
Alpha’s Forceful desires

He hated his sister after she caused the death of his mate…until he started to feel desires for her that he didn’t want to feel.

Oluwakemi_Deborah · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter Three

Mia's POV

I stumped towards the garage and grabbed my bike. I can't believe i am biking on my first day of school when there are four cars parked in the garage. It's not fair. I hate them….all of them.

I climbed my bike and was on my way to school. In less than a minute, my anger had subsided and my brain was occupied with other thoughts. It's funny how the adhd brain works. Just minutes ago I was livid and now I have forgotten that I was angry. It's crazy how easily and fast I get angry and how fast I cool down and start thinking of other things.

In less than thirty minutes, I was at school. It could have taken me less than 10 minutes by car but we all know why that didn't happen.

I biked all the way to business school. I major in business. My Dad made sure we all major in business administration. Mike was the only one that rebelled and lucky for him Stanford could not offer him that major so he changed to a less competitive one, I saw my best friend Anaya and Miley out front waving at me. Anaya and I have been best friends since like first grade. Anaya is a five foot four brunette with hips that makes all the guys literally go crazy. One thing I love about her is how much she matches my level of craziness. I thought I was crazy until I met Anaya. We just clicked immediately. She is studying to be a fashion designer and I know that she is going to kill it.

Miley on the other hand we met on orientation day. She is five foot six and Asian. Korean to be precise. She was quiet and alone and when I noticed, I convinced Anaya for us to talk to her.

She was shy but really cool. Turns out she was Anaya's roommate. I know, coincidence. She also majors in business administration.

"Hey guys" I said as I stopped in front of them.

"I thought your family is filthy rich" Miley stated

"Yeah?" I gave her questioning look

"Ok so you don't have a car?" She asked

"Oh she is banned from having one" Anaya answered in my stead

" She crashed her first car and since then, her parents don't trust her with a car" She explained and I nodded in agreement while Miley chuckled

"So why don't you just ask for a ride… I mean you said you have three brothers who go to Stanford"

"Because my brothers are the biggest jerks on the face of the planet " I said and she laughed

"Oooh speaking of your brothers, how is …you know who?" Anaya asked me and I gave her a stern look.

Anaya is the only one that knows about my crush on Austin. I eyed her to give her a signal that Miley is here. Her eyes lit up in realization.

"Mike…I meant Mike. How is he?" She corrected herself and I rolled my eyes at her.

"He is fine and has not still mentioned you naya."

"Well I am not giving up…we are in college and I still have my chances " She said determinedly like always.

"Wait…you like Mike?" Miley asked.

"More like in love with him" I said and Anaya groaned

"I can't help it" She said

"As much as I hate myself for liking somebody that might probably never see me, the heart wants what it wants" She said and I nodded in agreement.

I understand Anaya because I am also in a worse situation.

"Okay enough about my brothers , are you guys set for this afternoon?" I asked and they looked at me puzzled

"You guys didn't see my text?" I bellowed

"Um…of course we saw it" Anaya said

"Yeah.."Miley added

"what did the text say again? She asked and I moaned angrily

"I can't believe you guys, we are spying on Alexa Aniston this afternoon. I can't believe you guys forgot"

"Oh that…" Anaya said without interest

"What do you mean, oh that?" I asked

"Look Mia, I don't get the hype about her. Why are you so invested in her?" Anaya asked

"Because she's our ticket to join Phi beta pi. She's the house captain and if we get close to her somehow, we are in" I tried to explain to them but they still looked uninterested

"Come on Anaya, you know I really want this" i said and she rolled her eyes

"Fine!!" She said

"yaaay" I hugged her excitedly

"thank you, you're the best" i said

"The only reason I am doing this is because your mom was a member and she said she had a fun time back in her days. I am not doing it for you " Anaya said and I chuckled

"Either way, thanks". I smiled and turned to Miley

"What about you Miley?" I asked

"I mean, I am open to joining but I am on financial aid and my family are not rich. I don't have extra money to pay for the sorority house expenses ..sorry" Miley said.

I like how she confidently talked about her family. She looked proud to be a part of her family…rich or not. Most people wouldn't do that.

"But I can still come with you to spy on her. I have too much time on my hands that I would love to spy on a white rich sorority girl who survives on Daddy's money" Miley said sarcastically

"Ok you are insulting the definition of the person I wish to be in two months minus the white." I said as a matter of fact and Miley raised her hands to surrender.

"Anyways guys, after class we will meet up by that coffee shop. I heard she likes the donuts they make on mondays. Okay?"

"Okay" The both chorused.

Anaya waved goodbye before she left for the school of arts building while I and Miley walked into the school of business.

We both walked hand in hand to the class we are taking. I stylishly looked around wondering if Austin is here for class. I Doubt that because I left him at home. With Austin, Jeremy and I being Business administration major, I will be seeing a lot of them. I felt my heart ripple in joy at the thought of that. Austin left for college when I was in sophomore year of high school and since then, he has been scarce. He insisted that my Dad got a house for him outside school. My Dad bought the house with the condition that we all live together when we go to college.

He barely came home during holidays even though Stanford is an hour and thirty minutes away from home. At times when he comes home, he doesn't stay for up to a week. He missed so many things, Birthdays, Easter, new year and one time he even missed Christmas. After Jeremy and Mike got into college, I was hoping that things would change. Maybe they will influence him to come home too but that was never the case.

Whenever they came home, he never joined. On my graduation, I begged my Mum and Dad to make him come. They threatened to block his credit card for a month if he didn't show up. I even built up the courage to text him and beg him. He never replied but a part of me was sure he would show up. I was wrong, he never came.

A part of my heart withered that day. Is this how much he hates me? I thought.

During those period, I missed him a lot.

My family did not help much because every time they go to visit him, they never took me along. They always left me behind with our old nanny who is a little creepy by the way but I guess my parents trusts her.

At first I understood the reason why I was left behind. But Later on, it started to seem like they were all purposely leaving me behind to go somewhere secret. Sometimes they would all leave for a week or more. One time they didn't come back for a whole two months. Before Ariel's death, they used to do the same thing, but then the reason was different.

I wasn't so curious as to ask my family the reason though. I know that if they are keeping anything from me, it's for my own good.

All that matters to me is that I can finally see Austin every time.

I did everything I could to stay close to him. Anaya and I wanted to go to Columbia because we love New York.

I wanted to rebel against my Dad and go there but I couldn't.…Austin wasn't there.

After the incident with Ariel, the love he had for me became cold as ice. He never acknowledged my presence, never looked at me or even talked to me. Not a day goes by that I don't carry that burden and pain in my heart. He no longer loves me as a sister, talk less of a lover.

I mean nothing to him.

With everything, I had decided a long time ago that I won't destroy my family because of my selfishness. I will try my hardest to not pursue the love. I will only love him from a distance…..

"Mia, let's go in" I faintly heard Miley's voice.

"Mia" she touched me to pull me out of my thoughts

"Yeah?" I said before realizing that we are already at the entrance of the class.

"Let's go in" She said before pulling me along into the lecture room.