" He said so coldly that anyone could tell that he doesn't like his sister.

"What?!!!" I suddenly heard Miley scream.

All eyes turned to her. She placed her palm on her mouth and whispered sorry. I rolled my eyes at her before placing them back on Austin. But something was different, his eyes were still strained of Miley. His eyes became soft and after a long time, it felt like I saw a glimpse of the old Austin. A wave of fear jolted inside of me. I watched as he tried his best to drag his eyes from her before placing them back on me and immediately they turned cold again.

"Nice to meet you…. Sorry I didn't get your name" Alexa pulled her hands out for a handshake

"Mia?" I said with a sour face.

I wanted to walk out of here. On one hand is Alexa trying to act like she and Austin are a thing. I mean I am not surprised, she does look like them….I mean one of those girls that has similar features to Ariel.

But Miley….

She was the complete opposite of those girls. The way he looked at her caused a turmoil in my heart. It's been so long since I saw him look at someone like that.

What if he…..no no no, please no.

Different thoughts started wrapping round my mind that I couldn't think straight. I felt my heart tightened as the wave of rejection surged inside of me. I couldn't breath… I was hyperventilating.

"We are having a little party at the house to celebrate the first day of school. We shouldn't be having a party considering the fact that it's a Monday but it like a tradition. Do You guys want to come?" I heard Alexa's voice but I was in no position to reply.

"Mia? Are you okay? " Anaya called my name as she noticed my irregular breathing.

As I tried to tell her that I am not okay, I felt Austin hands on mine as he pulled me out of the shop. We walked a few steps to his car and did the most unexpected thing. He hugged me….tight.

"Mia….breath" he whispered he my ear and I felt electric charge in my body.

He was patting my back while whispering in my ears to breathe. How did he know to do this? Whenever I have episodes like this, he was the only one that has never tried to calm me down.

With me in his arms, I felt my body calm down. It was so warm and comfortable that I didn't want to leave him. I sniffed in his bubble gum smell and I just wanted to stay in his arms forever …like old times.

After he was sure that I was calm, he pulled away from me and looked at my face. He didn't look as cold as before but he wasn't smiling either, I couldn't read his expression. I really wanted to know what he was thinking. He wiped the drop of tears on my face with his palm.

"Thank you" I whispered with so much joy in my heart.

"Do you have any more classes?" He asked

"No" i replied.

"Get in" he said and opened the passenger door to his car.

He didn't wait for me to enter before walking to the drivers seat. I was a little confused but I still got in.

He started his car and we were on our way out of school. The ride home was tense and quiet. It felt like I was on the edge of a cliff, waiting for who to push me off. He didn't talk to me or look at me. He was still as cold as ever. For a second I thought that he was starting to acknowledge me but I was wrong. Now I know he just did that out of obligation.

I stared out of the window as tears pulled in my eyes. This felt worse. To be cared for out of obligation. He only did that because I am supposed to be his sister. I felt pain shoot through my body. I silently cried my eyes out while staring at the window.

Will he ever forgive me? For how long am I supposed to be like this? I don't want to feel this way but I can't help it. I want it to stop…I want the pain in my heart to stop…I can't take it anymore.

"We are here" His cold voice pierce through the air.

I wanted to rush out of the car. I want to….but I stayed back.

I shouldn't have stayed back.

"Austin…..why do you hate me so much?" I asked with my croaked voice but he was silent.

"I know I hurt you and I know that what I did is the most horrible thing a person can ever do but I have tried to make up for it my whole life!!! How long do I have to wait? When exactly will you ever forgive me? What more should I do to make you forgive me? I can't fully forgive myself because you won't forgive me" I cried but his face was void of emotions.

"Please Austin, my heart can't take it. I can't help that you hate me because I love you" I confessed and he immediately he stared at me with a puzzled and angry face. My eyes widened in shock after my confession.

"As a sister…." I whispered " I love you as a sister loves her brother " I said and my heart ached. I quickly opened his car and ran to the house hoping that he doesn't take what I said to heart. I am such a coward and an ungrateful soul. I almost ruined everything.